So can you buy items off someone in P2?

You can award something for any reason. Anything can be considered awarded. Blizzard does not have a definition of “awarded”. If you can link me a customer support glossary page where they strictly define “awarded” in relation to their games then sure.

Context says they’re talking about items that drop in the raid.

And this is where it all goes back to Spirit vs Letter of the Law.

Spirit of the Law, absolutely I agree with you.

Letter of the Law, I’m right.

I want clarification, that’s all.

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Raid leaders can prevent people from rolling on stuff to sell it. Loot everything first and trade it to the winner since it can only be traded once.

They’re not going to clarify because bad actors will do whatever they can to skirt the rules.

If you don’t want to get banned for gdkp don’t trade gold in a raid.

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I’m not planning on it for the reasons we’re discussing.

This is the way.

Though it requires raiders who aren’t greedy otherwise there will be a lot of moaning about the 1-2g you get from the random greens.

Blizz will track the gdkp gold transfer path, that’s a given (funneling → redistributing equally). About the rest, we don’t have a clue.

I fear that they go to the easy path, enforcing the rules only to masterloot runs

I have a feeling they’re gonna be looking for large sums of gold not 1-2g for a potion.

If you’re asking if its wrong to do, chances are it probably is because chances are also that you’re smart enough to answer your own question but want to get some ideas on loopholes.

There may be a small number of legitimate item to gold trades that got swept up in the larger scheme. Its not that important, so its an acceptable loss.

Since you’re okay with the sacrifice, hopefully you’ll be one of the chosen few who you support being falsely permabanned. Good luck!

Since i dont engage in that activity its unlikely, but you go right ahead with posting nonsense.

No, you can’t sell BoPs. The end.

You can. Just like you can buy gold.

On a real note tho….they just need to disable trading in a raid/dungeon. And actually ban people still doing Gdkps if they don’t people are still going to do them. People buy gold because they don’t get banned. Same will happen to gdkps

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Sounds bannable to me.

It’s bannable but will they is the actually question. Buying gold is a bannable offense also. But streamers do it all the time.

Again just disable trading in raids/dungeons

People buy gold because they can.
They get mad at blizz when they get banned.

Yeah true. But there’s not many that get banned sure they got some of them. But if they don’t actively enforce this rule it’s all for nothing.

GM of my last Era guild copped a 6 month ban for buying gold.
I think it was his second or third ban. I quit the guild when I found out.

So one person got banned means they all get banned? If you’re trying to claim that the majority of gold buyers get banned that’s false.

And they need prema banned full stop