So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

I mean, I disagree that the Alliance can do anything it wants to the Horde and have it be justified - but the content is also going to have to spend a lot of time getting the player to care about what the Alliance is threatening to destroy. Does Blizzard have the writing chops to do that? I actually think so. If we learned that Delaryn Summermoon had a child who was about to tearfully put a knife into Zappyboi, I’ll bet we could get the overwhelming majority of Horde players to hate that child and want to stop her. The question then becomes - how do you do that for a faction?

Again, it’s the subject of another thread. Until then though - I sympathize with where you’re coming from on the topic of a decade of deep neglect. I at times feel similarly about the subject of whether Night Elves can be made threatening again (this is not me saying that either problem is worse or trying to say that your concerns aren’t valid - I’m just saying that I know how that lack of trust feels) - but, I think at this point that we have to regard the problem as solvable.

Bit of a tangent, but my problem is, if they would just give us worgen players what was promised and actually had them relevant to the story just once, without being the kick the puppy trope, you know, used as disposable troops, that would go a long way to having more cordial conversations.

But as long as we have one group who wants their power fantasy, while blizzard continues to ignore the other races, there’s going to continue to be hostile towards each other.

shrug Rant over.

I again don’t see how our objectives conflict with one another.

I didn’t say they did. I just know there are people who aren’t interested in the other alliance races getting their revenge or spotlight right now.



drools Pancakes and syrup are the way to bliss :gift_heart:

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I’ll take the afterlife with the Pancake hills and maple syrup falls.



I’m down with that :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Same. I have no idea why I’m still reading it lol


Since this conversation is going no where, we will now discus the pancake afterlife. Enjoy :pancakes:


“You guys want some grapes?”



What kind? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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The ones that come with free pancakes. :grapes:


Gimme! Makes grabby hands Free grapes with pancakes is just heaven :gift_heart: :pancakes:

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I disagree with your disagreement, are we going to wait for another teldrassil? no we have carte blanche to do whatever is necesary to prevent that from happening this is not the first time we try peace with them and it backfired spectacularly *points to teldrassil.

Droite is right our moral horse just got an upgrade from regular cavalry and is now a cataphract, the only way to balance the scale back is to commit an ever bigger OOPSIE than teldrassil and with these characters that we have it looks very unlikely, there is also the implication of doing something beyond genocide i dont think mass conversion or racial displacement have the same impact as the big G word and dropping another of those bombs on this game’s story doesnt seem like a good idea.

ok just my 2 cents on the issue.

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I disagree with your disagreement with my disagreement then! Because I feel that this can be done without an even bigger “oopsie” than Teldrassil, and I would encourage that we move away from anchoring to this idea that only mass tragedy can create motivation or moral authority, especially considering that in the first case, the community that I hail from is proof positive that it can have the opposite effect.

In terms of motivation for the Horde in a faction conflict, I think that the cinematic trailer panda from MOP gives us an idea - indicating that we fight to preserve home and family. I propose that the Horde should do that - and that they should succeed in that preservation - and I don’t feel that you have to (or should) go around blowing up cities to give them that motivation.

And when do Horde characters of equivalent importance show up during the Night Fae campaign?

Answer… they don’t. In fact, no Horde NPCs show up AT ALL. Huln Highmountain doesn’t count since he died thousands of years before there was a Horde, and he was Jarod Shadowsong’s drinking buddy.

I can understand that the Night Fae campaign may be considered Night Elf centered because NO other race Horde or Alliance, is given any attention through it.

Take a look at the tabard I’m wearing I"ve done Chapter 9 and that’s it for the Night Fae campaign, at least for now.


I guess Vol’jin and Bwonsamdi count as Horde characters, but yeah you’re right

Considering your historial I’ll take that as a compliment and well typing on a phone is hard sometimes

Ok you seem to grasp this idea

Let’s be real, WoW currently aims at dungeon/raid people as they’re the active and staying playerbase as the casual ones stay for 3 months at best.

I’m glad you recognize this theory but do you realise Blizzard isn’t anymore interesting in their own subforum? They even do AMA on reddit and you see customer support more active whenever someone post some problems in there than here even.

But I feel we are both being dishonest with each other.
What do you really want to accomplish with these threads exactly? And considering your previous statements that I observed here about how you feel disgusted with Horde toons and characters that participated in the burning are saving nelves souls now and should get more punishment…don’t think it’s better search another type of solution?

Maybe something like hoping to see Tyrande role actually being important and save nelves souls and help Vol’jin take out the jailer as a way to atone for the constant killings elves were involving so at least they have a new ally they know they can trust?

While silly Nelves are getting more than any race got, including the blood elves which are a huge majority in this game and Trolls which are just killed for fun.

Regarding what WoW currently aims at, two things.

  1. That community still engages with the story in one fashion or another, and given the marketing dollars that Blizzard pumps into the narrative, I think they’re aware of that.
  2. Their decision to target a certain playerbase, as opposed to another or to a broader distribution may not be correct, and considering that the metacritic user score still isn’t that spectacular, there’s room for critique of it.

Regarding your point on feedback, I’m aware they don’t post here. I disagree that they do not pay attention to feedback at least to some extent on these and other boards.

As for what I hope to accomplish - I want to shift the conversation, particularly where Night Elf issues are concerned, from one of pure cynicism to one of finding solutions. I have watched a lot of people I agree with nevertheless backslide into pointless conversations about who has it worse, or get into fights with Horde players about topics that just don’t matter. I realize how easy it is to fall into those emotional traps - but I think we can do better. Not to mention - I just like a good discussion.

Regarding the conversation surrounding punishment - and I’ll incorporate your post from the Horde redemption thread because you mentioned punishment there too - as well as your statement that content aimed at the faction necessarily punishes the players. For starters, you are not wrong on that - Teldrassil is demonstration of it. But as we were punished in the context of the faction rivalry - that is that your faction did it to mine - I feel that this has to be answered in the faction rivalry, so that the Night Elves and their allies on Kalimdor can be taken seriously within it. That’s what I want, ultimately.

Now, I appreciate that statements of such are typically met with “oh, so you want to blow up Orgrimmar then, is that it?” - and to that I would have to say no. I don’t want to simply do to you what Blizzard made you do to us. I believe this should be restricted to Ashenvale, unafraid to tarnish the Alliance’s moral supremacy, and done as part of a larger project with the goal of ending in a balanced, healthy rivalry, where desires for power fantasies can subsequently be resolved through the PVP game mode.

… and in that context, having characters do things to the big bad just doesn’t meet what I think needs to be done.

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