So apparently im just bad

If you are doing bountifuls and his level isn’t going up, there’s definitely something going on. Though it could be an issue with your UI failing to display the correct information.

I would first go through the process of resetting your UI that Blizzard recommends.

Which you can find here:

That’s likely to be the first thing they tell you to do.

Then if that doesn’t work, you can let them know you’ve gone through that process when you make the ticket and then hopefully you’ll get further help from there.

Regular mode? You shouldn’t really need him, 15 would be fine but more’s not unwelcome.

Hard mode I’d say 35 is enough that his heals can keep you up if you stagger the potions properly.

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Ok thanks. This is my first monk

If this helps, I beat “?” tier at iLvl 608, Ret spec, on Monday.

I tried a few times with prot spec and didn’t have the DPS to handle the eggs (Brann was set to heals.) So, I said “screw it, lets go full DPS with Ret and Brann and see how it goes.” I was expecting to die again, but it was noticeably easier. I focused the eggs whenever they spawned, always prioritizing cooldowns for them, keeping Holy Power up so that it never went below 2, so that I’d have Word of Glory available more often than not for any clutch heals I might need, and then just danced with Zekvir until he was dead.

Brann was level 51 (set to DPS), Curios were Unbreakable Iron Idol and Amorphous Relic.


This happened to my son in one of his very first delves … might have been 3rd or 4th. Was pretty early in progression. He got stomped. Was so funny. Was one of things where all you could do was just laugh it off.

I’m bad. And that’s good!
I’ll never be good, and that’s not bad!

There’s no one I would want to be… than me!

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I’m being honest. The only reason I did it the first time was because:

  1. The Nerf
  2. I remembered Threatening Presence for demons
  3. I have endless healthstones, powerful healer brann, and lots of potions.

I was 589 I think IL wise the first time, second time today 603.

At 605ilvl you should be well geared enough for ? difficulty, but in prot it would take forever I imagine. Probably better off just doing some T8 delves and while you’re at it change your loot to ret so you can get a 2h sword then upgrade it for offspec. I did the same but for prot as I main fury.

Once you get it down “?” is fairly easy for Zekvir, but I don’t know about doing it 8 times to fill up my vault.

I’d personally rather just do T8 Fungal Folly 8 times in a row if I had to. With that being said, I usually try to get the bountifuls completed during the week which typically gets me close to my 8 anyway.

yae got to dodge

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It’s best to do it on a bursty class with a lot of Mobility. Save your burst for when the cocoon spawns. Pick a class with high Mobility so you can always get to it quickly or Ranged class like a hunter or a warlock

This is why my buddy did it on a DK with Horsemen hero talents so he can zoom to it quickly.

Work smarter not harder

OP I am not able to get him either. But I am waiting until I get a higher ilvl than I am. That will help.

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The good news for you OP is you are already past the hardest step which is acknowledging your left of bell curve status. So many people are delusional and think they’re better than average which then defaults them into a state where the problem must be with “bad tuning” or “bugs” or outside forces beyond their control leaving them in a state where improvement and progress can’t be made.

And the farther left of the bell curve you are and acknowledge, the more drastically positive even small improvements will be giving you confidence to continue to learn and improve more until you actually are a right of bell curve player whose only going to get increasingly smaller results and more and more dedicated time and effort which very unlikely actually pays off at whatever content level you plateau at.

You are bad now but it doesn’t have to stay that way. There are ample tools out there to help you and improve and like I said, you’ve already overcome the hardest step it’ll take to get on that path. Good luck with it.

Same. Here

I do stand by my original point though that doing it on a bursty ranged class is pretty much cheat mode.

Once I get a high enough ilevel one going to do it on my lock

I would definitely switch to a prot/templar build for Zekvir. Your ilvl is sufficient, for sure. It’s just dodge mechanics, interrupt on time, and nuke the egg. Rinse and repeat. I use the porcelain idol and amorphous for more deeps.

Me and the GF tried duos first, the increase in health is too much.

true. maybe if Brann is a higher level, it will be easier

You will get there! Just takes practice. It took me a few tries until I got it down.

I think it really depends on the spec.

I only did the single ? difficulty but it was incredibly easy on unholy. Combination of AMS and other defensives basically trivialized all of his abilities.

I fully acknowledge other specs that don’t have the same kit could experience a completely different fight.