So Classic is dead?

I was attempting to come back to play Classis but I noticed everyone is playing the Seasonal realms and that the original Classic realms are all LOW populations now…??


No it’s not dead, most servers are clustered together forming a collective population that’s larger than the server selection screen implies.


Far from dead! :saluting_face:


Play the clusters on Whitemane for PvP and Mankrik for PvE.

More than enough people but find a guild asap. That is the only way to get raids done. Pugs are all GDKPs with big buy ins.


Still wish it was back to medium on all ;-;

Leveling dungeons are so dead cause of that. Same kinda with BRD and Scholomance.

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The “low” population does not take into account merged servers. Whitemane and Mankrik are quite populated, because they are combined with 4 other servers each. There may be others like that.

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That is a lie, the collective cluster is “low” together not as individuals, which is why they were all medium or high back in time right after the cluster was made. Classic is indeed dead again, now that the streamers and hype is gone.


it does take it into account, which is why all the clustered servers pop changes, when they are over a certain threshold…

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Find some other term to use. “…is dead” is meaningless tripe. The internet has beaten all use out of the concept so alpha-dorks can insult each other over whose magic elf game is the coolest.


Everyone views mmorpgs as a competition for the same group of players. It’s pretty lame.

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Is Grobbolus clustered in anything?

It’s not clustered due to the RP tag.

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There’s plenty of people playing, you don’t need 50 thousand people on at all times to play classic and with so many people on SoD we also have less bots taking up space in era until they all eventually flood back.

The game is fine and if people want to play then now is a good time to farm materials/gold before SoD players flood back and start competing with us for spawns and nodes


What you are saying is so far from truth it is embarassing, if you have 12 combined realms all being “low pop” even for a moment, then that is a very bad sign. 12 realms being what was considered low pop in 2005-2006 wow days, that is a dead game.

Sod players are majoritively classic wrath players not era, not to mention the biggest influx era had was the hardcore addon and the streamers that breathed air into era for a short time, now that no one cares about era again, it has gone down to its original numbers.

Stop saying “You dont need x players for it to be good” you barely have thousands of players to begin with.


Megaserver mentality :point_up_2:t4:


Personally I wouldn’t ask fourms. From my experience people will always say a server isn’t dead. For example I remember asking if (emeraldream) a server on retail was dead and everyone was like no it’s full of people. I kid you not I lvled from 1-50 without seen a single player in the open world and trade chat was always the same 2-3 people


A vanilla server was capped at 3000-4000 players due to hardware limits, if we have a few thousand then it sure sounds like we have the vanilla experience in terms of population on our clustered servers in mankrik and whitemanes cluster which is all anyone can ask for, we want to play vanilla and for the most part we are, we have enough people to clear all forms of content on both clusters, even grobbulus and deviate delight are slowly growing due to a revivalist movement on both.

No, you don’t need tens of thousands of people bunched in together to such an extent that layers become needed, that isn’t what the game was designed for.

Anyone claiming they need tens of thousands of people on at all times are making hyperbolic and sensationalist claims, if you don’t like vanilla classic then you’re free to play SoD, Cataclysm or retail, the rest of us will continue to play the best version of the game available.


Join SoD. Very popular right now

There are plenty of people playing on Whitemane.


If you ask a non-era player, he will tell you it’s dead. If you ask an era player, they will say it’s alive.