So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

dude I come in days later and you still wrote crap. LMAO. wasting your time.

It’s got a major hevy Celtic sort of Tuatha de Danaan side to it. Not really that much Jamaica. And it IS where all of the Night elf souls rescued from the Maw are being dumped out.

And there isn’t a single Mayan ziggurat in sight.

Players can be forgiven for coming to a conclusion that it’s a bit more Night Elf than troll.


BFA suggests that Trolls beat out everyone for Druids, Shaman, Warlocks, AND Paladins.

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Cenarius actually teaches his students. There was no indication during BfA that Gonk ever even showed the Zandalari the Emerald Dream, or really anything other than how to shapeshift into dinosaurs. And he just dropped the Darkspear after barely teaching them even the basics, leaving them to seek the Cenarion Circle for further training.

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How though? I mean… yes they tried even the BfA logging screen screemed try hard WC3. But everything else… uff.
If they would’ve learned from WC3 the factions would have found a way to make peace.

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na, malfurion is still the first druid of all races. the first paladins are definitely draenei :wink:

Warlocks? Zandalar can´t play warlocks. Shaman you may be right, but even there, the yaungal are there. ^^

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The zone trashes on Rezan while uplifting night elf aligned characters.

It’s a night elf zone

Trolls and proto tauren practiced drudism before night elves even walked Azeroth…Malfurion was taught the whole emerald dream druid thing.

Yes they can blizzard just can’t give them every class but demon hunter


and? the first mortal druid is still malfurion. They used naturmagic, but were no druids.

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Chronicle stated they practiced drudic magic.

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druidic magic is …naturmagic, but were no a real druid.

Ever since that other thread a couple of weeks ago, I really do think they missed an opportunity by not making Ardenweald a snowy winter zone. It could still have been the serene, gorgeous type of winter. But I suppose it would have been harder to show how the Drust invasions were making everything wither, in that case. (Also, we know that Ardenweald was a late addition, put together quickly using existing assets from an earlier version of Bastion and some initial concepts for Thros.)


It is? That’s pretty cool. Could you link something about it?

Here’s part of it:

He doesn’t mention Thros, though, so that must come from somewhere else. Anyone have a link for that?

(Also, I see this is from 2019, so maybe it’s an overstatement to say Ardenweald was put together late. But it’s clear that they’d already planned Bastion, at least, before they decided to add Ardenweald.)

From what I can piece together, it seems the original plan was…

Bastion= Heaven
The Maw= Hell
Revendreth= Purgatory

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I liked the deal for a loa quest line, I understand why they they did what they did with rezan and vol’jin. Specifically I think rezan telling vol’jin the his people need him is about sen’jin prophecy of vol’jin uniting the tribes. However there are still no troll characters hanging out in the heart of the forest while there are the night elf souls rescued from the maw, shandris, ysera (who, after calling night elves her children is a night elf character at most and night elf adjacent at the very least) and two elune worshipers from another planet all hanging out there. After bwonsamdi got a wild god, and 2 1/2 loa out of the maw the winter queen still treats him like garbage. Worse than the first quest imo.

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Yeah I’m beginning to think they should’ve just left out the Loa entirely

Hey, hey! Let’s no throw the baby out with the bath water. :stuck_out_tongue:

Speaking personally, I’m up for every scrap we can get. Apparently we got this much thanks to the positive reception they received regarding Bwonsamdi and the other Troll related content in BfA. Seemingly much to their surprise.

So here’s hoping it’ll encourage them to not shy away from making more deliberate attempt to try different approaches and explore more of this stuff in future content.


Well, we see his actions now, we don’t know what happened between them before.

That is fair enough. We don’t know their history

It would be if an Alliance character was ever treated with that kind of disrespect by a neutral party.