We’re not talking about the Teldrassil Genocide. Please keep your Strawman out in the cornfields.
Ysera, Shandris, and Tyrande aren’t being saved by the player.
Edit: I take that back. Ysera is. So fair on that point.
The only designation you are given, is when you’re told specifically and only to save night elven souls. No other tormented souls. Only Night Elves.
You’re arguing disingenuously because your argument has no legs with which to stand on. It is currently belly up.
You made a statement:
This statement is a bold-faced lie. People care about Teldrassil’s genocide, which is the entire reason we are strictly and only getting designated quests specifically and only to save Night Elven souls.
And genocide is, after all, entirely about the numbers.
You completely forgot the whole bit of the campaign that is literally about saving Tyrande?
Like, even when Huln shows up, it’s so he can help us save Tyrande.
Y’all are just trying too much now.
The numbers brought up were comparing the number of Alliance Souls saved vs the number of Horde souls. The WoT Genocide wasn’t brought up by anyone but you, Treng.
Shandris’ goal might have been to save Tyrande but that’s not what is accomplished and Tyrande makes it very clear she doesn’t need saving.
… K, so we’re just straight up pretending that two of the last three chapters have been about recruiting a team to help Tyrande now. We’re going to ignore the stag and unicorn lovers, or getting Huln to hunt down past Night Warriors to spread the NW power around so Tyrande doesn’t explode. Those don’t count, I guess.
Yeah, like I said
Tyrande’s obvious death flags can be talked about in another thread.
I got it twice on my worgen hunter, so i’s not specific, she has you run to the same area twice to specifically save night elf souls and no one elses
Sure, you can start a thread speculating Tyrande’s going to die, in spite of the evidence that we’re just going to end up saving her, given a bulky portion of a covenant campaign revolves around that.
But we’re not here for that, nor was anyone talking about your speculation. We were talking about souls saved, Horde vs Alliance. And so far, I’ve seen y’all just being disingenuous about it, for reasons. Because Treng exists I guess. But also all Horde players.
I mean, okay I guess.
There’s also just the distinct possibility that for obvious reasons there’s more Alliance souls to save.
Today smoke rises up from da campfire. Smoke tells Ogmot good story.
Ogmot sees lady wrapped in dark swirlies. She leads herd of blind sheep.
Da sheepies follow her everplace she go. Do everthin she say. Never doubt lady.
She guide dem over tall cliff! SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT! Stupid sheepies!
Da crows get fat eatin da sheepflesh. Da lady laugh as crows eat!
Ogmot laugh too!
More people in the Horde than there were in the night elven race.
You just brought up numbers and WoT.
Consider it a small victory for you that I did, Treng.
Also the entire Horde wasn’t victim to an war of extinction. I know you’re very upset that the game wouldn’t let you bask in the glory of it. But try to quell your rage long enough to think things through.
I mean, screw all those soldiers and craftsman on the horde who died unjustly because they simply picked the wrong side right?
sigh This is why I hate NE fans…so much.
Mmkay, but literally nobody denied this. There certainly is a substantial amount of night elf souls trapped in the Maw. There’s also humans, orcs, gnomes, goblins, tauren, forsaken, and so forth. Point had been we’ve only been sent to fetch night elves, period. Because the souls Ysera cares most about are the night elf ones. Because of her heavy ties to night elves.
And none of that’s a bad thing, unless you want it to be a bad thing. Ysera loves nelves, that’s cool. It’s been a part of her history that she’s heavily connected to them over other mortal races.
Why y’all gotta try and nitpick this away, or try and say “ok, but Bon Salami tho”, or flat out ignore things from the actual covenant campaign we’re talking about is what I’m asking. Why do y’all have to go all dishonest here?
The only one being dishonest here is Treng.
I mean, we don’t get numbers to go by, only that both sides took major hits.
But as far as slaughters goes, it would be a fair assumption to make that in raw numbers there was more alliance sided deaths than horde.
But this is just assumption.
In the end, nothing confirmed besides both factions being dry.
Right. That’s why you’ve utterly ignored how much of the night fae campaign has revolved around the quest to save Tyrande by waving it off as “oh, well, she’s obviously just gunna die”. Or comparing Bwon to some nothing NPC.
Nah. Don’t even pretend we all can’t just scroll up now.
I compared Bwonsamdi to Ilthalaine because of Treng’s statement that numbers were all that mattered. When you pointed out Ysera I conceded that point to you. I don’t what you more you want from me on that end.
As far as Tyrande goes you have your opinions and I have mine. The chapter on Tyrande isn’t finished yet.