This. Sunfury looks so amazing that i am considering maining a fire mage for TWW.
Lol you’re lame
I got alpha and have been playing it. It’s as amazing as it sounds. It has three main nukes arcane surge gpyro and meteor. it appears to be random 1/3rd chance of casting all of them. The mini meteors are incredible. They hit an absolute home run.
We’ve also summoned and used constructs of all kinds. There’s arcane elementals in Karazahn, as well as animated objects there. Jaina pooped out water elementals left and right. We used them as troops in legion for our tables. We finally get our phoenix almosy 20 years after release but it was in wc3. It’s kinda weird how much of our fantasy is just left out of our design.
Correct and bec. of that would have been such a fine idea to create 1 hero tree about our water ele/arcane familiar.
Would just have been the chance for a really innovative playstyle and not again 0815 stuff like Shadowlands gameplay or so.
But sadly Blizzard is afraid of doing something rly new
True. What they could do is add “test” mechanics to temporary things like plunderstorm and remix and guage community reaction, while keeping more vanilla playstyles viable. They need to keep the styles balanced though otherwise the “data” will be confirmation bias of whatever playstyle is strongest, not what players really want.
The phoenix design feels like copy pasta of iv design for fire, but with some added oomph.
Trust me, you do not want to become a pet class in this game, pet AI in WoW is cursed.
As a pure range pet some LOS-issues would not be so dramatic like hunter pets e.g.
But i want it to be a possible playstyle, not the only playstyle. That some people are always missunderstanding
Just +more+ ways of playing a certain spec is a win/win for everyone bec. only one playstyle is boring.
Phoenix acts more like a buff to combustion than a pet. It’s similar to having WE tied to Icy Veins but at least you can control the WE; you can’t control the phoenix.
I actually really like both of these thematically. They tie really well to WC3 heroes, where the frost mage had Blizzard + WE, and the fire mage had Flamestrike + Phoenix.
I also love Gravity Lapse, but I wish it replaced Frost Nova instead of Blast Wave.
I want blizzard to fix a feature that’s been in the game for almost 20 years so this isn’t a valid complaint. I don’t want to hijack this into a WE thread, but I’ll say I disagree with them taking away the ability for it to be a permanent pet on the premise no one was using a clearly underpowered ability (and quite frankly I’d have a much easier time letting go if it was ever a fair comparison when they made the choice). I’m happy for all the people who are happy with the new design, but it feels like 2 steps back if you liked the pet and were pidgeonholed into LW for almost 3 expansions straight. It is good to see most frost mages actually getting some usage out of it now.
But you’ll try to do so anyway.
I usually don’t insert we comments but looks like you want that to happen given this response (I also want to point out that there’d already been back and forth over it from people other than myself before I did say something). Also this is a forum. People will have different opinions. Get over it. If you’re threatened by people’s experiences and opinions, forums may not be for you.
I also don’t want to ever catch you whining about unceremoniously losing an aspect of a class you enjoy if this bothers you so much.
It’s also ridiculous for you to act this way if you’re fine with people expressing opinions the opposite way. If you’re going to go after the pro WE crowd, go after the anti too if you’re really trying to stifle conversations around it.