So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

They take 15 seconds after posting to add more snark and snide comments rather than waiting 15 more seconds to post. Don’t discriminate, it’s hard to have someone type your messages for you.


What’s wrong with saying it’s not a Night Elf zone?


Cause that would make me a liar. It’s a zone that heavily leans Night Elf, with some side stories along the way. But the focus is the Night Elves and all of their stories since Legion.


Pats head I know you don’t understand baby and it’s okay.

Do you feel like condescending to people, hEaD PaTs, repeating “sweetheart” and “sweetie” with disdain at those you disagree with contributes to this forum and conversations in a positive way? You’re not doing yourself any favors. Please cut the crap.


You’re welcome to put me on ignore anytime you wish dear. Nothing stopping you.

This already makes you a liar.


There is no word in the English language that succintly conveys more poorly restrained seething in an online argument than “sweetheart”.


Ignore exists. Use it if you don’t like it. When people stop being sensitive and lashing out against those who disagree, than I’ll stop being a snarky prick

Bold to assume you could possibly know how I actually feel. I find all this highly amusing if anything.

“I’m not mad I’m laughing”


Pretty much.

I would ask you to elaborate on what you mean, but you’re clearly already under a lot of mental strain.


You posted that the reason Micah has the opinion that she does is because she wants to whine about Blizzard ignoring Night Elves, but anyone who has seen her posts in any Night Elf threads can say that she is no where near being that type of person. You lied about why she has the opinion that she does.

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That’s not how lying works, but fine I’m wrong about Micah supposedly. They’re still wrong about the focus of Ardenweald. I guess we’re back to square one.


Purposeful misrepresentation is lying, unless there’s something that sincerely made you make that mistake.

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Their smarmy attitude and half hearted denial. You have the same issues. It’s why you don’t post on your main.


Lol this is my main. Keep up the assumptions though.

Thanks for sticking up for me hugs. Apparently having different opinions is a problem for some people :gift_heart:

You should probably go level up.