So can we finally admit that not having RDF killed Wrath Classic?

I think there’s a greater chance you’ll be struck by lightning while on the way to turn in your winning lottery ticket.

Except you’re not clearing with a full raid of gray parsers are you. The rest of your raid actually tries and parses far higher than you.

I’m not paying for the game. I’ve got so much gold left in my account from when I quit during BfA that I can play for free for a couple more months. So I’m just effin around with DF until I get bored or run out of gold.


so, when you guys auto zone in to dungeon after RDF, do you guys chat with anyone in the dungeon? my favorite interaction in wrath classic was setting up a ramps run, and waiting for everyone to get to stone to start summoning. we had about 20 minute discussion with others in my group. almost never happened in wrath rdf days. i was even the one that said hi to all these users. blown off.

I do, i send the classic “hello! how’s everyone doing” and go from there. If people want to respond or converse they will, just like in a manual group setting. You cannot force people to chat if they don’t want to regardless of the system.

Made several long term battlenet friends and ended up xfering to raid with them.

RDF does not increase or decrease any social interactions, just as a manual formation doesn’t either. Its not the system being used its the players who promote social interactions.


RDF helps you get dungeon groups. All it does is make that part of the game more accessible. But if the game isn’t fun people aren’t going to play it no matter how accessible it is. There were several complaints why people quit in Cata. The most common complaint I’ve seen is that people didn’t like the changes to the talent trees. That was my biggest complaint. Some complained that the dungeons were too hard. I didn’t agree with that complaint. I was among the minority that liked the harder dungeons. Others didn’t like that the old world azeroth was destroyed. But no one quit because rdf was added.

No one is saying rdf increased the number of subs. We’re just refuting your claim that it caused subs to decline. Subs did not decline for more than a year after it was added. In fact subs increased after it was added. I’m not saying the increase in subs was caused by rdf. I’m just pointing out that you are wrong when you claim rdf caused subs to decline.

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see, this is where i think you are not looking at this from the extrovert/introvert mindset. for me personally, part of the fun of building dungeon groups is dming people, and working towards getting the group together. while i agree you can still manually form groups of off RFD, its the path of least resistance to form groups by that tool. you do lose the downtime building a group. that’s why imo, it kills social interaction. if you make it easier to form groups through rdf, you do lose a little bit of being forced to interact with others.

It didn’t. Your premise is incorrect.

They did, for more than a year.

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only the dummies are saying that people quit because of RDF. my point was and always will be the fact that it got people used to a game loop of questing on your own waiting for a dungeon queue pop, or sitting in dalaran, shattrath, or sw grinding dungeons with RDF, that created the idea of garrisons and borrowed power and modular designs. instead of trying to engage in the questing and getting people out of the cities.

I’ve looked at several different graphs and they all show the same thing. An increase in subs after rdf was added. No drop in subs until a few months into Cata. If you’re not lying link one of those graphs that show a decline in late wrath.


Hmm, and yet cross-realm bgs where players sit in cities doing them over and over is fine?

RDF actually gets players in the world. It lets you meet people and experience content. How is that bad? It’s better for people just not to do dungeons? Not interact with other players?


I mean you said it yourself here:

Plenty of groups still formed manually in wrath and this carried into cata. This tool does not specifically detract from this socialization. The discussion has shown that there are plenty of people on the side against that there will be people wanting to get the same interaction of building a group manually, having RDF does not remove this play style pathway.
Most groups I ran with were a combination of manual forming and the RDF matchmaking feature.

Having RDF does not remove social interaction in group building for those who want it, the LFG tool is there for that and can co-exist without detracting from each other. People will still want to run specific dungeons instead of random ones.

Not having RDF forces people into one pathway to form groups, while you bring up introverts and extroverts, this current system supports one and not the other. Having both supplements playstyles and each other nicely.

Socialization cannot be forced by a system, it has to be something the players want. claiming all people who want RDF hate socialization is disingenuous at the least. systems to not create socialization if players don’t want it, just as it doesn’t detract from it since other pathways like LFG and chat exist.


I liked questing on my own while waiting for the dungeon to pop. The game was designed to be played that way. Most quests are designed to be done solo with groups for dungeons mixed in at every level. When I did the solo quests with other people I got bored because it was too easy. If friends asked me to join a group to do the solo quests I’d often say yes just to be friendly but it wasn’t my preferred style of play.


The only difference the parses make at this point is clear speed.

You remind me of people who want to see your parses to get invited to a leveling dungeon. Its toxic behavior. It just shows me what people i want to avoid.

How is this not essentially the same as questing till a group advertises or pops up in the LFG tool?

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They also give people some idea of how lazy a person is.

I want rdf. I’m happy to play with anyone who isn’t lazy. But if all you’re doing in the group is auto shoot I’ll probably vote kick you. All I ask from other players is that they make some effort to play their class. I expect people to try and you’ve clearly posted you don’t even try.


There is no difference. Does getting summoned vs teleporting matter? Other than leaving you who knows how far from where you were questing and messing up the whole flow of the experience. Which just means players are less likely to do dungeons. Or just do nearby ones, which of course lowers the potential pool of players in all dungeons.

In other words…RDF is superior in every way and LFG still maintains the alleged negatives of RDF without any of the positives.


Nah. It’s actually working just fine. I’m ok with having it. But it’s not an issue NOT having it either.

As opposed to what? Questing on your own and not doing any dungeons. Because that’s the alternative. How is that better?


The restriction of levels in lower dungeons, range of 6 iirc, did more to dissuade people than a lack of a JJ buff or RDF.
Boosting notwithstanding the change to who can be in your group and not kill your EXP made it even harder to find people to group within low level content.

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I dont try to min max when the content is extreamly easy.

All you are proving is you care far more about parses because now you are talking about kicking someone from a dungeon just because they are not top parses.

I have never, nor will i ever care about parses to anywhere near the degree you do.

But feel free to keep “gatekeeping” people when they dont meet your 99 parse requirements.