So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

I mean, iosn’t that what your whole link was about? Being disingenuous by trying to shift the conversation from “show me a blood elf involved in the Burning” to “show me a blood elf involved in anything else at all”?

Well, yeah, of course it was. You’re a naturally dishonest person who can’t actually defend your points, requisiting you to change the argument entirely into something you think you can defend.

But this time, I’m choosing to give you the benefit of the doubt. That rather than being dishonest yet again, you wanted to actually provide proof of something people were actually discussing.

Am I wrong? Were you just being disingenuous again?

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We shall see.

No. But i’ll just carry it as a grudge against blizzard if it’s not done proper. At a certain point there won’t be a point in discussing it further. But again, hopefully they will resolve it properly. Hopefully.

They were involved in the burning, by making it possible. You can’t dissassociate the invasion from the burning, because one made the other possible.


Then you also need to hold Anduin accountable. Had he put no spies in Orgrimmar, Sylvanas would have had less evidence to convince Saurfang that going to war was a good idea.

Anduin holds as much culpability, by your reasoning, as Lor’themar. Because he made it all possible.


Do you mean remorseful? “Remiss” means “at fault.”


By that logic also,if Anduin had very publicly reprimanded Genn, it would have done more to smooth over relations with the Horde. Make Sylvanas less nervous about the alliance doing something stupid again.

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Sure. The Alliance was being agressive, for all the wrong reasons, and in all the wrong ways. They had a mountain of reasons to make the Horde answer for past agressions. Gilneas, Theramore, Southshore. But they are never brought up. Just like Stormheim wasn’t. Poor writing.

As a faction leader, he is in fact accountable for the deeds of the horde.

He’s not a common soldier, he’s an leader.

Member of the gouverments are accountable for the deeds of the gouverment.

If he directly responsyble for sylvanas action? No, but he s accountable


Blood Elves taking part in the burning. Theyre in Darkshore. The site of the Burning. Your semantic garbage doesn’t make this incorrect. Your just jumping through every hoop possible in your mental gymnastics to try and state otherwise.


Good. We’re on the same page so far. Anduin, by putting spies in Orgrimmar, is equally at fault as Lor’themar. Because I’m’a blow your mind here and make you contradict your logic when you tell me I’m wrong. Ready?

Tyrande is culpable for Garrosh’s assault on Ashenvale back in Cataclysm.

I mean, she broke the lumber deal, right? Yeah, sure, she was tricked into it by the Twilights. But Lor’themar and Saurfang were tricked into aiding the Burning by being led to believe they were just taking the city. Being tricked, by your logic, is no excuse. And Tyrande, being tricked, broke the deal that Garrosh and his people needed.

And it gets better from here. Because then if you want to hold Lor’themar culpable for everything else that happened under Sylvanas? Tyrande is also culpable for everything that happened under Garrosh. Including Theramore.

Now, personally, I don’t believe this. I believe if you’re tricked into a no-win situation, you don’t blame the one tricked. You blame the trickster. I don’t blame Tyrande at all for any of that, nor do I blame Lor’themar for Sylvanas fooling everyone and trapping the Horde in a no-win situation.

But we’re not talking about my beliefs. We’re looking at your own. So.

Does Tyrande owe Jaina an apology or not?


You still have to show me proof of that.

I knew you’d jump through the hoop but I didn’t think you’d light it on fire first and do a twirl through it. The gymnastics are insane.

Hats off for doing some good old fashioned victim blaming while you were at it. Real quality stuff.


I think you are mistaking blame for guilt.

Lor’themar is guilty, because he aided the invasion that eventually culminated in a genocide. That’s his cross to bear, along with what came next.

But do I blame him? For not being psychic? No. He’s guilty, but I don’t blame him for his part in the burning. But I blame him, and will allways blame him, for what he did next.


We’re still waiting for you to prove. Stop stalling already.

I’m still waiting for you to show any proof. That’s not jumping, that’s just waiting.

Come at me with proof.

Cite any evidence of this, too.

Cool, so do you feel Tyrande is guilty of Theramore?


and I already provided evidence. You don’t get to dismiss it just cause you don’t like that it exists. You’re not the judge here.


And do what? Take his army and people, make a stand against Sylvanas, just so she can finish the genocide of the blood elves? We’re reaching insanity levels that shouldn’t be possible Because that’s all him standing up to her would lead to.

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You showed evidence of Tyrande’s culpability for Garrosh’s assault?


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A single Blood Knight…standing in some obscure area of Darkshore. Get with the times girlfriend! Oh wait…is that victim blaming the Kaldorei too? I’m confused now.(Not really. ‘Tis a joke)

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Three separate images but good job on the bad faith as always Micah. Try to come up with your own original thoughts for once. Might do your brain some good to wave out the cobwebs.