So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

BC says otherwise as that expansion killed many lore characters in horrible ways that Legion had to retcon a lot to get them back.

Most user critizes the gameplay rather than the story because WoW was always a pulp fantasy with average/okish writing with Metzen and the old guard and aside of some lore characters, few care about the story and more about “how to clean this dungeon quickler or gear up faster”

I’d had supported you on that but then you expressed previously you don’t feel the Horde should do content and even should do more for you to feel they are redeemed in which case they don’t need, the Alliance has to man/woman up and stop crying for an event that doesn’t matter in the end(Elves will fill armies, still have a city in the lore and Tyrande with Furion will keep leading them)

Ye the disgusting part reveals you fell at that on the start of your own thread

First this contradict this

No, you feel as a team of a sport you deserve more and are entitled to see more victories but the thing is…AvH isn’t a world cup that happens every 4 years. This also shows me you don’t think losing undercity and the forsaken became homeless as the Nelves counts as “even the odds”

Yes I know you wish to see Furion and Tyrande atop of a corpse of many horde races and see Kalimdor fully claimed by Nelves but I’ll tell you this on the most polite way

Stop fantasizing about a storyline and plot it will never happen, be glad Blizzard decided to give you a capital on Hyjal and focus in SL which is something most races haven’t even got a glimp and if you feel this attitude is just “being mediocre with a low bar” well you clearly haven’t played WoW with much attention:

"We’re downright cruel. I’ve never met a more sadistic team of story folk.

Suffering is the gasoline that drives our story engine. Why is that?"

I am reading this and see this crop up alot when referring to Kyalin here, and to play devils advocate you’re conflating their point on the issue. A common complaint I’ve seen for horde in Ardenweald is working with Tyrande who belittles and hates the horde pc, Kyalin said the horde shouldn’t have to suffer through that and that’s where their disgust comes from. And Kyalin also doesn’t feel it is right for the abuser to have to help their victim’s due to the animosity but has stated they don’t want more punishment levied at the horde.

As I said to Gantrithor - the problem with block quoting out the points of an argument that you want to reply to is that it means at times you miss the point. I feel you’ve done so at several points here. For instance - you took my desire for a win and went exactly where I thought you’d go, claiming that I wanted “to see Furion and Tyrande atop a corpse [???] of many horde races and see Kalimdor fully claimed by Nelves.” The paragraph directly after the quote that you snipped specifically disclaims that statement. It would appear that you missed it, which kills the entire conclusion of your reply.

This I think may also be sitting behind your interpretation of the word “disgusting”, which you haven’t shared. I believe I however have been clear in prior posts. I don’t like the moral message that sends. I don’t like watching the race that I want to play, in a context of a faction rivalry with you on the other side, becoming an object of pity. I would prefer instead that we resolve the matter as the final paragraph (before the concluding sentence) of my prior post discussed.

Moving up then - I find it interesting that you’re comparing the BC marketing - which took place fifteen years ago, to the state of the marketing now. Fifteen years ago George W. Bush was president, the smart phone was just barely coming out, I was still in High School and Blizzard was still part of Vivendi. I don’t think BC is your strongest counterargument on current WoW’s marketing decisions - or what management identifies in the playerbase that convinces it of the ROI of the current marketing strategy.

Finally - when you say that an event doesn’t matter in the end - I think you have sort of revealed your bias here. I get that it may not matter to you, because it didn’t happen to you or the things that you were invested in. However, you are not the only one playing this game - and you certainly do not have veto power over how people feel about concepts, races, and characters that they are invested in but you are not.

No, I have read your arguments and all they talk about is searching for solutions at the surface but then you go on about The Horde needs a punishment for or how the rest of the people here twist your worst when we just quote your statements that have been contradictory

Sure buddy

Are you for real?

Welcome to the comic book logic where characters die and are resurrected 3 issues later and let’s be real. Nelves still keep a huge cast of characters unscatered and the population will strive again just like the Blood elves did despite 90% were killed off. The game will pull as many elves the plot requires.

I just saw the writing on the wall and we’ll return to status quo but with the elves moving to Hyjal and Tyrande perhaps keeping some of her new DBZ powers

Are you seriously telling me that I, a Troll fan that had to see every tribe of Trolls be killed in raids/dungeons while portrayed as dirt unworthy to exist at most of the wow lifespan doesn’t know the feel of lost and biterness? You’re on falling in those imaginary traps you speak off.

Neither you and as you I pay a sub as well and yet you seem me call to exterminate nelves because Blizzard wrote new lore about Shandris and some sentinels helping the blood elves to kill Amani women and children or the homeless/exiled in Vol’dun?

