So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

You’re right, we don’t. All we do know is the main Horde-adjacent character in the zone is treated as a nuisance. Meanwhile, we recruit a team to help the Alliance character in the zone, a team all-too willing to help.

Yes, there are probably reasons and backstories behind why the faction-affiliated storylines are the way they are. It doesn’t make the optics of the situation any different.


It’s not a night elf zone. There are no night elves or references to them. It’s a druid zone. It’s pretty much the Emerald Dream of the Shadowlands. In fact, it’s more Troll due to the fact that Troll imagery is even included. The only thing tied to night elves are the trees and that’s pretty basic.

'Cept Tyrande. And Shandris. And the quests to save a bunch of them. And the whole night Warrior gimmick we’re trying to cure Tyrande of.

Not a single nelf or reference to 'em at all.


Don’t forget how Ysera speaks about Tyrande playing somehow an important role to save Ardenweald, making everyone but just a few to run errands to search a cure, speaking of intervening in WoT, etc.

Apparently to Nelves players only counts a story for them when the 5 exodia pieces are gathered(Illidan, Azshara, Furion, Tyrande and Maiev)


the winterqueen seems not so nicely anyway, i mean, she calls literraly ysera…a pet, that seems not so nice. after Yseras come back, she barely talks to her.

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I feel like you’re missing the point here. Yes, we all know the WQ is a meanie and her dismissal of Bwonsamdi isn’t out of place for the character.

Yet the only real Horde-ish character is treated as a nuisance in the two questlines we deal with him.

The Alliance characters we deal with are treated as important people who we all need to help and work with, because they’re the special ones.

It’s about the representation and what it implies; Horde-aligned characters are a side quest with someone who gets waved off and casually dismissed. Alliance-aligned characters are the main story-quest, and are the important ones whom we should treat well.

Which is fine, all in all. But pretending that this is a balanced portrayal is blatantly untrue. Pretending those two quests make Ardenweald “more Troll” (as some posters seem intent on continually insisting) when weighed against the bulk of the zone’s story and how it’s about gathering help for Tyrande is beyond asinine.

And just to be clear; I’m not including you in the list of people making asinine comments. I’m just saying that while I’m sure there’s a backstory about why the WQ is a bit of a jerk to Bwonsamdi, it doesn’t take the bad taste away from seeing the only real Horde-aligned character of any prominence being treated as a pest.


Hopefully vol’jin improves the situation for hordies. I see a Tyrande/loa’jin fight together against sylvanas, both empowerd by higher beings, at the end of the tunnel (campaignend of ardenwaeld).

Maybe even against the jailer, however it’ll end, both have to play a role in the future. Vol’jin even more so, then tyrande.

Tyrandes arc could end after sl, sen’jins prophecy will most likely be true and vol’jin will have the duty to unite the trollkind again, in a new empire of zul

… …Cool. Glad we’re on the same page.

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Night Elves are the only race that get unique dialogue options, their themesong, or their cutscenes in the zone.


Pretty sure I saw Alexstrasza for a minute.

Ardenweald is a Blood Elf zone: Confirmed.

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This is in Hibernal Hollow, and they can be seen before even finishing leveling and without having joined the Night Fae Covenant.


Looks at Ardenweald as the zone is dying and she’s basically the only thing keeping anything functioning at the moment Yeah, she’s cold because she doens’t have time for games. She has WAAY more important issues, like keeping the Heart of the Forest alive, you know, the very key keeping the Jailer in the Maw.

And she doesn’t care for Bwom, because he’s always scheming and playing games. Something clearly happened between those two, that while she is willing to accept any help he gives, twice she tells him to beat it once the situation is handled

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Oh, I’m not saying that there are no reasons for the Winter Queen’s behavior, I’m much more saying that it’s generally a trait that she’s not among the warmest personality at the moment.

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Which makes complete sense, given the situation. Ardenweald is dying, and the Heart of the Forest is the key that essentially makes the Maw supposedly inescapable. It dies, Zovaal is free to do as he pleases. It’s why his army currently can’t do anything, they can’t get out of the Maw.

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As I said, you don’t have to tell me the story of Ardenwaeld, I am well aware of what is happening there atm :wink:

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Alright. That’s fair :gift_heart:

I only have one covenant that I have not visited yet and that is bastion, all the others I am on the same level and have completed chapters 7/8.

Oh, okay. That takes dedication. I only been working on the Night Fae convenant, since Micah is the only toon I have. I admire your dedication though :gift_heart:

I mean given the context, we were talking specifically about the winter queen and her relationship with bwom and no one else, so in that regard, the fact we don’t those those two specific characters history is fair enough. And she doesn’t resurrect ysera right away, in fact she didn’t want to because of the bond to Eonar that ysera had. Calls her “my sisters pet” (with buying the memory of eonar in ardenweald I’m assuming eonar is the winter queens sister and not elune) she was much more ready to throw vol’jin into a pod than she was ready to resurrect ysera. All that said it’s still leans towards night elves. Still no troll characters hanging out in the heart of the forest


But that has another reason. I mean, many troll players would then be upset that they are not by Bwonsamdi in the other side, but just in the heart of the forest. it would be a new wave of complaiment because “bwonsamdi is not worthy to be worshipped, cause he´s not the real boogyman of the trollkind”

PS: To elaborate, the trolls are the only race now that has an exclusive afterlife.