Having Night Elves vibes does not make a zone a Night Elf zone.
Really wish people would stop already. I guess Daz’alor is officially a Night Elf zone now too, because a few Kaldorei dared to show up. It’s such a dumb logic to use.
Having Night Elves vibes does not make a zone a Night Elf zone.
Really wish people would stop already. I guess Daz’alor is officially a Night Elf zone now too, because a few Kaldorei dared to show up. It’s such a dumb logic to use.
Ysera is one of the most important characters of the zone, the background music is a Nightsong remix, the Winter Queen might legitimately be related to Elune. The first covenant campaign quest you do, outside of the intro/torghast that everyone does, is about Night Elves, the introduction video for Ardenweald is about Ursoc.
It’s very very very Night Elf themed.
Having a zone dedicated to Ysera and her death in Legion led by Elune’s sister while a remix of Nightsong as it’s main theme plays in the background is as night elf themed as one can get without literally slapping a sticker saying “Night Elf” on it.
Let alone how the covenant campaign focuses on the Night Warrior, Elune and how Tyrande is the savior of Ardenweald through prophecy and you rescue all the Night Elves from Teldrassil which then inhabit the zone.
I’m not sure why I’m bothering to respond to someone who can’t comprehend what’s evident.
Oh right actually the Intro quest features Teldrassil, almost forgot that.
But you see, it isn’t a Night Elf zone because [strawman of other zone]
Because people like you want to conveniently ignore that we also deal with Bwom and Vol’jin becoming Loa’jin. I’m sure not why I bothered responding to people like you, who want to ignore what’s inconvenient for them.
I’m not ignoring it, I’m saying it doesn’t change the tone or feel of the zone. Or it’s purpose.
I was talking about people like Spudnik. And plenty of people, me included already mention it has night elve vibes. It’s still not a night elf specific zone. People need to learn the difference
Serious question, whats wrong with just admitting the zone itself, leans toward the Night Elves as a continuation of the story they’ve been telling since Legion… It very obviously does, but people like you, act like somehow this would be offensive. Or worse, admitting it means somehow you lose?
Loa’jin is literally just a small pocket of quests in a vast zone of Night Elf content. That’s like saying Camp Kurzen in Stranglethorn means it’s a human zone instead of a Troll zone.
But you’re not looking for logic, you’re looking to be upset about the fact a night elf zone is being called a night elf zone. Which isn’t inherently a bad thing, especially since it addresses what happened in BfA.
If you’re this mad about people calling it a night elf zone, I don’t want to imagine how you’d react when something important angers you.
Honest question, what part of NIGHT ELF VIBES are you not understanding?
“it’s not a night elf zone, it just has night elf themes!” isnt the compelling argument you think it is.
I just did the Other side.
It kinda made me want to play a troll… a race that i never had the slightest interest in playing.
So, if it serves as any consolation, the only troll themed part in ardenweald is really good.
Two small chapters dealing with the Night Warrior and rescuing the souls from Torghast and a small number of Ysera quests does not it a night elf zone.
Pat head I know thats hard for you.
It’s literally the entire zone’s leveling storyline and a significant portion of their covenant.
The fact you’re acting condescending while being this thick-headed is hysterical.
You do understand that out of NINE chapters, only two of them have anything to do with the Night Elves right?
I mean…you can’t possibly be this slow. The only thing hysterical is thinking two chapters out 9 in a convenant campaign is a massive portion of it.
It seems there’s no use discussing with you.
You can tell your handler to stop typing your posts, I feel bad arguing through proxy.
The entire Ardenweald quest chain is about saving Ysera and the Nightmare. The covenant campaign, introduction is about Night Elves, like chapter 4 and 5 is about the Night Warrior. You send a bunch of Night Elves souls, specifically Night Elf, the other souls don’t get silhouettes so they can be happy. The music is literally Nightsong.
I pose the question again, what’s wrong with just saying “Yeah it leans Night Elf as a continuation of their story and that’s fine.”
Or is the reason you won’t do it, is cause you won’t be able to whine about blizzard “Ignoring Night Elves.” If you admit it.
You’re clearly confusing me with someone who complains about NE content. I just find it funny that the people who are most triggered are the very people insisting it is a NE zone.
Pat head Speak for yourself sweetheart. But you know some of you have a victim complex so hard, you lash out at anyone who dares to disagree
Try that one again, but this time, take more than 15 seconds thinking about what you want to say.