So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

And yet sadly, you missed the point of the entire post in the process, trying to turn it into something else entirely.

Guess that’s what happens when you don’t actually read a thing and choose to somehow turn it into a gripe about things it never mentioned while also giving a generic “but mah vengensses tho” response.

If by “be like Treng” you mean “making points you can’t seem to respond to in posts you can’t seem to read” then sure, honey.


It amounted to “Yeah it needs to be fixed but I won’t be happy with any of the solutions.”

So if that’s not your intended message then humor me and reword it.

You understand why Alliance players are a bit irked that the Horde are using Sylvanas as a scapegoat, right?

And for the record, I too believe it was a travesty that the Horde was written the way it was written during bfa. Nothing would have made me happier than the races of the Horde leaving the faction, one by one until she would have been a warchief of none, and the races of the Horde then reforming themselves into a new Horde, with a modified flag, who’s first mission would be to see her dead, no matter the cost.

But, you get what you get.

wow, way to really misinterpret a post there. Talk about misreading the room. And it’s laughable you actually think the Worgen got anything noteworthy in game these last 10+ yrs. I don’t know if I want laugh in your face or cry from the sheer stupidity of that comment

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Your power fantasy of dismantling the horde is never going to happen, get off that train already. It’s old and outdated.


I’m not convinced this isn’t just your alt and you’re posting on a Blue Background like Treng is. So…

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You don’t need to keep proving to me you did not read my post. You did that already enough times that I got the hint.

Sweety. You’ve proven to me time and again that nothing I type gets past whatever mental filter you have up that demands you be disingenuous with your responses.

I’ll happily reword my point, but at this point I need to find some kind of way to get through that filter before we can actually have a single honest discussion. Help me out here. What’s driving your desire to intentionally misrepresent my posts so you can blithely handwave anything I say without reading a word of it?

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I’m just going to let this sit and let people draw their own conclusions about what happened with and to both leaders and why Vol’jin was given more screentime.


You know very well that I don’t want that. Or atleast you would, had you bothered to read before you type.

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Nah, it’s my main. Only toon I have had since Cata. And it’s irrelevant if you think otherwise.

Being irked that Sylvanas is the scapegoat means only one thing. So for the love of god, make up your damn mind already. You guys flip flop harder than a pancake

good lord, you people care about me a lot. I haven’t been posting on Treng since before the new forum change that wiped the old forums (and thus many of my pro night elf posts. :frowning: ) yet even newbies know I’m Treng.

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Vol’jin went out like a wimp, won’t deny that. But he still get’s to return, and have a story in both bfa and shadowlands. Varian got a cameo in legion, when Anduin picked up Shalamayne. Heroic death or not, one is better.

Is there no middle ground in your mind between “let the Horde off the hook completely” and “massacrering every Horde man, women and child”?

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I haven’t misrepresented anything. I read through your entire post. It’s amounted to “I won’t enjoy the solutions so Idk.”

You said you’re in favor of a book and also not.

You followed up saying you don’t want to run around with Thrall and Baine making amends cause your head canon is that you didn’t run around murdering Night Elves.

You said you’d rather help the Forsaken. I will admit this part slipped past me.

Making Alliance Exclusive also sucks for you because then you miss out on your faction doing things. I responded saying I don’t want your factions’ characters making amends.

You returned the book idea and said it’s not the proper way to fix this situation.

Correction: Sylvanas is the scapegoat because Blizzard has made her the scapegoat, not Horde players. It’s the same deal we got with Garrosh.

When Thrall spoke to Tyrande, she didn’t demand reparations. She didn’t demand the Horde help regrow Teldrassil, or pay a blood debt, or anything of the sort; she just wanted Sylvanas. Sylvanas is the literal goat brought to the alter that Blizzard has deemed will make things square between the Horde and Alliance.

Is it good? No. Is it enough? No. But the same people who decided Teldrassil was a fun idea to burn down have decided the price for one [Charred Teldrassil Husk] is one [Sylvanas’s Head].


No worries dear. The night elf fanatical army is just acting up again. This time, they can’t even decide whether they want Sylvanas to pay for her crimes or they want to dismantle the horde.

I’ve seen pancakes that flip flop less

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Edit: Gonna repurpose this post into something actually worth talking about.

The phrase “Horde” and “Horde Player” are not being used inter-changeably.

When we say “Horde” we mean the in lore faction.

When we say “Horde Player” that’s when we’re talking about you.


You literally have. I even took the pains to highlight how you did. Now you’re even being disingenuous about your past disingenuity. It’s like dishonesty inception.

IDK what the heckin’ heck with you.

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And there’s nothing wrong with that truthfully. The Night Fae questlines are doing a good job of tidying up the whole teldrassil mess in my opinion

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