Nice delete nerd lmfaoo
Well, unfortunately they are not listening to those ppl. I say unfortunately because if they listened to them then they would at least be listening to some of the players. They are not listening to the playerbase at all. There was ZERO calls for them to remove rdf from anyone. Blizz made that moronic decision all on thier own. Some of the clowns that post stuff against rdf like to pretend like they had something to do with it but they didnt and nothing they post is preventing it now either.
Those ppl do not want stuff like dual spec. They freak out and cry about paid boosts and mounts. Do you see blizz giving them the time of day?
They dont want an empty world but thats what they are getting. It isnt just the lack of players. You can already see the lack of content on stuff like youtube. Its like a dead game and keeps getting worse. The more players that play the game, the more stuff like class guides and bis guides and stuff like that. Its all going away. But they are still enjoying that flight path ride to the dungeon in the empty world. Lol.
Ironic. You seem to be more of defending someone who has been trolling the forums. Yeah, I link a few of his post from 1 other thread of that trolling, but you seem to want to defend that trolling.
RDF is not the backbone of Wrath. Sure, you would probably play more if you had an easier time leveling alts but there’s clearly other reasons why someone is less willing to play the first phase of a 15 yo old game where content is super easy.
Nostalgia ends with the holy trinity. Many plsyers peeled off after the fall of the lich king and no one really knew or cared who Death Wing even was. It was so bad they had to revamp vanilla to even market him.
The worst expansions are:
Both MoP and Legion had redeeming qualities.
You should really read your own posts. I have never been served a larger dose of cringe for breakfast reading this thread.
I agree with OP, even though I don’t need RDF on my server and can find dungeons in 2 minutes regularly, I have mates that play on servers that died post-naxx, and it’s impossible for them to find groups. They should allow RDF for people to play the game regardless of which server they chose. Even if some players personally don’t have issues, doesn’t mean others have. That’s a classic example of a person incapable of understanding anything beyond their own bedroom. Definitely jobless pretending to have a profession irl ngl
I can understand a person’s situation while also being blunt about how it’s entirely their own problem.
If you and I are on equal footing, and have access to the same things, but you have a problem that I don’t have - who’s fault is that?
The lack of dungeon finder being added and the shear inability to do anything other than solo content or gdkp made me quit.
Just a few days ago you made a post about getting kicked from your guild because you quit playing classic for DF. You just go back and forth, stirring everything up here. It’s quite sad. I’m starting to believe don’t know your butthole from your mouth, or fingers in this case. Hope everything looks up for you one day, brother. This just isn’t good.
Because you came to this thread for no other reason than to cause additional and unneeded drama.
Hey pot, meet kettle!
Been saying this pretty much since Day 1; albeit, I did say it should be from the server. But with special dispensations for factions that are under-represented. ie: Pagle is high-pop, but has near zero Horde. Those Horde should get cross-server RDF access, but the Alliance shouldn’t.
WHELP! That changed. 7:31pm on Thursday. Of the 12 Heroic Dungeons selected, there’s only ONE group, and 23 ungrouped queued…all but 4 have another roll besides ‘DPS’.
We need RDF as it was in Wrath or as it is in Retail, which I believe did get some updates. It’s been awhile since Wrath’s RDF.
We essentially have Retail’s RDF rewards for ‘Role in Need’ via the Supple Crates that Tank and Healers get.
PS: The achievements tied to Dungeon Finder are broken. I’ve been in several Heroics, where I was invited from the Dungeon Finder and I’m still ‘0/10’ for Looking For More.
So not only has their changed been a detriment to the player experience (wooo, waiting half an hour AS A TANK to get a group because there’s no healers). But they’ve also broken a set of achievements.
All so we can have a “social interaction” that’s “gg all”, “ty”, “thanks/ty for group”. That’s it. That’s the entire extent of the social interaction of most of the groups I’ve been in.
Right back at you
Ah, I love the ignore list.
That’s cool. Ignore me if you must. Sad that you also just been caught out on a contradiction.
I mean, if you got to chose to ignore because you don’t like me posting in a public forums, then just say so, so we can move on.
ummmmm no we still dont want RDF thanks for coming to my TED talk K bye
Do I need it, no probably not
Would I like the option of having it available? yes.
Will it help with low level 1-70 content? Maybe as cross server would widen the pool of potential players to group with, but that assumes those players exist in any number to sustain the normal group comp people want IE tank/healer/3 DPS.
nothing youre saying makes any sense or pertains to literally anything going on in reality. how does RDF for 1-60 base game dungeons effect your end game playing in any way? you cant even answer this question because you dont even know what youre talking about. You keep pertaining RDF to end game, which is not what anyone is asking for in any way.
ummmmm we still want RDF, thanks for coming to my TEDTalk k, bye!
I’d be keen if they only had Dungeon Finder for Normal Dungeons and left Heroics for manually forming. Especially vanilla and tbc zones where they are pretty much dead.
vanilla needs rdf. this isnt even a debate. theres literally no community in vanilla. its completely dead content. can take literal days to form a party for a dungeon that runs once then everyone bounces. the xp rates for quests are terrible and the quests themselves are terribly unoptimized. All of this was fine when this was classic vanilla, because thats literally all the game had to offer and the community was all in that content. Now…theres 0 logical or rational reason why it should be left in the state its in. Either xp needs to be double/tripled for quest turnins or rdf needs to be implemented. The current state is unacceptable and resulting in a severe decline in community. This gap between now and ulduar should be for leveling new alts to play in raids, but instead people are giving up or raidlogging because its not worth the pain