So Blizzard just straight up DELETED our characters?

Maybe what Blizzard is getting at is that WoW in general was a mistake on humanity and character deletion is in line with their new thought process: eliminate all feeling for virtual gaming.

All politics should be banned from gaming and related events.
There are more subtle and practical ways to support your own political causes.

The overwhelming consensus at the time was vanilla sucked, TBC and Wrath were a hundred million times better and Era was dead and never coming back because no one was gonna pay money to clone or reroll to play on dead, empty servers of a game that was terrible and lacked QoL.

Greetings Friends, I hope you all had a great mothers day. Have the clones returned?

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Yes but it was only for 10 minutes and you missed it

Darn Bamboozled again.

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We didn’t ask for the expansions, blizzard did what blizzard do and got money hungry. Remember the boosting crusade? WOTLKC players want more unlimited boosts. The slippery slope was real and we were warned. Time to go back through the portal and back to the pastures of Mulgore.


Well said my friend.

I’m going to have to take a pass on that thank you.


They’re not “our” characters. They are blizzards characters. All of the games assets belong to Blizzard not us. We pay to play on it but we don’t own or have rights to any of it.

Are you the “technically” guy that got invited to a party once and never again?


If it’s the “let’s all do a class action lawsuit against Blizzard for doing something we didn’t like but they had every right to do party”, then yeah I guess so.

Your petition has my signature!

(Whatever happened to “the pact is sealed,” Blizzard?)


Are you for real? Many MMOs aren’t even around anymore. When a MMO is shutdown, everything you have on it is deleted. This has been a precedence since before world of warcraft even existed.

On the subject of clones, they told everyone about this long before doing it. That’s one of the few things they actually communicated to the playerbase. You had all the time in the world to buy a clone if you wanted one.


Ah yes the lawsuit, the totally legitimate lawsuit claimed on the blizzard forums.

Honestly I can’t believe you guys are so stuck on it, like WOW you’re running with it? Like you really believe it?

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Nah, I’m not stuck on it. I just think people need to get over it. You’re not entitled to a permanent copy of an old character. Roll a new one ;p

I can ask for it on the forums.

I’m not rolling anything.



If you had a WoW Classic character and you never chose to activate it in either WoW Classic or Burning Crusade Classic, then the Burning Crusade Classic (now Wrath of the Lich King Classic) version of your character has automatically been activated and will be available for play.

See a lot of crying on this post should I bring some cheese?

I actually went away on a holiday over the weekend, whats crazy is my forum avatar wasnt deleted in my absence with no notification and then force transferred to the starcraft 2 forums, that would seem as illogical as deleting my character from classic-era and then copying it to the expansion. Hopefully we hear back from blizzard in the near future regarding character cloning.