So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

The dialogue is “The quarrels of loa are no concern of mine.” which sets the strong precedent that loa are beneath her notice or care.

It means: the quarrels between the loa are not her concern. She stays outside


Na, we need content.

Possible but Vol’jin getting reincarnated while using the few remmaining anima at least set a precedent the Loa group have more priority.

Hoqever like you I still see the zone very night elf focused and you know well I dislike that but ain’t everything that bad.

Also a friend pointed Shadra has more priority than Cenarius when yiu think she gets instant brez while the other took him years to return in Cataclysm lol

The Winter Queen made a deal. She honored that deal.
It only reinforces that she is honest, but honest people can still be butts.

Oh yea she’s a jerk, we see that moment we step in.

One thing that still bothers me is making Bwonsamdi a mortal, Blizzard this obssession with gods vs mortal is becoming irkesome

What bothers me is that they nerfed this really ancient god who chose trolls even though he existed before they did, into just “yeah nah it’s a troll, nothing can rival nelf gods don’t worry nelf fans.”


Except that nelf gods have been slain by demons, orcs, players and everything in the middle. So again, your idea of favoritism is baseless.


Except for Trolls.
Which was my entire point:

Your point was “they nerfed a troll god by making him have a previous mortal life, but they never nerfed or hurt any nelf gods”

When Cenarius was killed by Grom in WC 3 and by players in Legion. Ursoc killed in Legion as well. Ysera killed in Legion (though she is not a deity, still close to them)

Also, why making Bwomsamdi have a mortal life previously that bothersome? He just took over Mue’zhala, the actual loa of death and his previous boss, Bwomsamdi just became more powerful than before and assumed a higher position, and he is ruined because he used to be a Troll? Wild gods are just powerful spirits of the wilds, Loas are probably the same as wild gods and august celestials.


Supposedly it lines up with the story of the original Baron Samedi, who I think was supposed to be the first mortal who ever died. And it’s been a very long-running story beat that trolls are capable of nomming their own gods to take on their aspects. This time it’s just happening willingly and it’s kinda forced on Vol’jin instead.

Personally I’m not a fan of him coming back (the whole “tied too close to Azeroth” seems like a load of crap) but meh. As far as I know, it’s nothing lore-bendy on its own.

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So I have no comments on the story of Ardenweald, doesn’t jive with my edgy DKness but to go on “personal opinion” and not a fact of the game, I feel like their are allot of night Elven similarities in the zones design and some of the characters and story choices the zone and covenants has. Not saying night elf zone but I’m definitely saying my human DK definitely doesn’t fit in with the zones aesthetics or story.

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I most certainly never made this claim. Any idiot and his father knows that Grom Hellscream taught Cenarius who the Boss In Charge was.

But Trolls must always be lesser than Night Elves. The night elf genocide of the trolls is not a genocide because they’re trolls and the night elves did it. This must be eternally maintained, from “”“mortals”“” to their gods, thus: Bwonsamdi cannot be ancient or more powerful than Cenarius, or it invalidates night elves.

Don’t want to burst your bubble, but we know time works differently in the Shadowlands, so that doesn’t necessarily reflect priority. :frowning:

Why do you hold this against the Night elves, the low born of the Kaldorei empire, and not the Blood elves and Nightborne, who were the Highborne? What is your fixation with the Night elves in particular?
Oh wait, I know. They’re Alliance, and that’s why you hate them. Forget I asked.

Pretty much all Wild gods are just roided up animals. Why does it hurt you so much that Bwonsamdi would be a roided up humanoid?
Also, Cenarius have been defeated several times, and so have the wild gods. Bwonsamdi, outside of being captured by Mueh’zala, have never lost. And now, he’s apparently the one and only loa of death after having beaten his old master with the help of mortal heroes. You merely look for things to complain about, to justify your hatred of the Alliance.


And by boss you mean the Legion right? Because Grom was a puppet of the legion at that momment.

Also, Bwomsamdi probably predates the Night Elves. If he predates Cenarius is not certain, since Cenarius is the son of Malorne, I don’t care for order or age here. Mue’zhala probably has a similar age as wild gods or predates them, and Bwom just took his place.

Yeah, the Kaldorei empire had big wars agains the Trolls and conquered their lands, but that predates the wota, the long vigil, and every known modern structure of Kaldorei government.

I assume trolls would have more grudge with the High Elves that had a way more recent war with them (Though now we know there was some members of the Unseen Path in that as well).


Blood Elves didn’t exist when Azshara and the night elf empire, for whom the lowborne were soldiers, genocided the trolls for their lands.

Do you have a source stating they were all mortal animals that got turned into gods? This is new lore as far as I know.

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Do you know what you can buy from Trade Nog in Dazar’alor.

“An esteemed home decoration and children’s toy in Zuldazar.”

De Trolls never forget, mon.


Hakkar is killed in Zul Gurub though (map name and subzone name in instance when you’re in it), and in what is the Emerald Dream ZG as per visual cues.

Dambala dies in the Shadowlands

But Bwonsamdi is a psychopomp so maybe

Yeah last I checked before blizz made it impossible to check global game race pop stats, the majority of the Alliance playerbase (as in >50%) is either Human or Night Elf.

Horde player base is slightly more diverse where to get to 50%+ you needed Orc + Troll + Belf

That’s Bwonsamdi’s doing, he takes care of the Troll Loa in Ardenweald as part of his self imposed duties

Chronicle states that some animals were just especially powerful and Freya just bound them to the Dream. I read that as they were already Wild Gods (like Rukhmar, Anzu, Sethe in Draenor) but Freya gave them extra power.

Chronicle uses the word Wild God before Freya binds them to the Dream I believe

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Someone was posting some statistics (tho I don’t remember the source) this summer and the two most popular races remained Belf, closely followed by Nelf. Which, I suspect, is mostly because more people seem to play Horde, currently.

I can only conclude that this is because your average player is a basic b and just wants to play an elf. Factions and lore come later.