So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

Killing bosses doesn’t constitue as destroying the city. Not even close. Unless you’re somehow telling me the iron juggernaut is a piece of the city, which I don’t think is the case.

You said sack. S.A.C.K. It means a certain thing. it doesn’t mean occupy, it doesn’t mean to kill. Orgrimmar wasn’t sacked. It was occupied, by the people already living there, funnily enough.

Thrall was there literally the last expansion.

Not a city, not even destroyed.

Still intact, just a bit iiradiated.

Piss off.

You can’t raze a species. Or sack them, for that part either.

No you made it a number’s game. I care about the portrayal, because we don’t know the numbers, only how it was portrayed.

You keep going abck to it. But let’s drop it, since we don’t know.

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Quit moving goalposts, Morghel.

Garrosh specifically took control of the Horde’s banks.
Stop being pretentious. It’s a normal look on you, but it’s also a bad look on you.

And the ‘land was sick and dying.’

Morghel: The Night Elves left all those cities standing and did not tear them down and build over them.

Hit a nerve.
Nevermind that you can go to classic right now and see that there’s no buildings there.

I don’t remember what city they were trying to reclaim from the centaur, so I wrote tauren.

Teldrassil is in no way portrayed as deeply wounding as Quel’Thalas was. Most of the army was gone. Night Elves live all over the known world – which was not remotely true for high elves. So many elves escaped that Stormwind is overcumbersome with night elves.

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Silly Morg. Didn’t you see Tyrande knock down the gates that previously stayed open 24/7/365, rendering the city completely, totally, and utterly uninhabitable? Gosh. Just try to be more sensitive to the Horde’s suffering, please.

They kind of already sent it, back in Legion. And that’s with Illidan not being nearly as curvaceous as Sylvanas

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That’s true. Just be a Hot elf and we’ll excuse all your crimes.

It’s a good thing I’m not emotionally invested in what happens to Sylvanas. Though I was one of the few people calling it months ago they were going to redeem her.

Oh! And don’t forget, how DARE Tyrande, Shandris and co be angry at the horde for comitting a genocide against their people. The nerve, am I right?

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also lmao
“thrall had a sickly farm in nagrand, so draenor wasn’t destroyed”


“This world is wrong. . . Broken. . .” - Saurfang

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I expect to be disappointed. Which makes me less disappointed, for now. I’ll probably get hit with a fresh wave of disappointment when whatever it is hits the beta/PTR servers. But, for now… meh.

Its sometimes impressive how you get the people to take your baits srsly…really…

I feel the same way about the whole sylvanas thing. I am admittedly enjoying the Night Fae story though. So there’s that :gift_heart:

I’m not. Let me explain what occupying, sacking, and razing means. When you occupy, you walk in, you take over the place, you stay.
When you sack, you walk in, take everything of value, and leave.
When you raze, you walk in, torch the whole place, salt the earth etc. You make sure that no one can live there, either now or in the forseeable future.
So, considering that the Alliance didn’t come there to take what was valuable (lorewise, at least), nor did we take over the place, and neither did we burn the whole place to the ground. So we didn’t occupy it, or sack it, or raze it. Easy enough to understand, right?

And? did he empty them and leave the city with his merry gang of murderers? I think not.

And still there, and inhabitable. Perhaps not in a year, come back then.

Why do you continously move the discussion here, when we are not discussing the Night elf empire at the moment.

Do you think Zalazane personally made sure to destroy every building there, just to spite the Darkspear? Do you think he salted the earth as well? You are actually unbelievable.

That. Isn’t. What. Sacking. MEANS.
The total war player in me wants to do terrible things to you.

Yes it was. they couldn’t have hammered the parallels harder if they so tried. You are blind if you can’t see them.

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Except unlike Quel’thalas you see the horde take prisoners ie the citizens, where as the scourge killed literally anything and everything they came across. Now the burning of the tree is closer to the scourge ideal of shock and awe, where you do the most horrifying thing to destroy morale.

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Not saying it was identical, but there were very clear parallells. Very heavy handed and obvious parallelles.


Not really, for the most part the war of thorns was shown as a tooth and nails fight for the horde to capture ground. The scourge rolled through any and every obstacle with no real issue, now does it mean it wasn’t bad? No, but it’s nowhere as bad as a scourge invasion can be.

I won’t discount your interpretation of it all, I disliked the who’ll ordeal especially the burning and the siege of lordaeron.

No lie. I 100% expect Sylvanas to make it out of Shadowlands unharmed, just banshee-ing out from the final raid at like 5% with some line about “you don’t understand, I’m doing this for yoooouuuu!” Then in the next expac, we reluctantly help Sylvy, Azshara and Xal’atath in the next expansion, fighting against the Void Lords or something. And in the process, we find out all three of them have secretly been the heroes the entire time.

Sylvy’s whole allegiance with Death was because the Void hates Death more than anything.

Azshara’s treason turn against N’zoth was part of a long-term plan since pre-WotA and she was secretly summoning Sargy to Azeroth to take his power to purge the Old Gods from Azeroth.

And Xal’atath is just the nicest dagger in the universe, with a fondness for chocolates. All those rumors about her? Old God propaganda.



  1. The entirety of the Horde war machine is held back during the WoT by a token force of Night Elf city guards, civilians and Malfurion. That the Night Elf forces weren’t immediately stream rolled is a miracle.

  2. Malfurion mops the floor with Sylvanas just prior to the Burning of Teldrassil and is stopped short of killing her because of an axe to the back by the strongest living orc Warrior. Malfurion is fine less than a patch later.

  3. Night Elves regain their lost territory during BfA with very little help from the rest of the Alliance.

  4. Tyrande did a 360 no-scope on Nathanos who was previously considered untouchable.

  5. Malfurion to this day still has no equal.

But, yeah, Night Elves need to get their teeth back…


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I would hate that lol

I was mostly refering to the burning itself, and Delaryn mirroring Sylvanas at Quel’thalas, while Sylvanas was playing the role of Arthas. That was the obvious parallell I was refering to.


I’m really liking the parts that are divorced from Azeroth. The Teldrassil stuff still makes me angry, and it’s pretty dumb to be helping loa who are going to be powering up their followers to try and kill me in the next faction war expansion.

Everything else is a delight, though. And Convoke the Spirits is… something to see (and hits a bit harder than I anticipated).


This is why you’re one of my favorite posters hun. Can always make me laugh/smile with your sarcasm/snarky ness :gift_heart:

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You are. I directly quoted you and replied to what it was I quoted, which was sacking.

You moved the goalpost to razing.

He used them to pay the goblins. He also used the Horde’s treasury of weapons gained from Pandaria.

Morghel: Teldrassil was worse than Draenor.
And so now Morghel has long lost any and all sincerity and honesty.
More land was lost when Draenor literally exploded than when Teldrassil burned. That’s a cold, hard fact.

I understand. You have a hard time following the conversation.
::He would gently clasp your hand and lead you on the path to discovery.::
You stated that Lor’themar would understand Teldrassil’s loss as if Teldrassil was uniquely comparable to the only event in Warcraft where 90% of a race was stated to be lost.

This is untrue. I listed many people who lost their homelands like the night elves did – or worse than the night elves did. Two troll empires were amongst them.

I’m not sure his motives matter. What happened happened.

I was specifically mentioning homelands which had been razed, actually. The Tauren lost their homeland entirely and had to rebuild it.