So are M+ players screwed?

If they do they will still have to have a cap based on the stamina of the average 460 ilvl character. Which means at a certain point all it becomes is a question of how much hp you have to whittle down, which is the least of our problems in the curremt system and would be far more boring.

Which is fair. I think they needed to implement a separate gearing system when they started M+ in the first place, instead of attempting to shove one in now and have to deal with so many tweaks that would need to be made.

TF was a garbage system and needs to be removed, plain and simple. If you feel it will damage the M+ community then you need to come up with suggestions of ways to fix the problem. Those suggestions should be fixes that don’t negatively effect the rest of the game for the sake of making your single aspect better.

TF is leaving, adapt and overcome or don’t


What they should have done is let us farm a currency to upgrade gear over time to the ilvl cap.

Thats what most people wanted to replace titanforging, not a different, arguably worse, RnG roll.


Welp, it was the only late game avenue my class didn’t sucked. Guess i’m screwed now.

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Agreed. This RNG crap is getting out of hand. We liked currencies. And not that sorry excuse for currency we get to buy Azerite gear right now. That’s a stupid system.

The idea that this “incentivizes” end game raiding is debatable. When their preferred content is nerfed, most players don’t obediently start running something they don’t want to run and have chosen not to. They quit because there’s nothing meaningful to do.

See all those different playstyles that now have no chance of getting better gear? Watch people leave the game.


The only damage TF did to the rest of the game was that it took progression out of our control.

That and it damaged the ego of the few mythic raiders whp cared about what non mythic raiders got (not many).

Your response of “sit and rotate” isn’t helpful.


Raiding isn’t the only line of progression built into this game and it’s certainly not the hardest either. Following a strat you didn’t develop and just doing what you’re told isn’t “hard” but you believe it makes you somehow entitled.

A lot of people are losing their only source of occasional upgrades. Next to none of them are going to start doing mythic raiding.


I did keys in Legion on many of my alts. They were fun and rewarding to me. I distinctly remember people who did higher keys getting much better rewards. In fact, it was a common complaint by raiders that they never got upgrades from mythic raiding because they had perfectly itemized better than mythic ilvl gear from m+.

Either you are misremembering or deliberately misrepresenting the Legion mythic+ reward system.

You got the best rewards in the game doing content you enjoyed. So you kept doing it. That’s a win win for both you and Blizzard.


It did more than just take progression out of our control. It also ruined all progression by giving max level loot from any and all sources. Repeatedly doing wqs, wfs, or low level dungs should never have been awarding high level, raid quality gear. That’s not taking progression out of our hands, that’s no progression at all. It never should have been put in the game to begin with.

You guys are only focused on your single aspect and ignoring the whole picture. TF was bad for the game. Even if it was good for your favorite part of the game, it was still bad overall. You may not like my response and may not think it’s helpful, but it’s more useful than all this crying to leave TF in the game.

Come up with better solutions that are tailored to M+. You need a solution that fixes your perceived problem without causing problems for others. Or you can just cry some more, you do you.


Scroll further up. I have offered alternatives.

ok, then why reply to me about how TF isnt bad?

Your answer sounds suspicously like, “If I like something or it benefits me it’s good for the game, if I don’t like it or it doesn’t reward me it breaks the game.”


Yup, you got me, im just being selfish. This whole anti-TF movement over the past few years was just me paying others to help get TF removed. It had nothing to do with negative effects on gear progression, i just dont like it personally.

I’ve been wanting M+ changes ever since BfA went live and I’ve never breathed a word about WF/TF.

I basically stopped doing M+ very early in BfA (and have now stopped running current content almost altogether). Just the basic changes of M+ from Legion to BfA were enough to get me disinterested.

I’ve purposefully tried my best not to get on here and become one of “those guys” who gripe about every BfA shortcoming but damn, sometimes it’s tough not to. End game in BfA is wholly a disaster area. Bad raids, bad raid storylines, gearing, Essences, M+ system turned sideways and stuffed up a quillboar’s butt. Thank goodness I don’t PvP because those guys seem just as disappointed/upset as the rest of us.

I’m just hanging on at this point for 9.0 and hoping it’s going to improve. Still slapping myself a bit for not catching my sub doing a 6-month renewal before it happened.


I think we should wait until the 2nd phase of the PTR when they show the remainder of their stuff, including the M+ updates/changes. It’s possible that since they’re removing forging up in M+ loot, they won’t have it drop heroic level, but something between heroic & mythic. Bridge the gap, possibly even have it drop 470 loot across the board instead of just once a week.

We won’t know anything for sure until they release the rest of the information currently listed as “Coming Soon” on the PTR developer notes.

They wanted it removed from the casual crowd. :wink:


imo they should make top end m+ cap out at 5ilvl under mythic and solidify it as an endgame path as well as optional content for raiders, pvpers, and primary m+ players alike

with bwomsamdi buff coming back though i think the cap should be raised to +15 like it was in parts of legion with 10 remaining as heroic quality loot

only makes sense tbqh