I’ve choosen my words carefully and perhaps you should had done the same

I have seen her other jewels of posting with Micah and no I don’t believe Kyalin wants a fair treatment or else her wording would be more clear and short on that statement rather than throw dubious information about why Kaldorei suffered more than anyone else in BFA.


If you really intend to stand by your statement that you’ve read my arguments and understand them, then I’m going to regard your repeated use of straw man attacks as tactical, and therefore intentional.

We’re done here.

Good, hope this thread dies off as well

Let me ask you this. Is it so painful for you if the Horde were to try and make ammends for Teldrassil? Further ammends, if you consider Thrall giving Tyrande Sylvanas’ head as a given, which I don’t. Because the way they portrayed the burning, and the whole of bfa, i’d say the Horde has more than a bit of redemption to go through.

I’ll try to head this off.

Xamantul disagreed with my position that the Horde should not be questing with Tyrande, and specifically called out and criticized my position that having the Horde in a position where even Sylvanas loyalists could play-act as being the savior of the NIght Elf souls is disgusting. I think we may conclude then that it wouldn’t be painful for him to have the Horde make amends for Teldrassil. He’s not the one in the thread right now arguing that such would be inappropriate.

That person would be me.

Munches on popcorn This circle argument still going on?

indeed…and no one seems to know when enough is enough.


Nope we don’t, I would be perfectly fine if the Horde and Alliance actually never interacts again and we just keep a tense peace because we know there are dangers lurking in our galaxy. Not everyone has to be best friends forever.

About night elves getting their stuff together, just ask for a quest chain, the Horde have enough to deal with the game trying to lecture us.

Do I need to remind you of this image morghel?

I guess, very likely Kyalin will continue

You are welcome and will totally do it again

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Ah, I see the error I made. I mixed up my trolls and grafted one’s arguments onto another. Sorry, Morghel!

Regarding this though:

About night elves getting their stuff together, just ask for a quest chain, the Horde have enough to deal with the game trying to lecture us.

Make that chain about an onscreen reconquest of Ashenvale, and I think we’re solid, pending any comments from other Horde players about what content they feel they should get to match of course.


Sure go for it. Ashenvale has never been of importance to the Horde and I don’t think anyone will want that zone. Now the forsakens needs to re-take hillsbrand and Trolls raze Stromgarde while the Worgens through sea get Gilneas is a win-win for everyone

No argument from me on any of the listed proposals. :+1:

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Not gonna regret from dis bargain and I will be sweeting it with Ysera taughing Tyrande to open a portal in ashenvale to connect Hyjal and Ferales.

Meanwhile the Raventusk alongside the Whitebark will show as their new flag the beheaded head from Danath in Arathi

Well I don’t. Not only is the idea that the Horde simply walks away as insulting as it is ridiculus, the idea that both factions won’t be interacting is equally ridiculus. And in order for that to happen, the Horde has to crawl to the cross, so to say.

Mind you, I don’t harbour ill will against Horde players. Most of them, anyway, you included. You are merely collateral damage in order to right a wrong that Blizzard caused.

I’m not sure that I like this stance. I agree that I don’t want to see the Horde walking away, and I agree that certain communities within the Alliance got a raw deal at what appeared to be at their hands. (And you all are aware of the asterisk we have to lay over top of that) But I would hope we’re not getting in the business of saying “yep, we are just going to propose ‘penance content’. The game sucked for us so now it has to suck for you”.

Like I said, I want my big juicy W, but I don’t want to burn down Orgrimmar. Taking things that far was a mistake. It was bad when it happened to me, and it would be bad if it happened to another player community.


But not content that would allow them to atone for Teldrassil in any way, apparently. I get the feeling you just want an excuse to hold that over them.


But what more you want Morghel? Literally everything is even with the exception of Sylvanas still on the loose and no victory will be given the Alliance because when will you draw the line?

You sound like you just want to hold the Horde playabase and the faction in hold which honestly we shouldn’t care about The Alliance at all and the main reason we aren’t killing us it’s because a 3rd factions joins the party often

Lol you just said “I like you but still gonna break your legs” lol dude we paid a sub and there are more Horde players than Alliance, why would anyone cather to a small group that will continue to play this game only to complain because they don’t have anything else to do?

How about a blood bowl tournament to settle grudges? Best solution for any major conflict

Same feeling and honestly I laugh at the notion that Alliance players feel they are entitled to how to punish the Horde and their playerbase should suffer more. Heck if the hacks of this game started to call out the Alliance, soon they will be overrun by warcrimes penance(like killing Trolls since the begin of their civilizations)


How about having the Horde simply make a formal apology for their part in bfa, and promise to help the Night elves rebuild to the extent that they are able? Basically, the Horde showing, through action, that they regret what they did. No need for in game stuff, I would be content with a book and the like. That is it. That is all I need. I won’t think that is too much to ask for.