So Blizzard just straight up DELETED our characters?

I don’t understand what characters got deleted

Dumb post. No character has been deleted.

If you had a character in vanilla classic when BC dropped, and you chose BC over vanilla or for whatever personal reason you decided to not to choose anything, your toon has been progressed to BC and then WOTLK as the realm you were on did.

On the other hand if you chose vanilla over BC or paid the $15 copy your toon should be in era now. But that is obviously not what you did, since you don’t even know the cost was $15 and not $35.

So log in WOTLK wow and you’ll find your toon.


Instead of crying, UNSUB. Its literally the only way to have your voice heard, if you’re not a streamer.

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I think people wanting to pay a good chunk of change in getting their characters back is a lot more motivation then the 15 dollars for a sub.

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You’d think that… but Blizzard is Blizzard. This is the same company that somehow managed to mess up WOTLKC. The disconnect is real.

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Just got to be patient.

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Bump for the clones!. Cmon Blizz!


Usually, when someone claim something is “huge facts” it should be facts. But the person you quoted could even finish two sentences without lying.

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You make no sense. I detect severe sarcasm in you. Quit trying to gate keep everyone else because you’re one of the 5 people that cloned.

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Proof only 5 people cloned?

I know of more than 5 on the EU forums, I even bought 2 when the price dropped to it’s lowest.

Whoa relax buddy it’s obviously sarcasm :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Can I get proof that it’s sarcasm? Also can i get proof when you post stuff as i cannot differentiate between facts and opinions.

You got more of that proof breh?

My understanding is that the option to clone characters was preventing Blizzard from merging servers together. So they had to delete the clone information before they could merge servers.

I don’t think they did it just to annoy people or to save storage space.

That’s a little odd considering my characters were showing on the old classic era servers before I clicked on the server itself.

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You make that statement as if blizzard wouldn’t you be playing retail. Retail players make significantly more money then classic players do when it comes to microtransactions.

I can’t think of a bigger waste of time than providing proof to someone who is just going to scoff at it then mock the poster in the most ignorant way possible.

Maybe you guys should go get your own sub reddit and mod it so you can continue to blow smoke up each others behinds without the nuisance of people noticing how stupid your plight is.


I never knew it’s stupid to ask a corporation for a service. I remember them even paying to know what customers want.

Hate to tell you buddy but we are not the ones looking stupid.

We do appreciate your bump though.

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We didn’t.