So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

The horde was afraid they would be stuck between Sylvanas’s forces and the alliance army if they didn’t time their rebellion right. People want to ignore that part though.

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The Alliance was very quick to aid the rebellion the first time around. To believe they wouldn’t the second time is folly. The truth is they weren’t quick to rebel because they didn’t care to until it was abundantly clear that they were no longer benefitting from the war.

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Then we’re back to the question of “which of Lor’themar’s people actually helped with the Burning”, which you haven’t shown a single one did. So no, your analogy still is utterly failing. You haven’t shown anything other than Lor’themar, like everyone, got duped by Sylvanas.

I must therefore conclude your entire issue with Lor’themar not apologizing directly to Tyrande boils down to nothing more than blatant trolling and possibly racism. Imean, you haven’t gone out of your way to deny your racial discrimination against the blood elf people, so you must feel it.

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See, this is what happens when pups don’t let their inner wolf out on occasion. They go cray cray :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Oh i’m well aware of their reason. Doesn’t excuse them, and it especially doesn’t excuse Sylvana’s forces, who for all accounts have evaded proper punishment.

You’ve got to prove that somehow, for whatever reason, Lor’themar withheld his troops for the invasion. Unless you assume Sylvanas would be okay with that, which seems extremely unlikely considering how she acted towards him in wotlk when she demanded he send troops to Northrend.

You’re free to believe that there were no blood elves at darkshore during the war of thorns. You’d be ridiculus to believe it, with the evidence presented, but you’re free to.

And there actually was a blood elf there. The guy who had a grudge against Malfurion. Is that enough?


I really don’t tho. I haven’t claimed Lor’themar has no culpability in the invasion.

You’re the one making the outlandish claim he is responsible for the Burning. Your claim, show proof. If you lack proof and still support your claim, I must assume it’s due to racial prejudice. Because, using your own logic that by not apologizing for Teldrassil Lor’themar clearly doesn’t care about it, by not denying your racism you must in fact be guilty of it.

You set the rules, I’m just following them with you.

I didn’t see him torch the tree or involved in the tree burning in any way, so no. Got a screen shot of that? I know to a racist like you, all blood elves are criminals, but is there actual evidence here or just your own prejudices?


There are bears in Darkshore too…maybe they’re really blood elves in disguise…can’t trust them bears man. Never what they appear to be :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Nah, but you know those bears? They didn’t prevent the tree burning either.

You know what that means.

Bears are also responsible for Teldrassil. And I ain’t seen the leader of those bears apologize to Tyrande, or even express any sympathies. Bears did the deed and don’t even care.


I thought sailing the night elves down to Silithus was Tyrande’s idea and she was already doing it by the time Anduin brought it up?

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Not directly, but her certainly made it possible. Without the invasion, the burning could not have happened. And he helped with the invasion. That makes him guilty. Not as guilty as Saurfang or Sylvanas, but still guilty.

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She agreed to do it based on Anduin’s shoddy information thanks to his inability to properly deploy spies.

Of the invasion, yes. You’re trying to hold him responsible for a crazy person’s spur-of-the-moment decision, which nobody had any way to predict or even suspect.

Of enabling them. Which he, along with the entirety of the Horde, did.

But here’s the thing. I don’t blame Lor’themar or the Horde that much for the burning itself. I certainly hope those shamans and siege engine operators are in the maw, but for that’s about it for the burning itself.

What I will hold the Horde accountable for until the end of days is the fact that they supported the one who did it for months on end, and when they finally decided to get rid of her, only a small portion decided to. That condemns a lot of the Horde, and characters like Geya’rah, more than you can imagine. And when it’s all said an done, the first thing the Horde does isn’t to apologize for their actions, but it’s to prepare for Alliance retaliation, and hope that Tyrande doesn’t turn her very justified anger on them.

Apologize for the long windedness, but I will not excuse the Horde’s conduct during bfa. Not a chance.

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Here’s your evidence.

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Will you ever though? Teldrassil is going to forever be the elephant in the room forever for some people I get that. But like it or not, the current story is dealing with it. Little late if you ask me, but thats another story.

Again, after SL is over, will you be willing to let it go, regardless of how it ends?

Well, there we go. That solves that,

Huh. Not a single one burning the tree down. Thanks for proving the blelves had no culpability in burning your tree down. Much appreciated.

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No they were just busy defending the ones doing it and murdering innocents at Lor’Danel


Not burning the tree down, got it. Thanks sweetie for proving my point and defending my argument.

And you call me disingenuous. Another Treng to be disregarded.


But they dared to be there they will say! They must be responsible for supporting…umm…something something sylvanas did spur of the moment…

Anyway want some caramel popcorn? Tis good stuff :gift_heart:

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