So, collecting things is a mental disorder now?

… well not much I can say to that can I? Geez I don’t even have 20 characters, and I’ve been playing since vanilla. lol What do you even DO with 130 characters that justifies taking up 130 names?

And you hurt other players by making it harder and harder to get good names that don’t sound practically like gibberish or use extended ascii improperly.

I mean answer me this, how does more than 50 characters helps you collect items aside from legacy instance content?

Nope, because I don’t have more characters than I can handle :slight_smile:

I don’t know if people would be using the names that I use lol. I get all my names from baby name sites like 6 days ago I made 5 new bros on Quel’Thalas so I was like “I need Hispanic names!” and went to

Anyone doing that same thing is probably hurt free from me since there’s lot of names available :man_shrugging:

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Well, that’s the point? Want the invincible mount? Got 1 character? 1 chance a week. Got 70 characters? 70 chances a week.

If you want to exclude legacy content then let’s use current content. Want a mount from the Darkshore rares? Got 1 character? That’s 1 chance, got 70? 70 chances.

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Guess that’s fair. As long as it doesn’t break the servers who would actually care

Actually, I do this as well. See? Now you just took out a bunch of potential names I could have used on your server. A real effect.

You know what gets me? On my lock, I spent close to 45 minutes just trying to get a name that WORKED, and baby name sites were a part of that. I finally just made something up that sounds terrible, and that actually took. I hate the name so much.

If Blizz removed lockouts for say vanity items but the lockouts remained for power items they could reduce the amount of players that want more characters for this reason.

I think lockouts should stay the same, it would be so easy to make gold off that content.

When you max your character slots and demand more slots, that’s dysfunctional. The mental disorder isn’t the collecting part, it’s the insistence that this video game be changed to accommodate your wants.

I didn’t read the other thread so don’t know about the idiotic responses but to make a thread complaining about that IS idiotic.

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Hey I was there! I made a character and was like “ok, I’ll go with this” and as I was playing I looked at it like :unamused: “I can’t use this name” and deleted him and made him with a new name :smiley:

They could remove that too. Say your first run of ICC 25 is like it is now, then you go out and reset and go back in, now whenever you kill mobs they don’t drop any money and you can’t vendor the items, you can only learn appearances and everything is BoP

Ok dude, telling me I’m hurt free after wasting 45 minutes just to get a name I hate is kinda yuck. Come on man.

Also that mount you want is only a 1% chance drop. It’ll always be 1% no matter how many times you smash your head against it. Statistics are going against you, the names you are making unavailable aren’t. I find it personally hard to justify taking up that many names on something that chances are I will never ever get no matter how hard I try.

That’s wouldn’t set well for most folks. Some peeps are new and can’t buy the items appearances.

south park had whole episode about collecting

If you are determined to be hurt there’s nothing I can do about that.

That’s fine, I already have invincible I was just using it as an example. Took a year doing 13 runs a week but my lock got it! :smiley:

What do you mean? What appearances are you talking about buying?

You got lucky. Some of us have been trying much longer and more runs then that.

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BoP. Bind on purchase. Or do you mean bind on person?

Bind on Person. So you can’t trade greens or auction pets or anything. Everything you get has to remain on that character so subsequent runs are just for appearances/toys/mounts/pets you need

I got stuuuupid lucky that year. I did Mims head, Ony, BC Kara, TotFW, Dragon Soul, Firelands, and ICC on those 13 characters each week and got all the mounts from them in a year.