So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

I don’t berate them because at this point? Teldrassil should’ve been dealt with 2 yrs ago and I’m honestly tired of hearing about. Regardless of how the story ends, none of you are going to be happy. So lets stop pretending on that front.

And who’s fault is it that it haven’t been dealth with? Not the Horde, but neither the Alliance’s.
And Horde poster still complain about Taurajo, which happened 10 Years ago. Don’t see you telling them to get over it.

I didn’t realize you were psychic. Please tell me how the story ends then so I can decide whether to cancel my sub or not.


This is another point that shows how hyocrite are the Nelves poster saying this zone is too much Horde or barely shows Nelves.

Literally the questing is about saving a character heavily involved with them and when you join the covenant said character sends you in errands specifically to save nelves souls and not “save everyone you can”
At this point I fear for their mental health at seeing how much denier are to the point anti-vaxxer look more reasonable people to chat.

Agreed and as I said this look more like a happy accident. Still this prooves Troll loa are the best because the “true” deity either doesn’t care or it’s not existance and let the elves rot in the maw.

Which is a nice jab against Nelves power fantasy :dark_sunglasses: which most believe they are still a godlike civilizarion


This is a bit disingenuous. Nine times out of ten, when Horde brings up Camp T, it’s to take Baine out at the knees; not the Alliance.


If people can put every night elf poster under the same umbrella, i could put every horde poster in the same umbrella as Treng.

But I don’t do that.

Teldrassil was a lore disaster (both in that it was a disaster in lore and a disaster to the story following).

They dug the whole deeper when the maw thing was explained, being the race that took the biggest in lore hit in the war, as the only nation that had a major civillian population destroyed.

So the Nightfae night warrior/ysera/shandris plotline had to exist.

So how do we do that? Make it alliance only? Make the covenang alliance only? Not do the plotline?

They’re at least trying to balance out the content to be more neutral friendly.

I’ve seen complaints, but i haven’t seen much alternatives here.


It also comes up from time to time as an example of something bad the Alliance got to do, but the story bent over backwards to make sure it was excused.

Though that does tie into Baine as well, so I guess that could count for bringing it up to go after Baine.

Alliance helps Tyrande, Horde helps Vol’jin/Bwonsamdi. Make it not tied to the Covenant, but something similar to the Bolvar quests.

Let the Night Fae covenant story be about, you know, the Night Fae.


People offered solutions like time travel. Go back to before Sylvanas was made warchief or at least before the tree got burned. It’s not perfect but it’s better than what is current by miles.


I mean, for the nightfae campaign to be more faction neutral and still addressing the giant dead tree elephant in the room.




Well, fair enough I guess.


You don’t, and I do understand that. The writers did all of us dirty. We should be united in our anger against the story instead of taking it out on each other.


Objectively correct about Blizzard’s dismantling of the Horde and over-use of night elves?

I mean, sure. Why not.

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HAHhaha is that the other lie of the day??? The story forum was the night elf forum for nearly all of Bfa. The alliance whining about horde bias and mostly the night elf whining about blizzard hating the night elf was and is still 10x more a thing.

Oh please don’t make does few player that even get overwhelming by all the other horde player that aren’t happy with Teldrassil on the same level as night elf player who are overwhelming everyone else with their complain.

The forsaken wasn’t even able to complain about Undercity for nearly all of Bfa without their thread being take over by angry night elf player telling them that it their fault…

Just look at this thread. It wasn’t even a insult or anything and was just stating a fact about the zone and it wasn’t long before night elf payer got angry, denying everything and tried to flag the thread.


Here is why people are tied of the night elf player.

Why are night elf so special that the game have no choice but to try to specifically please them?

Forsaken had it as bad and are in a even worst state as they have no city, no leader and no purpose and yet we ain’t seeing so many thread about them whining and we aren’t having nearly haft of a covenant story questline for them.

Troll, who like the night elf, used to possess a big part of the world, have been drag to the ground 10x more than night elf and the only time when we had troll content that wasn’t a dungeon to kill them, it was about them being attack twice, getting their city raided, loosing their navy and having their leader killed.

Worgen just lost their second home and had nothing for them since cata.

Many race doesn’t have it that good but all we heard in bfa was night elf complaining…

And it won’t ever be enough for them because what night elf player want is to be back at what they had in wc3 or before, when the night elf had way more than the horde by themself. This just won’t ever happen in a game that have more than 15 race.


If Blizzard wanted to dismantle the Horde, they would simply have let it fade into obscurity, not dedicate an entire expansion to their internal struggles. Oh, I meant two expansions, not one.
Was the result good? Absolutely not, it was horrific. But saying that Blizzard wants to dismantle the Horde, when they clearly prefer writing them over the Alliance, is nonsense.
And i’m talking about the factions themselves, not the characters in them. In that regard the Horde has generally gotten the shorter stick.

In terms of Night elven content in bfa, we had Teldrassil, which they made a big deal about. Then there were not a peep until 8.1.5, outside of Shandris in the Alliance war campaign. We got the whole Night warrior shebang, and the dissapointemnt of that, after which Tyrande and co fell off the map, except for Shandris in Nazjatar, until 8.2.5, where we saw Night elves at the gates of orgrimmar. Excluding book material, we’re finally at the point where Teldrassil can begin to be adressed, because Blizzard simply haven’t bothered to until now.
So I strongly disagree when you say over-use. They have largely ignored the Night elves, despite what happened to them, relegating them to mere plot devices. They are just now beginning to fix the mess they created two years ago, and hopefully fix it they will.

They just want a conclusion to a gut wrenching story. Everyone wants something for their favorite race, and Teldrassil was truly a devastating blow to the Night elves, story wise. Meta wise i’m sure they are fine, with plenty of characters to go around. But not everything is about the meta aspects of storytelling.

But their population is intact, unlike the Night elves. Can’t deny that they lost a lot however.

As did the Humans. Not much left of those kingdoms, is there?

And who was it that did that, for the second time in a row?
Also, don’t use my favorite race to argue against the Night elves. I’m very well aware of how little they have gotten over the years, and how poor some of that content was (cough, heritage questline cough)

I don’t see this much. I do see a desire for them to be less tree hugging, and for them to show some teeth. Not too disimilar to what a lot of Worgen players want.


Like every one else but not everyone else made 2 thread a day at some point.

UHh please don’t start with the population number. Orc and forsaken shouldn’t had that much and yet they were both able to be a threat for both horde and alliance together. Night elf still manage to beat forsaken and goblin in darkshore.

They did lost a bit but human potential shouldn’t be use as a standard. They have to much and should also lose more. No a reason to make a other alliance race at their level.

The point still stand. We don’t see them whining as much as night elf do.

They do a lot. Asking to get back all night elf zone, including the one who is so close to the horde city is asking to have more zone than everybody. Whining that the horde all together shouldn’t have beat the night elf alone is asking for the night elf to be stronger than a faction like they use to be.

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Tbh I don’t want Horde players questing with Tyrande anymore than they want to be rightfully berated by her for the WoT. They could have very easily fleshed out both Tyrande’s story in Shadowlands and Vol’jin’s and made them two seperate quest chains based on your faction when you join the Night Fae. But that might have dipped into Bobby’s pockets and we can’t have that.

Every OG Horde leader is gone except for Thrall.

Teldrassil, Darkshore, constant remarks from Malfurion, Tyrande, Shandris, Maiev, and from the Hordeside you could not go five minutes without Blizzard presenting us with this:


And yet you’re still here being a toxic waste.

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