So, collecting things is a mental disorder now?

I kind of had a thought a while back. about names where they could have you pick a unique surname for your account. then give you free reign over character first names, long as it was basically unique to your characters. that way they could ditch the server name portion at some point.

I know it’s not fully related to the just going by battletag, but figured that thought would relieve some pressure for some people on picking unique names that weren’t like 7+ letters but still sound good.

Outside has a mental condition, it hoards people, outside scares me. When outside gets rid of half it’s people I’ll get rid of half my characters.

That would be me! My newest tankadin is Piaras.

But if you take the name I can’t use it! No matter who gets it; there will always be a loser.

Can I hate you? I really want to hate you right now. Grats. :rofl:

Ok then go into your backyard and put a chair down and lay back enjoying the sun…get some fresh air, when WoW is deleted all these 50 toons you work on will be gone.

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When my life is deleted everything from the day I was born until the day I die will be gone.

Doesn’t mean I’m not going to enjoy the days I get.


Well I had to augment that idea lol, my last edit to that post is

Unique surnames sounds cool too though :+1: A part of me kinnnda would want it unique to the game region though so if you saw say Amage Jones somewhere and then you saw Awarrior Jones 10 years later it’d be the same guy.

Though I am the only Kaurmine in wow (at least that the armory shows) so I already get that effect


I remember those days.

I was the only one on multiple names… few years… decade later THEY’RE EVERYWHERE!

Watch out for the clones, be afraid, be very afraid…

I agree with you on that. If the characters are untouched for a month, they should be available for taking.
Though there should be a lock on it somehow… Perhaps level as well?

Like my first ever character. I hardly play her but it would duck if her name was suddenly taken…

The increase of the cap should be a paid service, but as someone pointed out, you can already take tons of names without paying an extra dime.

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No ones stopping anyone from collecting characters, just get another account and go crazy~


(Looks at 14 Banker Alts each with her own Guild bank and 7 Tabs of organised collections!) :seedling:

Ive had this game since mid BC and I’ve never had over 1 of a class. Got 1 of each class why would I wanna lvl more and have to deal with 50 or more. Dear lord why!?!

Look at the USMC for proof. :beer:

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Oh happy day I love agreements! :smiley:

I mean really I see no other issue at all about making however many characters people want, barring some back-end server issue and everything you suggested seems fair. It’s just the name thing that suddenly becomes more and more a problem over time. Some more aggressive name purges would help.

I will be honest, you have some incredible willpower to be able to level all those character through 50, I got 5 at max level and I can barely imagine leveling another one because how boring leveling through a zone is on your second and each subsequent time.

I have a couple in my family. :smile:

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Hm, would last names be the fix for this perhaps?


That has been suggested many times. Blizz never answers.

I’d wager thats easier to program than the monthly purge… get less flack too

Some people enjoy making a lot of different characters for personal reasons like RP. I could like playing a human warlock then decide I want to rp as a human mage instead. There are 12 classes 14 races there are way more race class combinations than there are character slots. Plus, it shouldn’t be anyone else’s business what you like doing personally in your in-game time. Spending 12 hours a day grinding isn’t looked down upon, but simply having a bunch of characters is?

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I know a lot of guys in the military who would be quite upset after getting home from deployment and their bros names have been taken.


I use to love leveling, especially 1-58 prescaling but post-scaling it’s not as fun anymore :frowning:

I dunno, we still can’t change that backpack though they have increased the size over time lol