So, CEO earned 40 million for actually doing nothing while most valuable in company - passionate WORKERS- are left with underpaying salary?

The prevailing economic theory would suggest that he is paid $40 million because that is his ‘marginal revenue product’, i.e. he generates that much additional revenue for the firm.

This is, of course, total nonsense and many economists know it. But the guy who makes $40 million pays better than the hippies who are challenging the status quo. So don’t expect it to change any time soon. Welcome to the human comedy.

He is paid 1.5 million, the rest is stock options that he may or may not use, and he has to pay to use them, they are called warrants.

So yes, he definately benefits blizzard way more than the measly 1.5 millions he is paid in real money.

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See, this post is a prime example of why we need a laugh react button.

I think you would be hard-pressed to demonstrate that the average CEO benefits their firm more than a magic 8-ball, which costs $15.99 on Amazon.

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What can you expect from Bob? he has killed many gaming companies and they have ruined major video game franchises more than EA, and no one has told him anything

I don’t see much newness that news, in fact you should see that it is from last year, it is no longer known what happened next the future of this CEO.

Hah! I love this thread. It’s good too see my fellow cynics out in force.

Imagine a world of unlimited corruption with a feedback loop between career politicians and corporations where someone actually came up with the idea of trickle down economics with a straight face. Imagine convincing a portion of working population that having social safety nets like healthcare , a decent wage, and a reasonable retirement is actually against their best interests because it represents an ISM we can all hate and fear. Better yet, make everyone hate each other via blatant manipulation using the best algorithms money can buy and fight over the paltry scraps if you’re lucky enough to live to 75 and not die broke to medical bills.

Oh wait. we don’t have to imagine that at all.

You don’t have to be a sociopath to be a CEO, but it really helps. I’m sure mr kotick is a fine man though.


Actually doing nothing ? do you know how much pressure is there in management side ? your success is dependent on the success of your subordinates and It gets worse as you go up the ladder . :rofl:

Do me a favor, tell me one point in time when this game didn’t have bugs even before the current CEO. When will people understand it is next to impossible to have a program this massive and updated this often and not have bugs. I mean I am sure Microsoft has a huge development team and budget, yet they have to patch an OS for years to fix issues.

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His stated goal is to remove the fun from making video games. When he’s not busy crying to interviewers that he has trouble dating women because when they google him they get photoshopped pictures of him with devil horns.

Poor Bobby.


fire him and hire more people that actually could work at Blizzard for making game better

So in other words, you are just dodge the question and parrot your personal feelings about the issue. Thanks for clearing that up, now I know just to ignore you because you are incapable of having an actually discussion like an adult.

You know this happens at all big companies right?

I’m not saying Nelfas is making sound arguments in all aspects. But Bobby really does need to be removed if Blizzard is going to continue to be slowly devoured by Activision. He’s actively cancerous for the quality of Blizzard as a company regardless of how much money he inhales each year.

His self admitted practices are cancerous for the gaming industry as a whole.

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This type of salary is required otherwise they might have to live amongst the workers and develop empathy for them.


Then they only be able to hire about 8 to 10 employees… If they fired him

you sound surprised that rich people don’t actually deserve their money and only got it by exploiting poorer people through laws that benefit them in a capitalist society.
didn’t yall see what happened with reddit? rich people make the laws and change them whenever convenient for them. all this petty political bs while working and middle class people are being robbed.

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I seriously doubt their medium salary is 4 million dollars.

Probably more in the 30-40k range, So 800 people at 50k

The average is not that low but you do you

And his base salary is 1.5 million around there the rest is all in stock options that he can’t use until he leaves the company or he can sell a few don’t know how his contract is written

Says the level 10 vulpera.

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Game industry and Blizzard in particular are pretty notorious for underpaying the rank and file and leveraging name recognition and “experience” to keep salaries low.

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