So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

I mean… have you looked at Druids in World of Warcraft?

Night Elves invented druidism. it revolves around the Night Elf demigod, Cenarius. it big teacher is Malfurion Stormrage. By Lore, Night Elves taught Tauren how to Druid. Night elves taught humans to druid too, after interdimensional lycanthropic night elf druids chewed on said humans a little.

And then I guess there are troll druids too who get absolutely no lore whatsoever and sort of like gnome hunters, exist solely to pad out the race / class combinations.

I mean I’m not saying Ysera is “night Elf Lore,” but uhhhhh druidism pretty much IS.


I am though.

One large problem I see with their writing is that: For thousands of years nothing is happening and they don’t think their world trough. So problems will unquestionably arise.


They listed all the significant things that happened throughout the years. We don’t need a list of every minor conflict that arose in between. I know it’s a shock to some, but even with our own history, there are stretches where nothing really major or important happened.

Not really. The largest wars and a view events sure. I mean thousands of years are literally blank.

There are far more things then conflicts. Giving a little inside in to different societies should be something we can expect.

Really? I can’t think of one were for a very long time literally nothing happened at all. Not knowing things, stable periods etc. are fine. But the extreme long spans of time in some cases are what’s really bugging me.


They are supposedly Gonk loa guys. Which I really wish was expanded upon with Trolls, instead of pushing every druid into Night Elf aesthetics. Yes, still upset about Legion in that regard.


Kind of only. They were not even originally Gonk followers (the Darkspears), but trough him they could connect with other loa (wonder if the bear form is from the Amani, or Drakkari). I would like to see more explenations and lore for the different classes, for every race. Like the Tauren and Zandalari “paladins”. Even different armor sets.
The Zandalari druids are a bad case in my view too. The changed dinomancers to simply druids, only because of the came play (and to simplify everything) and even created the Luna’lai… Gonk alone wasn’t good enough.

Hmm. Was it that hard to not put the moon tattoo on the default troll bear form though?

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You’re not wrong, but the reason it’s so ard to suspend disbelief with WoW is the timeframe.

So from the Legion’s first invasion until the time they sent not-so-little green men to gir 'er dun, was thousands of years. But since the first war, we had its direct sequel, a zombie map version, dark iron dwarves decided to bring a fire god into the world, all the remaining old gods awoke and tentacled the planet, Deathwing woke up from his long nap, Sargeras finally thought to look up Azeroth on Google Maps, two more zombie apocalypse invasions, Death started dying, Azeroth started dying, extra-temporal orcs invaded, the remnants of the deadest old god woke up and got in Garrosh’s belly, the fire god came back, the plane of dreams had a nightmare, and those are just the greatest hits.

More world-ending or at least world-altering conflicts have happened in the last three decades, while for ten thousand years it seems to have been mostly mop-up duty from the WotA, or locking up threats that come back ten thousand years later.


They were still in the process of retooling balance into being all about astral damage at that point, if I recall correctly. I don’t think Blizzard was trying to pretend there were non-nelfy ways to do druidism at the time, so the moon tattoo was probably a given.

I think troll druid was basically “something something a loa named Gonk said to go train at the Cenarion Circle” and that was that.

Not quite. Darkspear druids have their own story since their release. Hexdoc’s and priests needed help from Gonk, so he teached them basically the way of the druid. He convinced some other loa to lend them powers and letting the “druids” use their animal forms. But the loa hated the idea to work with followers of a different los. So Gonk had to promise that those view news “druids” would be the only ones and no new ones should ever be created. With that condition the other loa agreed.
Make a new Darkspear druid and you can read it during your first quests.

But for some reason they were used like nornal cenarion druids for some Stange reason and even a horrible “student” joke caracter I shall not name exist.

Well move forward to BfA were non of that was touched upon and Zandalari druids simply exist as Gonk followers. Perhaps that’s why they don’t use loa transformations.

You’re right, I just want to point out:

" Those who studied with Cenarius learned the druidic magic of the natural world, while others mastered the art of wielding shamanic powers." (chronicles Vol 1 pg.90)

But, in all that time, Malfurion was the first Cool Guy to get the full kit. Because Nelves are just better I guess. :man_shrugging:

Night elves play a large part in Druid lore, but they’re not the only aspects of Druid Lore.

The well of eternity describes other servants of cenarius becoming trees and other beings.

Malfurion is kinda the first fully realized druid, but nature magic happened in other ways.

The darkspear troll, tauren, worgen and night elf druidic teachings come directly from the Malfurion/Cenarius school of druidism, while the Zandalari and the Kultirans seems to be the ones that have their own style.

Yes thats what I said.

Could you tell Blizzard that?

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Not for Darkspear. Read what I wrote above about the Darksepar. Their way of druidism comes directly from Gonk.


Didn’t Gonk just said; “Learn from the cenarion circle” or something like that?

I don’t remember if it ended in such a way (which would be extremely strange). But the Troll trainer on the Echo Isles tells you the story at the start of your journey.
With the pact between Gonk, the “druid” and the other loa etc.

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I see.

Well, there is probably some shared knowledge, but still different schools.