So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

I’ve had my fair share of annoyances with some night elf posters.

I main a night elf as well as you can see.

I’m not saying that they should please anyone in specific, but that the “burning of teldrassil” coupled with “all souls in there were doomed to the maw” is a plot point that needed to be addressed.

Yeah, Forsaken lost Lordaeron and their leader became a villain, but this was kinda predictable with the whole “being part of the horde as a means to an end” and with Sylvanas doing what she did in Legion. But again, while they lost territory, they weren’t victims of any lore tragedy, they were just forced to leave their home.

If War of Thorns and Siege of Lordaeron were exactly mirrored events, i think the complaints would be reduced.


Well, they were the victims of that gut wrenching story, so I think it’s understandable why they would be more vocal. Thoe, truth be told, everyone was a victim in bfa, one way or another. The Night elves just moreso.

It’s not really about the numbers, since as you said they don’t really matter. It’s how the story portrayed those losses. Blizzard really drove home just how awful the burning was, and how many lives were lost, and that the Horde was responsible, at least in part. And then to dig it in further they then revealed that all those souls went to hell, where some of them were even destroyed while being in abject agony. And I might add it was their civilian population, most of it I might add, that died, which explains why the night elves could still fight back.
It’s just a matter of portrayal. They portrayed Teldrassil as one of the worst events in wow’s history, and that makes it matter, atleast to a lot of people.

Most likely because there’s a lot fewer of us, both on the forums and in total.
And the Night elves got treated far worse in bfa.

If you mean Ashenvale, they absolutely should have it back. Azhara should remain Horde, but Ashenvale have allways been Night elf territory, both in terms of Aesthetics and population.

And that doesn’t seem to be stopping them whatsoever. You’re even having new leaders like Gey’rah and the Vulpera who’s name i’ve forgotten. There’s potential there.

You feeling bad during bfa does not equal Night elf content. We had Teldrassil, a big gap until 8.1.5, which was almost as much of a disaster as Teldrassil, and then Nothing until 8.2.5, where we saw a bunch of scantily clad Night elves at the gates of Orgrimmar. And that was it for bfa.

Now, Blizzard have finally gotten of their behinds and are adressing Teldrassil, one piece at a time, after 2 years of letting it fester. It’s late, but better late than never.


The thing is this is true for everyone, not just the night elf and not just for azeroth. We now know that they are many world and everyone are now going into the maw.

So once again, why does it have to be night elf specifically when it is a universal problem?

NO please just don’t… Don’t start with the ‘‘both have different problem but mine are worst and your doesn’t really count’’.

Undercity was lost and while it wasn’t a ‘‘lore tragedy’’, losing Sylvanas is a ‘‘lore tragedy’’ for the forsaken. And here we are. The expansion that will finally deal with the forsaken and yet not forsaken content in sight.

Thing don’t need to be mirrored to be as impactfull. Race all have their own situation and event have different impact depending on this.


Really kicking the bee hive with this one. I’ll take this chance to remind everyone that Teldrassil wasn’t “just a city”. Darnassus was. Teldrassil was it’s own ecosystem and not only held several homes to a people but numerous forms of wild life.


While you might not, a short scroll up quickly shows that others do. If it helps, assume (as I do) that people making blanket statements like that are really referring to a small sub-section of players with a race/portrait background in common.

Honestly? Both the Tyrande and the Vol’jin stories should have been faction-specific. As it stands, the night fae covenant has less to do with the actual covenant itself. Had these two not been tied to specific covenants, then they could have been spread out through the zones. Night warriors in Bastion, in Ardenweald, in Maldraxxus, maybe even one that went too far and ended up in Revendreth. Then all of them coming together to help Tyrande.

As a bonus, the night fae covenant could have focused on things like saving wild gods that are dying out/being sacrificed for the greater good. Which allegedly was a thing happening in the zone, even if it pretty much vanishes past the leveling experience (outside of the PC doing random crap in the Conservatory).

Also as an added bonus, the Vol’jin story could have been an actual story instead of a single chapter somewhere in the Ardenweald mix.


I dont even want to reply to all of this because this is exactly why people are tired or the night elf player complain. All you are doing is saying that you have it worst that everybody, that you are the ultimate victim so you have the right to complain more than anybody…

Night elf still have it better than many race and yet you trying to make youself feel right about asking to get even more than them.

I feel like this whole thread is about it. Night elf player not accepting that something was done for them so they can justify their ‘‘victim’’ crusade.


That was certainly not my intention. I’ll lay it out here then: I want Teldrassil to have a satisfying conclusion, which basically means that either we mass ress the souls lost on that tree, or the Horde shows it’s regret, gives a few reparations, leaves zones like Ashenvale alone etc, most of which can be done in a book, if push comes to shove. I’d say that’s enough. And it’s not that much for an event of Teldrassil’s scale.

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If you understood me saying that, that is not what I meant.

Yeah, soldiers died on every side, Teldrassil so far is the only civillian disaster in the entire BFA, and as such, i think it deserves its resolution and to me is simple as just saving the souls from the maw and granting them a good afterlife.

Forsaken lost their leader, their lands and their means of “reproduction”. And i do think those 3 plot points should be equally addressed.

