Maybe it’s because it’s a BFA asset but there’s heaps of it laying around in the Siren’s Isle. And best to my memory it was never renderer inert by the events of BFA or anything.
So shouldn’t that be, ya know, concerning?
We’re shown a sprinkle of this stuff can turn ordinary gunpowder into C4 and loads of villains made off with at least some of it during the Expeditions.
And shouldn’t we be using it still? It could be used to power the sort of super heavy battle tank that looked like it wandered in from the Warhammer 40k universe. One of those would’ve certainly made defeating the Nerubians easier.
Am I missing something here or are we just not supposed to think about how enchanted yellow cake uranium is basically everywhere?
Azerite was always a weird thing since you don’t actually want gunpowder to blow off your arm when shooting a gun. We have better explosives than gunpowder, but we never use them for guns.
Azerite is just budget Arkonite anyway.
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Azerite stopped mattering one patch into BFA, as much as it should matter given the whole worldsoul thing I don’t expect it to start being important now.
Technically we are still using it, for BfA recipes. I think the implication now is meant to be all materials are useful, just for different things. I know we have that one line from the grumpy skeleton where he mumbles “Saronite isn’t good enough anymore!” but I think that’s because The Ebon Blade needed different material for a different purpose.
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Azerite as a mechanic is over. But Azerite as a substance, kinda still exists, Beledar itself seems to be a large chunk of azerite.
Blizzard really needs to stop adding new ores every expansion imho.
I’d rather suspend my disbelief and mine Thorium/truesilver instead of having weird metal power creep.
I don’t think there’s any real power creep, tbh, you just need to separate lore from gameplay mechanics. The base-level ores of each expansion aren’t actually stronger than Elementium or Titansteel.
See, while Azerite can be very dangerous and explodey, there is some kind of critical and massive issue with properly weaponizing it. Did we drop an Azerite nuke of N’zoth? Azshara? Annoying quest mobs that kept attacking me when I strayed just a teeny bit off the road before flight was introduced?
No. Not one of those massively significant threats that were perfectly viable targets for thermoazerite warheads saw the outcome of their major battles changed by azerite. Therefore azerite refining must be the most difficult thing ever.
So it is very much fine and don’t worry about it.
Power creep when we’re making armor and weapons out of bismuth now? Hard to think of a weaker metal.
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Lack of Mocha Machinery delivery systems.
Thats my final answer and I’m sticking to it 
It’s indeed a plot hole that Azerite became irrelevant after BFA.
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Azerite is a bit of an odd one. It is different but very akin to the fragments of worldsoul essence that have been buried in the planets crust, but pure azeroth essence seems to lack the overt arcane nature and instability you get with Azerite.
My thinking is Azerite was basically Azeroth bleeding out a mix of her own energies and all the Arcane juju the Titanforged have been pumping her full of with their manifold mechanism that is expressly made to transform her into the ultimate titan (that Aman’thul likely wants to weaponize to win the Intergalactic Cosmic Disco War just like everyone else).
Azerite is just so unstable because it is out of balance with all the extra arcane energy that has been forced into it.
The weird thing is Azerite was supposed to of gone inert as the world healed. Perhaps near these giant deposits of pure worldsoul essence it remains connected to her and thus remains active? If that is the case, it might only work near such places, which makes it 99% useless in any conflict.
It would not even been to hard to explain, Blizzard should have just said once Azeroth was healed it became inert and now that we are all hearing the voices that Azerite is getting back its power.
If in the sense that it’s time to dust off your Heart of Azeroth, no. It is seeing a limited revival as a plot element, but not a central one.
Man it became irrelevant during BFA. Outside Magni world quests it like never came up ever again once you finished leveling.
If I remember right Anduin and Alleria compare Hallowfall’s radiant remnants to azerite but I’m not sure why Blizzard didn’t just make it literally azerite instead of making a new rock that’s also Azeroth’s blood/essence. Like they’re both the same thing but also not.
BfA is n’zoth shenanigans and it’s the story I’m sticking with. Only logical thing to explain the incoherent story that expansion had
If Beledar’s essence is similar to Azerite what’s stopping Azerite from being the Blood of a couple Light Crystals(and since Official Art Labels Beledar as a Naaru Crystal that means Archaedas’s theory is wrong especially since Dagran II suggests that even Archaedas has been deceived) injured when Sargeras’s Sword released the Black Blood by stabbing C’thun?
Whether or not the Voice in Silithus is also a Crystal(accepting Archaedas’s excuse out of convenience since she apparently knows Sargeras is coming for her) is another matter although Magni attempting to communicate with the Voice in Silithus caused Azerite-ish Memories to manifest all over Azeroth so if it is one then Magni just set off a chain reaction bigger than Beledar’s own Song.
In that case one Light Crystal’s Deity woke up in Silithus and informed us of the Pillars of Creation only to get injured then after N’Zoth was eliminated fall back to sleep only for Magni to wake her up over the Harranir’s Goddess(Orweyna is shown being brought before the Radiant Song when trying to commune with her Goddess in Hallowfall) inside Beledar’s own awakening.
It would be interesting to find out that Kajamite(sic), Beledar and Azerite are all related in some way.
I mean Kaja Cola basically does the same thing as Azerite minus the exploding part.
Or the actual explanation of real world drama and misogyny of the Cosby Crowd.
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