So blizzard finally made undead paladins

So like… Why exactly are Elves okay with Dark Rangers re-entering their respective races? Or is this one of those, “It’s cosmetic so no lore justification required” type things.

They did say they were working towards unlocking all race/class combos. So yes, Forsaken paladins are coming sooner or later. I think they are only doing rogues, priests, and mages right now so they can continue milking it for a while.


only lunaera can be all classes and races hehehahahgohohhahaheohgohohehahahgohoohjahehheohgoh

Undead paladins have already existed in lore since vanilla though, we just could never play as them


Officially, lore wise, the Darkfallen are Hunters, Rogues, Mages and Warriors. Not Paladins, Monks, Druids, Priests or any other class.

Player customization =/= Lore.

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Maybe undead Kul’Tiran druids, unlocking a body type for undead.

Oh yeah, and

Pandaren Paladin and Druid first.


I’m a San’layn. Anyone can be turned into a vampire.

Source? When has any player customization option ever contradicted lore?

You’re a Darkfallen, that’s the official name for that sub-race of Elves. San’layn is simply a faction of the Darkfallen that were loyal to the Scourge. Most of whom were wiped out during the events of Wrath of the Lich King, with a few survivors also being destroyed during BFA.

That’s literally my point. Player customizations don’t contradict lore, and the lore surrounding the Darkfallen is that they are compromised of Hunters, Rogues, Warriors and Mages. There are no Darkfallen Druids, Paladins, Monks, Priests, Death Knights or Demon Hunters.

Blizzard is not in the business of restricting players based on the lore of a particular race, outside of class selection. Lore wise for example, there are no Lightforged Draenei Shadow Priests, as the Light and Shadow/Void do not mix. However as a player you are able to create a Lightforged Draenei Priest, and you’re able to pick the Shadow spec if you want to DPS, because Blizzard staff have gone on record to state that restricting the specs a class can have based on racial lore is stupid.

Just because you have access to a particular customization, does not mean the lore supports you. Hell, in this particular case the ‘Dark Ranger Customization’ that you unlock is specifically for, yep, Dark Rangers, which means Hunters only, and to a lesser extent Rogues, since Lorash Sunbeam is a Dark Ranger, but he was a Rogue/Assassin before his death.

identical to blood elf paladins if you use the blood elf skint ones, unique if you use the actual void elf skin tones

Holy Priest Forsaken were not canon until a few years back. They simply didn’t want to limit what specs a player could be based on race.

Tauren Paladins are not actually Paladins in lore but rather Sunwalkers. They’re canonically not even related (unlike how Bloodknights are still basically Paladins).

Same thing kind of with Troll Priests. Originally the reason they had priests was because it was the closest representation in game to voodoo priests. But they weren’t truly light wielding/worshipping priests.

Lightforged Shadow Priest also has some lore problems and is dubiously canonical.

It’s just a skin tone, your not undead. You basically painted your skin the color of an undead. The only confirmed undeads outside of forsaken are death knights.

Gameplay =/= canon. Some things exist solely for gameplay reasons(forsaken using the light, it hurts them), others are lore(only nelf and belf can be dhs).

This customisation is indeed part of the lore.

Forsaken have always been able to use the light. There are plenty of forsaken in lore that use that light including Foal.

If it’s not a toy and can be made in the character creation screen it is canon lore. Unless blizzard said otherwise the default is to assume things we see in game are canon.

Same reason we DH’s can’t have red eyes…we have special eye-particles that interfere with the eye coloring preventing them from being seen. DKs have special eyes that have a glowing blue aura from them if you zoom in, they are customized. Dhs have a layer of green fire in front of their eyes, preventing the real eyes from being seen.

Point still stands…some things exist solely for gameplay, others for lore. Not everything you see ingame that a player can do(or has done), is canon. One example is DK legion campaign…you COULD choose to kill all the dragons…or you could choose to spare them. The canon decision is sparing them despite the option to make them extinct. Then there’s purge of Dalaran - in canon, Jaina only killed the actual guilty horde mages and the rest got imprisoned. The player character was not there, and did not go and kill every horde mage. Even our existence in WoW itself is more of a “fill in” for someone or others in a sense…were not truly canon if that makes sense(your individual char). In ICC, you did not go to ICC and kill LK. “Tirion and the champions of Azeroth chosen through the tournament” went in there. So your character wearing ICC gear is more gameplay reason then lore reason.

Demon hunters simply do not have eyes. Your empty eye sockets are simply brimming with fel energy. However DK eyes can be overwritten already as shown with night warrior eyes so no reason these red eyes can’t be uesed.

Absolutely none of this says that darkfallen customization isn’t canon. Unless you have an explicit source saying otherwise I’m taking it canon.

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You wish. We’re zombie killers.

Uhh…they aren’t canon. The same way night elves suddenly getting night warrior eyes isn’t canon, its just a gameplay feature to customize races. Like I said before, that would also mean our character is not canon, which we simply aren’t. Were a fill-in.

Do you have a source for this? I’ve never seen blizzard say any of these things.

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It’s just common sense. Not all games have “gameplay features” tied in with lore 100%. Some manage somehow through weird and interesting ways, but MMOs do not. They have to walk 2 lines with their game, “gameplay feature”, and “lore features”. A lore feature for example is color of hair or eyes or something of that nature and the character can use said color of features. A gameplay feature, is suddenly getting night warrior eyes and skin, when infact only Tyrande got that. It was just a bonus to night elves.

One interesting gameplay/lore tie-in, was how FFXIV creates a lore reason to be able to suddenly do a harder version of raid fights, looking into an object and remembering or telling an NPC your adventure of said fight, and suddenly you “created” a alternate version of said boss but much harder that you can then fight. This was a rare example of a tie in. WoW didn’t do that…the night warrior eyes didnt spread to us in lore. Same with the red eyes, no dark ranger suddenly said “I’ve casted magic on you so you can also have red eyes and pale skin”. There was no connection.

They explained it as some dark dankrangers want to go back to the alliance.

It was always a forsaken unit for horde. You can use the customization to enhance your rp or just chalk it up to player customization. Being darkfallen is rpable given the lore blizzard added and playable. Somethings still arent like playable undead night elves on horde or stuff like horde ogres, hozen, taunka etc.

That’s true, but all dark rangers were MM hunters with a shadow skill under sylvannas personal army, even if some suddenly changed to warrior or w/e in lore…that doesn’t explain sudden void elf dark ranger customizations.