And I’m not saying that Horde players should be tied to the night elf rescue mission either, only that i’m glad it exists, and i think it should exist, and Ardenweald of the 4 covenants is the one that can be tied more to night elf storylines.

I don’t think that one side having worst nullifies the struggle of another side, and i said that before, Horde characters in lore have all the right to hate alliance and vice versa


The is the inherent problem. A book isn’t good enough. It has to be on screen. No exceptions.

I think this simply isn’t possible, because there is simply so much that has to be resolved. It would require a ton of effort on Blizzards part, and all for something that only a part of the playerbase wants. Would they make it Alliance only? Unfair then. But if you include the Horde, what would they do in this questline, and why?
It’s simply much easier to write a book, and they wouldn’t be limited by the game’s inherent limitations.

You, sir, are a hordefanatic like treng and in no simple shape better than the one who you accuse of whining, so stop be a silly or a hypocrite. You open this entire Thread as WHINE-THREAD!

boaah, its almost enough…this “WE HORDE HAVE IT SO BAD” Behavior are the same people who in the same - in the same second - the other faction speak down or say they have NO problems.

Shut up, man, thats all i have to say about guys likes you, try to be neutral, or stop writing, this is a story forum not a “RP Forum”. people like you, are no better than Elea or the other night elffanatics.

The thing that upsets me the most is this hypocrisy, this hypocrisy, because if it was the other way around, and the Alliance had wiped out Orgrimmar, represented like the WOT, in a scenario, and everything that goes with it, people like you would be crying all the time too, and then you dare to accuse others of that very fact, really? I’ve seen a lot of hypocrites here, but you’ve just topped it all, disgusting behaviour I call it.

From a pure story perspective, without a playerbase action armory, the Horde should not even exist as a political faction anymore, if we leave everything out of it, everything that metawise plays into this, but look purely at the story, the “consequences” the Horde received are just too laughable for what has been committed.

So we are lucky that we had the faction player plot armour. In a WC game, the horde would probably have been wiped out or stop existing as a political faction, because blizzard had no problem with that. Remember wc2…thats the way it would have ended…no horde anymore.


This is absolutely what you did.

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I won’t even reply to you as you are a know troll fanatic in this forum.

I will just continue as saying that the difference is mostly that people can’t even complain without being attacked by night elf player…

This post was mostly just a response as a old thread saying that the content was split 50/50 which is false. Yet this was see as a attack from night elf player and have been mass flag.

I am going to repost this as this was flagged.

Is it really? as for now, we have two night elf chapter with one going in Torghast to find Tyrand and end up saving night elf soul while the other is us following Tyrand daughter again to know more about the night warrior thing.

The troll still only have one questline that revolve about Mueh’zala.

The other ‘‘troll’’ one, which we still don’t have access, resolve more about the troll loa but still revive a night elf wild god.

What make it worst is the way that both of them are represented in the zone. The night elf story are all tied to the Ardenweald while the troll are basically told to get off by the winter queen.

And it not like the other side was really showing the troll after life as 3/4 of it aren’t even part of it. All we get to see is a circle place without seeing how troll are living their '‘after’ live.

I used a other world for the ''get off ‘’ part which is why i was suspended one day. That post is a legit post without any attack or nothing.

We all know why it was really flagged… Because night elf player didn’t like it so they used the bad world to flag it.

Meanwhile here you are. Insulting people and being offensive and probably won’t even be flagged as you aren’t going against night elf player.

Am i also be whining from time to time but i am not asking to get more than everyone else and isn’t asking for forsaken to have more than night elf. I am just asking for a fair amount while night elf player or other poster like you basically ask to rightfully have more.


i? A troll fanatic?XD Laught nice done, but i´m no fanatic of anything^^


Saying that the Night elves suffered the hardest storywise in bfa? Absolutely. Trying to diminish the plight of Horde players, like you do against Alliance players? No.


Yeah sure.

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the difference here, the night elf ask not for more, they ask only for their stuff, for example Ashenvale, but don´t ask for Azshara.

many guys say the story repeats itself in wow, and bfa and wc1 had the same set up…in terms of story…wc2 would have been the end of that story.

I don’t know if you are aware, but both Azshara and Ashenvale are night elf territories, they ask for one thing they care about…ashenvale…they don’t care about the other.


I do not diminishing what the alliance had suffer. All i do is saying that forsaken have suffer as much.

Meanwhile you are the one claiming that night elf suffer more and that forsaken didn’t had that bad which mean that you are the one diminishing what the forsaken suffer…

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So what i get from you two is that alliance had it worse and should have more. That is the right way and is only fair.

Horde player saying that they also didn’t like what they got and want as much as the alliance is not acceptable and the horde is asking for to much by asking to have as much…

Basically, alliance having more is ok. Horde asking to have as much is not ok…

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Oh they had it awful. Lost their capital, their leader, and their cult of personality.
And despite all this, the Night elves still had it worse, at least from a story perspective. That’s not diminishing the Forsaken’s plight, it’s simply stating that they had it second worst, which is still awful, and deserving of a resolution for their problems. Just as the Night elves deserve a resolution to theirs.

Nah, I have no problem with the Horde getting anything they want, so long as the Night elves have their due. Understood?