So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

Very well. Then let me ask you this.

You seem to deny that I can tell one soul from another. If that is the case, then how the hell does Ysera expect me to find a couple of Night Elves (and not just random ones, but ones she NAMES) in a realm of literally millions of other souls?

If I couldn’t identify a soul, the chances that I would find a Night Elf soul, let alone the specific Night Elf souls she is asking for, are rather slim indeed.

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Say the one that claim that:

Just saying…


You are talking to someone that claim earlier that we spend as much time or more with Vol’jin than with Shandris…

Fact doesn’t work with those people.

Seriously? Is this actually your argument? Why do quests work the way quests work?

You might as well ask how it is our characters can use complex mechanical devices, when we don’t even have Engineering as a profession.

We can find specific night elf souls because we can. The esoteric mechanics involved are not explained, just like they are never explained.


Well then. I can find Horde souls because I can. Thank you for clearing that up.

Is that some RPing or i just missed a in game mechanic that could help me to make the difference between the soul we see in maw?

Mmkay, but these are the Story forums, not the RP forums. We’re talking about the story, as presented.

As presented, you’re not saving Horde souls, because there are no specifically labeled Horde souls. There are, however, specifically labeled and named Night Elf souls. You are canonically saving night elf souls when you save those night elves. You’re not saving any Horde or Alliance souls when you save Wandering Soul #980345


What I just noticed again is that most of the Hordensc’s who have died in the last few years should all be in Revendreth…except Vol’Jin.

even saurfang should be there for his deeds.

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Personally I’d like to know where Rastakhan is. Dude was done incredibly dirty just to keep the the roster of allied races lead predominantly by female characters.

most likely…by bwonsamdi?

I would assume somewhere in the Maw. Because the whatever of death was broken in Legion.

Feel free to quote that statement that I never made.
I’ll wait.

The player character and Ysera can tell the difference. The player themself cannot other than the fact that the quest registers 6/6 Night Elf Souls.

There are no such quests to save Horde souls.

He’s somewhere in De Other Side because Mueh’zala asks Bwonsamdi where he is

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Good to know. Hopefully they do something positive with him.

Bwon has been personally pulling troll souls to the Other Side after it broke. It’s apparently taking a lot of his power.

So Rastakhan is probably there.

Actually I would argue this. Revendreth seems to be filled with souls who did not see themselves as wrong. Saurfang carried a lot of guilt till the very end.

I imagine if he found out he’d go to Revendreth, his reaction would be “okay, makes sense”. And that’s not who Revendreth is for, generally.


There are 7 deadly sins that are processed in Revendreth, one of which you just listed, Pride.

But there are 6 more stations in Revendreth for which he will atone. I mean, even the invention of a mana bomb placed you there, what kind of sin is that exactly, compared to multiple genocides?

The guy who invented the bomb went to the Maw, I’m pretty sure. And the gal that destroyed worlds went to Revendreth. It’s not really “balanced”.

Again, feel free to correct me, but none of the souls we see in Revendreth were remorseful for their crimes. The very few we can read about, that is.

Wouldn’t bastion be a better fit as it is make for those who have regret?

As Talkaar point out, most of the soul in Ravendreth are people who not only committed sins but still haven’t accept or deal with, which is the whole reason people go there.

Saurfang know what he did and already regret it. Bastion seem a better fit.

Some of them are also there simply to atone. Not everyone is there because they have committed a particular sin. It may seem unfair, but Saurfang also falls into this category. If you like, they are punished for the sake of punishment for the bad deeds they have committed in life. The Accuser killed her own daughter by mistake…and ended up in Revendreth because of it.

I remember one who regrets but is still there. He is in a cage and you must first do something for his venthyr, in the territory of the sinner.

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Depends on what’s considered atonement in the game. Saurfang could theoretically bypass Revendreth altogether, or have a relatively short stint because he’s already going in pre-remorseful over the things he’s done. It was kind of his defining character feature before BFA decided to go “hey but what if we make him do it again”.

But as it is right now, he’s currently rotating on a spit somewhere in the maw.