So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

I read the whole thing. But simply put it’s not my place to lay out how the Forsaken’s problems should be solved. I’m not a forsaken fan.

The inverse is true of people who aren’t Night Elf fans.

See, I know factually from this line you read nothing I wrote. Because I mentioned nothing about the forsaken. Or how the night elf players should get their resolution. Or how they should feel. Or anything you’re going to pretend my post was about.

And hey, that’s okay.


You said, in more words, that you don’t want to play through having to fix the Night Elves problems but acknowledge that they need to be solved. You also said you don’t think that they should be relegated to being solved in a book. Happy now?

The solution to you, A Horde player, not being forced to play through content that is a “negative” for you and a positive for me is that you get your own set of quests on the other side of Azeroth centered around fixing Forsaken problems at the same time I get my quests solving Night Elf problems.


I mean, if you skip the entire middle paragraph, sure. If the actual meaning and context is something you just have to ignore, then I see why you’d come to that conclusion to sate your seeming desire to make disingenuous, dishonest blanket statements any time you see someone with a red portrait respond.

You do you, friend.

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If you mean this then I agree with you. But I wouldn’t want Baine and Thrall anywhere near it. I don’t want the Horde to make amends. I want the opposite. I want Tyrande to take vengeance. I want justice.

I’m not moving any goalpost, you are. Killing off characters does not constitute as dismantling, especially when they introduce new characters to fill the void. I get that you are irked about losing old favorites, but that doesn’t mean that you are “objectively correct”. If you want to dismantle something, and render it irrelevant for the future, you don’t give it an entire expansion’s worth of content. And guess what? That’s what the Horde got.
And again, explain how your feelings being hurt equals too much Night elf in the story.


Wow, this cesspit of hypocrisy and “no u” is still going.


The Alliance, currently, only has to kill one single leader to attain For the Alliance unless Baine is still in Orgrimmar.

The Horde is constantly in the background or the sidekicks to the alliance. Thrall and Baine sit on the floor whilst Alliance Bolvar and Alliance Jaina stand in positions of command around the table.

The Horde is dismantled. Your observation of that objective fact is not necessary.


This beauty of gem is why I say Night elf fans will never be happy with what happens in the story.

Nathanos has been killed, the kaldorei souls saved and mass dumped into Ardenweald, everyone is actively hunting Sylvanas.

But people like Sylaes never want the horde to atone. Let this sink in next time you guys respond to her and the fanatics that follow her line of thinking. NOTHING is going to be enough for these people. Ever


What a terrible blow. You only have one loot pinata that the Alliance can kill. How dreadful.

The whole of bfa strongly disagrees with this statement.

How? They’re still a big player in the lore, they still got leaders for every race, including the Forsaken. Vol’jin is about to become a loa, Thrall get’s his powers back. They got a nice new member with the Zandalari.

Stop being so dramatic. I get that you don’t like the direction of the story. I don’t either. But I don’t go around and scream “the alliance is no more” just because of that.


I wouldn’t say dismantled is the right word. I think they been effectively been neutered and defanged simply because blizzard doesn’t want the horde to be heroes, also if they save the shadowlands or anyone of importance, than blizzzard wont be able to make them the big bad boogy man for the next faction conflict expansion without making themselves look ridiculous in the process.


I actually meant the entire post, from start to finish, breaking down the issue with the entire debate about depicting resolution either in-game or in a book, but I wouldn’t expect you to honestly respond to that.

So okay.


Morghel: I will disingenuously imply that the constant bleeding of every single OG Horde leader doesn’t matter. This is sure to make people take me seriously as an honest participant in discussions on these story forums.

Why not? We certainly never party with Horde leaders during “”“neutral”"" expansions, but we always, without fail, party with Alliance ones. Even Bolvar was retconned to be Alliance after wearing the crown.+ Meanwhile, Blizzard has killed so many Horde leaders I’ve lost count. It wasn’t even enough to kill or remove almost the complete entirety of the OG cast (only Thrall still lives & Vol’jin will be gone until next expansion. We don’t even know if he’ll be main cast or just occasional tag a long like Bwonsamdi.) They also had to kill newbies.

The only current leader of the Horde who exists in Azeroth proper that has any seniority is Lor’themar. Everyone else is a stark newbie.

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hugs Putting it that way, yeah I suppose it is the right word to use. And you’re not wrong about any of it. It really is kind of sad truthfully.


I’ve individually responded to every point you’ve made now. So it’s obvious you’re either trolling or simply impossible to communicate with. It’s a shame you’ve chosen to be like Treng.

Sent to his Queen.

Not interested in another scapegoat that all the blame gets heaped onto.

It’s not unreasonable for me to want justice against the group that went on a war of extermination against my favorite playable race when I constantly tack on the disclaimer that I don’t want Horde players to have to play through it from the opposite side and would prefer that they be off on the Eastern Kingdoms getting their own catharsis.

From my perspective you people are the ones impossible to please.


Cairne died in cata, same as Magni. Now it’s true magni returned, but not as an alli character. Pure neutral, gone forever. Not that I have a problem with it.
Garrosh, i’ll give you that. Villainbatted and beaten up. Still, 8 years ago at this point. You gotta let go.
Voljin fell during legion, same as Varian. Except, one is still deader than dust, and the other is a soon to be loa. I think we can both agree on who came out on top.
And finally Sylvie and Saurfang. One got more relevance during 2 years than he had combined over 14, and the other became more relevant as a villain than she has been ever.
And ultimately I ask you, why do you think it matters that they died? The Story still chuggs along without them. You still have a story, in fact you have had more story during wow’s lifetime than the Alliance has ever had, Characters excluded.
If they still lived they would be relegated to insignificance, like Velen, or Muradin. Do you just want them in the freezer, so that you can pull them out for a story when you feel like it? Why not use the new characters, like Gey’rah or Mayla?
Why do you think the og characters are so important for the story, beyond you liking them?

Let me count for you. Cairne, Garrosh, Vol’jin, Saurfang, and soon (possibly) Sylvanas. The fabled five.

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She is the scapegoat, and she WILL be dealt with one way or another. So better buckle up and make sure your boot strings are nice and tight, because it looks like you’re in another disappointing expansion with that attitude

Least you have your Night elf power fantasy and headcannon to live with.


Already expected. That’s why I didn’t buy it.

Translation: F*ck you got mine don’t care.

That’s a really great attitude to have towards someone advocating that both sides get their problems fixed.

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