“It’s a drust zone, guys.”
But if you do choose them as a covenant, you see a heck of a lot more Night Elves than trolls.
Yeah I am shocked that I wont see the end beats to the 3 zones without having characters to pick the respective characters.
My 2 “main” characters are both Venthyr. Will be a while before I do Maldraxxus, for sure.
It’s kind of nuts Blizz went this route.
I even made a thread addressing this:
Anyway, to the topic at hand, Ardenweald is mainly a druid/Ysera/elf zone. Laughable that people argue otherwise by strawmanning and saying “hurr durr because zone has trees it is night elf!”. Yeah, that isn’t the argument at all.
You spend just as much time running around with Vol’jin as you do with Shandris if not more and of the two story chains Vol’jin’s is significantly more impactful. Chasing down Tyrande is lip service at best. Just cause you had to glimpse at Tyrande and Malf for a nanosecond during leveling doesn’t make it a nelf zone.
What’s a drust? Are those the witches Eitrigg is afraid of for two minutes and then I never see them again because I don’t play Alliance?
Alliance bias!
To me the weirdest part is that we never see what a living drust actually looks like.
Ulfar is the only living drust we meet and thw guy is always on bear form.
From what i’ve read, Drusts are just another Vrykul tribe, so having the models wouldn’t be a problem
I think they were mostly exterminated.
That is so not true that i just can’t believe how bias you need to be in order to believe that…
We literals spend two questline along Shandris ( chapter 3 and 5) while only one for Vol’jin. How does one questline is more than 2???
Add to that this week quest when a horde character is here but to help Tyrande… So it is basically 3 out of 9 questline of the night fae covenant that is about Tyrande…
We also can’t that about this impact yet as we need to wait for the development to know if it is really impactfull. Vol’jin turning into a loa might seem a big deal but knowing that they didn’t really intend to make this content at first kind of mean that they have no future plan with him and he might just appear from time to time without any relevance in the future…
Meanwhile, if we do end up saving Tyrande, that would be a big deal as we know how much blizzard like to use Tyrande and we already know that she will be a big deal.
So please just stop with your lie. We aren’t spending as much time with Vol’jin as we do with Shandris at all… This is just blatant lie.
Not only that but shandris, ysera, and the two elune worshipers hang out in the heart of the forest once you’ve completed their quests. There are no trolls or troll affiliated characters that you can chat with in the heart of the forest
Meh, I didn’t really get that. Sure, we’re hanging out with Ysera, who is kinda Night Elfy, but I also got to hang out with her in Cata on my Horde characters, so I don’t really see her being super night elf. Other than that, the covenant campaign seems to be a healthy mix. Got some troll, got some Tyrande, got some Drust.
All in all, sure it’s a bit Night Elfy, but not nearly as much as some other zones we’ve encountered.
I mean, just this week, she asked us to go save night elf soul in the maw. Not any soul we see as we know that all soul that have died lately are going to the maw. Nope, just night elf soul because this is all that the so neutral Ysera care about.
She did? Weird, I must have missed that.
I was beating up some Drust with the guy who killed Ursoc.
It’s a quest right there, available in the Heart of the Forest. Twice.
Really? What is the quest called? Is this the Return Lost Souls Quest that gives you renown? I’m confused…
Nope, it’s a specific quest to go to the Maw, pick up three nelf souls, then after turn-in, you get it again. I dunno how you missed it, it’s right there in the Heart.
Unless it’s Horde-specific. Which would be kinda hilarious, that Horde get bonus stuff to help the night elves.
BUT what is it called? My Z Troll Druid Night Fae needs to know!
They’re two buggy quests that only show up when you’ve accepted (but not turned in) a calling quest to rescue soul remnants from Torghast. Ysera sends you there to rescue a total of 6 named nelves who then take spots around the Heart of the Forest zone and says she can still sense more for you to recover in time.
So it’s a bugged out quest and you’re not intended to get it. At least not twice. And it’s only three souls.
No, it’s 6 souls total. One quest directly follows the other and you retrieve 3 different night elves the second time around. And we don’t know if you’re not meant to get it.
Gotcha. So 6 entire souls.