So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

I agree it shouldn’t be bwonsamdi, it could just be some troll spirits, maybe master gadrin or someone else in the darkspear tribe that communicates with the spirits. We have shadow hunters, a class specifically trained in dealing with spirits, loa, and a whole manner of stuff. I just feel like just having night elves/elune worshipers hang out in the heart and not a single troll character is kinda lame. I wouldn’t want the night elves to go away, just some troll spirits to be added


(Looks at my work situation every night)


(Adds another point to the Best Zone tally)

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You misunderstood me. I said that many troll players then complain that the other side is worthless, because after all trolls do not end up there anyway but where they are distributed and all the years of building from the other side would thus be worthless.

Therefore, the trolls are in the other side and all other nature-Affinity peoples such as Tauren and night elves in Ardenwaeld, the exclusivity to have their own afterlife, but possess confirmed only the trolls.


Ah I see what you mean now. Yeah I guess I got a little blinded by some petty jealousy. I still wouldn’t mind a living troll, I guess master gadrin is to old to be going to shadowlands but we could’ve used shadow hunter ty’jin to commune with dambala instead of dambala being on mueh’zala’s side and is having to kill him (I’m still salty about that lol)

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ultimately, the Nightfae Campaign is also about Vol’Jin, the Shadowhunter, we’ll see what’s to come, but right now, he’s asleep for now to become the Loa, but I think we’ll see him again.

I think so too. The deal for a loa quest line was pretty fantastic, but since this thread has been more about pointing out discrepancies that what I focused on. I really liked the quest line though and it gives me a lot of hope for sen’jin’s prophecy to be fulfilled. And maybe forest troll allied race? One can hope and dream

The thing I loved about that quest, besides saving Ashamane and the other two loa (Rezan was super sad) was that even the Winter Queen was shocked when she noticed Vol’jin had a loa spirit attached to him, and she says no such thing has ever been seen before.

I wonder how powerful he’s going to be once reborn. It’s bit of a cliffhanger though, since there’s only one more Night Fae chapter left.

I imagine pretty powerful since he was infused with the essence of the loa of kings plus the fact there is a prophecy stating he will unite all trolls. I’ve been waiting since his quest line in bfa to know what happens to him, hopefully his story is continued sooner rather than later


one night fae chapter left…in this patch, more will comming.

I really want Vol’jin and Rezan to work like Clavicus Vile and Barnabus: Two distinctly different entities and personalities that are, together, the same god. I want Rezan to be able to appear when called by his priests, and Vol’jin when called by the Horde, and together when their Full Might is necessary.

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We have confirmation from that from Warbrave Oro in Bastion. He says the following:

“Ah. Another soul from Azeroth. No, not a soul. The light of An’she still warms your flesh. Would that I could set eyes upon Highmountain one last time. If the Earthmother wills so, my family still abides there. Many here are impatient to ascend and haunted by past regrets, but I am content to enjoy my memories of those I love. I hope they think well of me, though one day I must let them go. But not today. No. Not today.”

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Just a nitpick, but we were never sent to get the Night Elf souls, we just followed Tyrande and took the opportunity.

Not that I’m disputing that Ardenweald is at minimum highly connected to Nelves.

I think Alynsa was talking about the 6 specific named night elves that Ysera asks you to go fetch. Afterward, they hang out in the Heart of the Forest. It’s a side quest thing that pops up, instead of a main campaign story.


There’s a pair of quests later in the Ardenweald campaign to collect night elf souls in the Maw.


Haven’t seen this but I like it, shows that bastion isn’t putting a gun to your head to rush you through the process.

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I’d like to note that in the beta, those nelf souls weren’t there 'til you did the quest for the Nightfae to get the nelf souls back. Also, you talk to them and some clearly have lines referencing Teldrassil, so it feels like those nelf souls being visible beforehand is a bug they never fixed (and probably never will 'cause only story nerds notice it).

They don’t appear before you join the Night Fae convent though. They only show up after you mass dump the saved NE souls in Ardenweald

He is not actually saying that.

This actually proves it is a choice. He is ‘content to enjoy his memories.’ So, he chooses. While he does say he must let the go, there is nothing in that saying that is more than a requirement in order to ascend. Any who don’t give up memories simply to not ascend. Sure, most or all make that choice eventually. But then again, that is because the people who would be inclined to make that choice are the ones sent to Bastion. Sample bias.


Looking at the comments upon this thread, it baffles me with the audacity of some players who feel Ardenweald is more Troll than Night Elf … Like, uh - what?

I get Ysera is very fond of the Night Elves but I feel even she just talks about them a little too much & not enough of her other kin. Then it’s Tyrande & Night Warrior this & that / go rescue Night Elf Souls a dozen times - travel to find Tyrande (If you’re Horde you just get trash talked the entire time despite helping, saving the world etc) and repeat such matters.

Ardenweald has Loa as well as Wild Gods sure, and it’s got ‘The Other Side’ but that seems rather like a morsel compared to the feast of Night Elf references made. (Though I do find the ‘trees’ argument thing silly. They’re trees folks. Trolls have trees too).

Even if there were some Troll souls in Ardenweald that didn’t go to ‘The Other Side’ / refused Bwomsamdi’s offer because they wanted to help other Loa like the ones they followed in life whom may have been slain or perished in a major calamity (Such as the Sundering) would be good - and it would seem logical too.

I’m personally hoping that they reveal that souls that perish in the Shadowlands don’t actually ‘die’ but become indistinguishable ‘flickers’ among the Shadowlands, who are able to be restored (With the negative side being you wouldn’t know what soul you’re bringing back).
^ Would open up so many venues of opportunities + give more depth to ‘The Brokers’ plots & goals they could utilise with such.


Eh, I know this sounds wishy washy and nitpicky but it’s more about the kind of “vibe” I get with Ardenweald’s setting. Only one playable race is really connected to thick forests; Darkspear and Zandalari have a jungle + beach thing with palm trees instead.

It’s not so much “deciduous forests = night elf!!!” but it being part of a whole that comes together to resonate much harder with one race over others.