So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

::He would look at Bwonsamdi.::
::He would look at Vol’jin.::
I wonder how many wild gods were once mortal?

We’d need more examples than two, and that doesn’t explain Druidism; Druidism as we know it comes from Cenarius, who is, strictly speaking, a demigod, and not a Wild God. He might be considered both now, but his origin is of Elune, not the Winter Queen. Maybe both goddesses have the power to create Wild Gods, and would actually be an interesting argument to the debate over whether Elune is the Winter Queen’s sister or not.

I think what’s amazing to me is that druidism was originally intended in WoW to be neutral, unlike the other ‘holy warrior’ classes. In the full length of time, druidism has become more interwoven with night elves even as the franchise has extended. The inclusion of lesser solar techniques in Balance has been counterveiled by increased presence of Moonfire on the other two specs (which generally lack Sunfire.)

Paladinism, however, has been slowly stripped from the Silver Hand, even if it is the dominant representation of the class. Vindicators, the Zandalari light (escapes my mind atm) and Blood Knights have at least co-equal traditions, and Sunwalkers are… weird.


Which is strange because neither Cenarius nor any other wild god of whom we are aware has complete form control like druids do.

With the exception of Gonk. So, which of the two wild gods seems more likely to be the source of druidism, had we not Word of God to decide?

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Irrelevent, we DO have “word of god” to decide, so speculation if that wasn’t the case is rather pointless.

And where is it said that Cenarius doesn’t have “complete form control”?


He’s just fishing for something to complain about. He does this whenever the alliance even dares to show up in the story.


Since both Micah and yourself require hand holding, my entire point is that everything druid related is made for, catered unto, night elves. Including Night Elf Ardenweald with its Night Elf Theme music, and Night Elf Tirna Trees for Night Elf World Trees, with its Night Elf dragon aspect turned Night Elf Wild God with Night Elf cutscenes and Avatars of Elune stating that the realm is the afterlife of Elune.

All of this is cultivated for night elves and Alliance players cover their eyes and ears to drown out anything that doesn’t confirm their pre-existing beliefs.

It doesn’t make sense that night elves are the source of Druidism when Cenarius is not the most powerful/skilled Druidic god and other druid gods exist for races that are older than night elves are.

Nothing about Ardenweald makes sense. We saw where wild gods went when they died in Legion.

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The only time you hear Night Elf music is around Ysera and her wildseed, and during quests related to her. Ysera herself was empowered by Eonar, a Titan, not a Night Elf. She formed a close bond with the Night Elf people, of course, because they have become a very nature-oriented people, so of course they would get along.

I also never said Night Elves created Druidism, Cenarius did. Cenarius is not a Night Elf. Are you confusing him with Malfurion? Malfurion was the first MODERN druid, but in ages past Cenarius had taught both Kaldorei (before the sundering) AND Tauren (at the time still technically Yaungol) druids.

And where do you get the idea that the Trees in Ardenweald have anything to do with the World Trees on Azeroth? This sounds like something you are making up to try and make your point.


Don’t worry about it. It’s a coping mechanism he uses for his thick as steel Victim Complex. Ardenweald has fancy named trees so therefor Night Elf. And a dragon was resurrected so it’s also Night Elf.

You’ll get a better discussion out of a brick wall :gift_heart:


No. I’m conflating the two as inseparable. Eg,

Still not a night elf zone sweetheart. No matter how desperate you are head pat

Repeating it isn’t going to make it true.


It being true makes it true.
Tbqh Danuser and Golden could sit you down and explain how each detail was meticulously crafted for night elves, and you’d tell him he doesn’t understand.

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Yes but no. :upside_down_face:


Sweetheart, baby, darling, it’s not a night elf zone

I’m sorry you’re so confused by this. I really am.

It’s…NOT…a…night elf…zone.

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Sure. And neither is/was Teldrassil.


What does that have to do with anything?

A is not a Night Elf zone. Yeah but B was a Night Elf zone, so

Checkmate, atheists?

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They did not intend any specific PC race to be tied to any zone.

Ardenweald was literally based on a drawing of space trees that they thought were neat enough to split it off from Bastion and make into its own zone. Everything was worked out around that.

Thus, it is more they ended up with a fairy forest, and Night elves happen to fit that theme easily compared to other races. They tend to think “that would be cool” and everything else sort of comes into place around that moment of cool. It’s a happenstance.


It doesn’t. This is what he does when he desperately wants to be right. His victim complex is so strong he never admits he’s wrong.

Using his logic, a few night elves showed up in Daz’aloor, so now that whole zone is officially a night elf zone :gift_heart:


Revisiting this is hilarious in retrospect. This is one of two arguments Micah makes and the only thing she ever says.

The other argument was “Bwonsamdi and Vol’jin are present, ergo no night elf zone.”

But Trolls exist in Darkshore.
Orcs exist in Ashenvale.
Forsaken exist in Gilneas.

Are none of these night elf or worgen zones because two npcs (or more) may be present, despite the overwhelming crafting of the zone and themes of the quests are aimed at their respective zones?

Micah, are you a hypocrite, or are you going to stand by your feeble argument?

Says the one who replied to my counter argument by simply reposting the same argument I was countering, then went on to say “it’s true because it’s true”