So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

Same to you.

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Huh… I just realized it’s displaying me as level 50… what a weird forum bug. I apologize then

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I am firmly in the “night elf vibes, not night elf zone camp”. I think the underlying reason people feel it’s a “nelf zone” and ignore the Vol’jin stuff is because of a few reasons; it’s not part of the leveling storyline, it’s not accessible yet, and it all feels like a squished in side-story to the rest of the zone.

To use an example from recent times, it’s like BfA on release. Was it a Horde v Alliance expansion or was it an old god one? Because the beginning and middle absolutely told a story of the former, while the end focused on the latter. You could absolutely see plenty of old god stuff during the leveling, Uldir and CoS both were old god-themed raids, but it’s hard to view it as an old god expansion when everything else either involved the HvA war or were more throwaway things. So when we look at BfA, we call it the faction war expansion first and foremost, even if the other stuff is absolutely there and if we tallied it up by some metric, it’d probably come out even between faction war and old god.

Just my two pennies.

Edit to add

WTH is this, 2010??? Who even uses this response anymore?


I have been on the internet for a while. Damn kids.


So have I, but damn. It’s 2020. We don’t use “post on your main” nowadays. Make fun of their transmog, if you really need to go that route.

You never actually need to go that route, but mog shaming is at least funnier.

(Your mog’s actually fine Eve, just to throw that in)

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Post on main is valid in class forums imo


Post on your main is a valid response cause there’s a serious problem with sockpuppeting around here.


This was my original main, until I started to RP. I made an alt on MoonGuard, and long story short, she’s my new main lol

I also post on this character because of the damn ‘trust level’ thing

This is the story forum. Who even cares? We’re discussing lore, not pvp. If their points are valid, their points are valid. If they aren’t, then it’s not like you’re gonna go track them down in warmode and gank them over it.

Or, IDK, maybe you will.


Yes because there definitely isn’t a known issue on the story forums of people using their alts to agree with themselves and control how discussions go.


IDK, maybe it’s me, because I don’t feel the need to agree with a majority and will happily post my own opinions regardless of who’s trying to “control the discussion”, but I don’t really see it happening the way you do. I see people fighting, arguing, bickering, but no overwhelming force preventing them from doing just that.

Again though, maybe it’s me.


I don’t see it either, and when it’s noticed we usually call them out on it. It’s always the same suspects anyway.

What irritates me though, is when people attack me and than act surprised when they bring out my condescending side. It’s like try being cordial and I won’t be a prick to you.

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I mean no one attacked you, you started off as being smarmy.


No I didn’t. And I could bring up the multiple times I was called slow or thick headed for not agreeing with certain opinions


I mean, they actually did before you jumped in. You can literally scroll up and see it before you decided to defend Spudnik for reasons nobody understands because you haven’t clearly defined them.

Unless… Spudnik is your sockpuppet and you’re trying to control this narrative?

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I can literally look at your first post in the thread and you open up with smarminess and hostility. If you don’t realize what you did, that’s on you, but don’t be surprised when people respond in kind.

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Nah bro. You don’t get to justify what they did. I merely pointed out they were purposely ignoring aspects of the story.

Now that’s a deflection.

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[quote=“Micâh-moon-guard, post:383, topic:743112, full:true”]
Ardenweald is beautiful zone, why can’t we simply ENJOY something for what it is instead of arguing semantics?

It has a very small night elf feel to it, but you all know that’s not a bad thing.[/quote]

That’s Micah’s actual first post in the thread, coming in 369 posts in. IDK how you get smarminess and hostility from a pretty reasoned statement of opinion there. You’re factually wrong here and actively trying to misrepresent matters to make yourself look justified.

Edit to add

I tried to make the quote thing work but it won’t work, so deal with it! :frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face:


Thanks hun. He’s desperate to paint me as someone I’m clearly not. :gift_heart: