So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

Or flat out loose it to things completely out of their control. I would point to how stormwind was OVERWHELMED with Kaldorei survivors…but no one wants to talk about that for some reason.


Because it undermines the victim complex.


Vulpera? Kul’tiran? Nightborne? Orcs?

Also, we don’t know how many died in that tree. But the narrative sure acted like it was most of the Night elves.

While this may be true, depending on the numbers, I find it quite funny coming from you.


The King of the Victim Complex trying to call the kettle black.


Crazy snake people.

We just had a raid in Boralus, but fine. We’ll say the Kul’Tirans do not.

Fair. The Burning Crusade simply dominated Suramar, they didn’t sack it.

I’m so glad that you were dishonest enough to go here.
I’m not even going to bring up Draenor.

We know that so many nelves escaped that Stormwind City is taxed.
We also know that Teldrassil was not ever stated to be 90% of the race like Quel’Thalas was.

Glad we can agree that you were wrong and the night elves did not suffer like the Blood Elves suffered.


You can’t sack someone’s homeland when they are nomadic. Everyone has enemies, but that doesn’t mean they got their lands sacked.

City’s still intact. Pristine even.

That city still stands. Didn’t even get seriously damaged.
Also, does it count if you raid your own city? Cause you did.

Which may simply have been due to how many there were originally.

Nah, but you are free to believe it. Feed your little victim complex as much as you like. It won’t do you any good.


It just dawned on me that the worgen suffered twice now at the hands of Sylvanas and if anyone should want her head on a pike and have a bigger claim on vengeance , it’s the worgen, but certain peeps here don’t want me or others to talk about that either.


Just now? Not earlier?

I partly agree. But the Gilneans got away, twice, while the Night elves did not.

Not me, that’s for sure.

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Oh I knew it, I suppose I should’ve said I forgot to bring it up

The second time around, maybe. But a lot of worgen died to kick the forsaken out of Gilneas. And during the battles in Hillsbrad

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You can when they only claim one region as their home and sack their settlements.

Surely. In the story the entire city was taken from the Horde and the race who were not allied with Garrosh lost access to it.

No you very explicitly state that stated numbers are important:

ONLY in Quel’Thalas have numbers been stated. 90% of the High Elf race died. Furthermore, they didn’t populate most of the known world like the Night Elves did (and still do.)

ergo, 90% of the night elf race is not dead and Teldrassil is a far lesser massacre than Quel’Thalas.

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.


That’s not sacking. Occupying is not the same as sacking. And I might add, sacking is not the same as razing.

A few races, like the blood elves, got their cities sacked. That means their city was still there, but damaged, and a lot of people died.

And then, a few races got their cities, or zones in the case of Tledrassil, razed. Whole thing is destroyed, and made uninhabitable. That’s what happened to the Humans and Night elves. I think the only Horde race who got their home razed were the goblins, and that was because of natural disasters. Dragon made natural disasters, but still.

Sure, but the portrayal is more important. But I wish we had numbers, sure.

You have no clue about the population density in teldrassil. Could have been a thousand elves there for every elf elsewhere. Again, we lack numbers, unfortunately.

But unfortunately, nothing I say will convince you to drop your hatred of Night elves. Where you picked that up is beyond me.


Back on topic. Just going through Ardenweald campaign, and up to Shandris smack talking my character and the horde, while requesting I help her find her mum. My gut reaction is to take her to the Maw and just leave her there. Pretty unreasonable presentation if you ask me.


There’s nothing unreasonable about her reaction. Her people were just genocided by the horde. What, did you want her to hold your hand, sing you love songs and skip through the maw with you?

Stuff like this does boggle my mind…like were you not paying attention to what happened the previous expansion?


I certainly wish someone was around for SL. Genn, Darius,… Celestine… Ivaranyone. The complete lack of Worgen is one of the things that leads me to believe Sylvanas won’t die, or face any other meaningful repercussions, and probably get Illidan’d.

If I’m remembering right, there was a point in BtS where Gallywix speculates that him futzing around with a vein of azerite inside Kajaro was more to blame for the eruption.

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Morghel: Yeah, we didn’t damage Orgrimmar

Morghel: Secondly, a bunch of orcs killing other orcs never happened. No one died. Orgrimmar was a peaceful protest.

You’re so dishonest that it’s funny.

No it doesn’t. It means to completely destroy. You can raze a building and still rebuild there later.

Lordaeron City
Two troll empires
Arathi for like a decade
Echo Isles
Tauren in Warcraft 3

So there are few races who haven’t had something razed. Note that I didn’t put Quel’Thalas on this list, despite that they lost NINETY PERCENT OF THEIR ENTIRE RACE.

The reason is that I don’t care about nameless NPCs, it’s only pertinent because you made this a numbers game. Quel’Thalas was not razed.

Finally something we both agree on. Numbers and vendor npcs have absolutely no merit or value. What the player is intended to feel is the objective.

Why are you walking back that numbers don’t matter???
And here I thought we’d finally found common ground. It’s almost like you’re moving the goalpost.

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I hope not. As much I admittedly go overboard on beating up on some posters (Sorry Morghel. I think our disagreements were simply a huge misunderstanding). That would be a pretty terrible message to send

I disagree. If she wants my help she should keep a civil tongue in her head or go elsewhere.

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I mean, yes, yes I did want that. Who wouldn’t want that?

To nitpick, we don’t even know if Undermine was razed. Motherload takes place in part of Kezan, and it seems to be still standing as much as a goblin city can be called “standing”. And we have no word on how Undermine actually fared from the volcano, but given how Motherload looks, it’s much too early to assume it’s razed.

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She’s allowed to be angry with the horde and rightfully so.


That’s fair. We all need a Shandris in our lives :gift_heart:

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