So apparently im just bad

See all these posts of people soloing zekvir ? For easy vault slots…got absolutely wrecked. Dont have the DPS to kill the eggs…maybe with a higher level brann.


Don’t sweat it. You’ll get there.


It’s fine if you can’t kill the eggs in time so long as the add doesn’t get their cast off. If you are getting it down to 10% you should be able to finish the spider off before it’s cast.


I can’t even remember what it was right now but something I was doing in blood death knight I could not get it finished because it wasn’t doing enough damage quick enough I switched over to unholy and was able to do it

Not saying that that’s relevant here but maybe?


It takes a lot of practice fighting him to beat him. It’s like anything else, you take the experience from losing over and over to refine your strategies until you can beat him.


I havent played ret in over 10 years, and never with any kind of skill. So not sure thatll help…lol

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Pretty sure you can Repentance the spider.

But if the spider is a DPS check for you, then yeah you prolly need a better weapon and trinkets.

Have you tried looking up a single target talent build? I had to change some of my talents to get it down.

It was just a thought.
I wish I could remember what it was so that I could maybe know if it’s even applicable
I just know I kept trying to do something with blood death night and kept failing at it and I realized that it was because I wasn’t doing damage fast enough

Do you have to do it on paladin or can you try it on some other class?

Yea…my trinkets are trash, but I dont run M+ so its slim pickings. Im crafting a 619 sword shortly.

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I don’t even know what ILvL I need to beat him. I got him halfway down with 585 gear, but got wrecked.

I dont have anything else leveled or geared atm.

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Yeah my idea probably wasn’t really anything relevant anyways I’m just talking out my rear end here LOL

You can probably do it on whatever spec you’re playing now.

My problem is the spittle. Looks like a minor spec change to use my portal will help address that.

After that, it’s mostly a dance I think for me.

I might try again later this week.

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I’d say I’m above your casual player when it comes to playing a warlock and I haven’t even managed to get him down yet. I read up on some stuff recently though to make it an easier time for me and I plan on getting it this weekened for sure.

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It’s really easy as Sin. You just Shadowstep to the egg, put dots on it, get it to half way, then run all the way across the room. It will try to gap close to cast the web stun, then I shadow step to it again and kidney shot it and it just dies in the stun. Do same thing with Sprint.

have you tried a team of two (duo)? its not going to be as difficult as finding a group of players, but at least you can complete that fight

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The key is yea you’re going to want to be able to dps the eggs before they hatch. On my spiest I made clever use of fade to give agrro to brann and nuked the eggs.

You can do it you’re not bad!


You guys are seeing him?