So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

We must dispatch the goblins to make a large pool for Graal and friends. Immediately!

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Like… I’m not sure I get the complaint. Blizzard obviously wanted to create a more “naturey” afterlife, and they went with the fae forest aesthetic. Did you expect them to create a zone with every single biome under the sun?

There exists an infinite number of afterlives, I’m sure the homeless wild gods can get chucked to any one of their choosing if they want to. It also feels as if there are sides of Ardenweald we don’t know and aren’t explored fully or enough in game (De other side. Is it even part of Ardenweald or is it a completely different afterlife?)

I’m sure a lot of warriors getting sent to Undead Spartacus land might be miffed about the aesthetic as well while we’re at it.

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No, because I knew that they made Ardenweald specifically as a gift horse for night elf players after Teldrassil. But if it was actually how it is described? An afterlife for all of nature?



My guess is that both NE zones and Ardenweald are inspired by the same source materials so the similarities are more coincidences then anything. Like Ardenweald is designed to rebirth Wild God souls regardless of what planet they are from.

That being said, I wonder where MU Anzu, MU Rukhmar and MU Seethe are at. Surely they would’ve gone to Ardenweald when they died since you can safely say they are wild gods given that Dorman Aliothe is referred to as one.

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I really think you overestimate how much Blizzard care about lore fans, lol. If you really think they planned a whole zone simply with some sad players in mind as a way to make amends, I really don’t know what to tell you. That’s uh, a little out there.

Could say the same for every single dead lore character, sadly I don’t think we’ll see them all, only a select few.

While true, it would’ve been nice to see them to at least confirm that they are wild gods since blizzard likes to neither confirm or deny that they are. Anzu and Rukhmar have existed since TBC, with the former actually appearing as a dungeon boss after he got corrupted by the Sethekk cult, and the latter was name dropped by Isfar.

I really hope it isn’t, and it just has an entrance to it

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That seems to be the implication, seeing as it has entrances to like three other places.


Where’s the entrance to Nazmir though?

I’m not certain that the entrances are always open, or even always fixed. The obvious answer would be in his temple. That’s where troll spirits seem to be fairly anchored.

Unrelated to the topic at hand, but the elites in Ardenweald hit pretty hard. They’re absolutely brutal if your in the wrong spec. I haven’t hit the elites in other zones yet, but I got wrecked a few times as a BM hunter while trying to fight too many. Normally I can take two easily.

I was fighting normal mobs and killing them as slowly as I do as blood.

I heard people complain Frost is pretty borked this expansion. What’s your crit at? Frost is very crit dependent

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14 percent.

I think my class feels clunky af now

For BM hunters, it’s funny because they added all these new spells back, and my rotation hasn’t changed for several expansions now. Outside of using Killshot :gift_heart:

That is why you should play MM!

hugs BM is awesome for people like me, who hate dungeons and raids. Besides, with some patience, there’s very little I can’t solo with my pets. I’ve only really died when I took on too many enemies :gift_heart:

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your entire argument is a low argument

Now that I am back home, I can comment in more detail, and will do so.

Well, I advise you to read again what I wrote. I did not write in any tone, any syllable, anything about “who has it worse”; I said that trying to tell someone else that they don’t have it so bad, but they are convinced that they have it so bad, does not make it better.

That’s what you do, for example, you say: the night elves already have enough, or had enough, and others had it much worse. This statement always triggers feelings and will trigger a corresponding counter-reaction, which you should know.

You are already prejudging and saying that it is not so bad.

And you know, you expect sympathy for your own situation, but are not willing to show sympathy yourself, then this forum will keep escalating. On and on and on, have fun with the toxic escalation.

Because he agrees with me, I am a fanatic? Interesting, yes, really, then I must never agree with you again, or anyone, before I’m just lumped in with them? I honestly have no influence on who agrees with me, and I have already argued against him, because I don’t care who writes, as long as we discuss the content and it doesn’t end up in the imaginary “who has it worse” comparison.

Because I’ve been writing the same thing for a good year now:

Storywise: Alliance (especially Night Elves)
Metawise: Horde (especially Forsaken)

For a year, unchanged, I thought this attitude was already sufficiently well known.

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