So Azerite's Still A Thing?

Is that what they’re going with now? I’m okay with that since it’s a real material.

I don’t know maybe I’m stupid for feeling this way but it does seem like there is some degree of implication that new ores added are superior to the previous xpacs ores.

Also, my big issue is they get dropped, it feels very gamey that everyone stopped using cobalt or fel iron the second the xpacs for those ores ended.

To be fair, every single game out there with a crafting system does this. Be weird if we were still using copper for example

Yeah but that’s because copper is actually bad for armor irl, at the top levels of ores like vanilla endgame+ they should just level out in the gap between them. Like the gap between iron and mithril should be big but the gap between mithril and saronite (if we ignore the insanity issues from saronite) not so much.

Also I’d rather have ores be reused in xpacs and just be renamed like something that’s a game thing distinctifying cobalt from new xpac and cobalt from wrath, but in universe they’re the same, rather than like, mithril is great and then it sucks when we go to outland and find fel iron, and then fel iron sucks when we get to northrend etc etc. The power creep is pretty lame.

It’s not even a power creep though. Mainly because those ores didn’t stop being great. They just aren’t relevant to whatever expansion WoW happens to be in.

Also because Azerite is the only super ore that had an actual story relevance. Everything else just exists to craft with

Well Cata did that when it came to Elementium. While you did not mine it in Vanilla, you still used elementium ore (or ingots) for some crafted gear or quests that give gear as a reward. Most famously, THUNDERFURY!!!

When it comes to the ore found on Outland / AU Draenor, Argus and even the Shadowlands, it makes sense why those would be only used in their respective expansions. Likewise with Saronite. Which is mostly bound to Northrend. Or Osmenite which is only found in Nazjatar. So you can infer that ore is only found in the deep ocean. Even deeper than say Vashj’ir.

There have been some ore that are given different names but you can infer that they are the same thing. For example Ghost Iron from Pandaria. One can infer that Ghost Iron is just Iron Ore that has been tainted by the sha, either from the mists (aka the Sha of Pride) or another source. Or it has been made into ghost iron by other means.

But as others have said, it is mainly a gameplay mechanic so you are not ‘forced’ to go back to previous expansions and gather materials for current expansion crafting patterns. While also giving you something ‘new’ to learn. Thereby giving a sense of progression. Does it make sense that certain ores in more recent expansions are stronger than ones the lore implies are really strong (such as Saronite)? No, but this is a case where gameplay > lore.

I do wonder what the ores will be in the Last Titan. Given that Yogg-saron is dead, Saronite might be the rare ore this time around instead of Titanium.

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I was going to say they will probably reuse the Northrend ores. But come up with Irradiated and other such special versions that started with DF and now TWW

Thats the whole reason the goblins are there lol You didnt realize this?

Some people can’t realize the singing crystals and beledar are just giant Azerite crystals.

I KNOW!!! The stuff literally breaks like glass!

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But what is Azerite?

Dagran II states that even Archaedas might be deceived and since Beledar is Light & Void-aligned what we know of it and Azerite may be wrong.

I suspect Azerite is not the World Soul’s Blood but the Blood of the Singing Crystals which I suspect are the Shards of K’aresh that it shattered into after the Song of the First Ones(the 6 that are 1 vs the 7th who is also 1) ended.

Beledar has begun singing again due to the Light and Shadow fluctuating.

Hymosul’s ties to the Elements could easily tie into the Earthmother as the Earthmother is the mother of the Elements according to her “Eyes of the Earth Mother” story while also being the mother of Day(An’she) and Night(Mu’sha) which would also make Hymosul into Beledar.

Beledar’s Song I suspect does not have the same purpose as the Song that destroyed K’aresh. I suspect the Song that destroyed K’aresh was a deliberate attack on the Realm from the outside causing a resonance embodying Light, Life, Order, Shadow, Death and Disorder and that it shattered from the blow.

No more goblin weed and drink for you. Starting to sound like Dagran over here.

He’s been hitting that Gloom Weed too hard.

…or is it Doom Weed?