So, apparently fire mage becoming hybrid pet class

No u

I can agree the art and theme were great. The grinds/systems stacked on systems weren’t. I didn’t like living inside of iv and it not feeling rewarding. The hero spec in question is almost everything i’d want. I just didn’t love living inside a dps cd. You may enjoy this even if the pet is just visual.

It did feel a bit springy as a whole, but there’s a reason I played harder than ever and then checked out. I think the furthest I went in DF was that cave, and it was a slog to get that far.

That’s because he’s playing Unleashed Inferno, which does exactly that.

Yeah but the way he was talking about the mechanics made it sound like unleashed inferno would be meta. If there was a way to get smoother performance and some summons in between i’d probably love it.

Actually they’ve been fairly quiet of late. What’s amusing is this dude trying to pretend he’s not one of the usual crew’s alts.

Sorry to disappoint you, but my mainchar is on 1 EU server. I just made a lvl 10 char on US server to comment here too :wink:

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Uh-huh. Sure.

You don t have to believe me thats fine. I know its true, so pls stop mocking people here bec. they don t share your opinion.
We can only win if a class gets +more+ viable spec possibilities. But some people cannot understand that.

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What’s amusing is you guys can’t possibly conceive there’s more than that crew that miss welly when there were more up votes than downvotes on reddit by significant margin when this was current. By talking about if you’re drawing more attention.

Also don’t blame me for someone else’s posts. It’s not fair. (I assume you’re talking about me because i think i’m the only regular you’re referring to who has posted recently. Mods can verify. This is also the only toon i’ve posted on for a VERY long time. )

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Just made a thread on reddit which got over 1000 upvotes, so yes there ARE people who miss the perma-pet. I think most people who hate our opinion are afraid that IF it comes back it could be +viable+ or even strong and they don t want to play with the pet.
But most of the pet-lovers don t want it to be super strong.
Just make it viable (10-20% behind best spec or so) and its fine. Even if the pet could help at open-world as a tank would be helpful anyway.
I guess there are not so many people who miss it who raid every raidtier 9/9 hero and do keys up to 20-22 each season, but more RP loving people. But thats fine, the game is for everyone who likes to play.
Lets hope for the future that Blizzard will bring it back :slight_smile: and for some more mature people here that can accept other opinions too.

But now back to topic here :wink:


What’s amusing is that you guys think reddit is a credible source for, well, anything.

I didn’t “blame” anyone specific. But actually no, I don’t think it’s you if that makes you feel better.

On this we agree.

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I don’t need to feel better. Your language looked singular and it’s well known i’ve been pro welly in the past. I felt i needed to clear the air.

I do appreciate you recognizing that it quieted down though.

Nah, Phoenix summon has been requested sence TBC, is a classic ability from kael’thas in W3. I’m really happy they finally put it for mages.

As a Sin’dorei fan I can say that I am happy that it exists and that remains for the furute even if it does not become meta.

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I liked the tree in general, but as for the fantasy, it doesn’t really fit with the arcane theme. Neither this nor the other tree.

Its not a hybrid pet class thats just misleading the Phoenix comes out and casts spells but the phoenix itself doesnt seem to have a healpool or a pet bar making it completely uninteractable. Its functionally just a different version of the rune of power that dropped at your feet when you used your major cooldown before rework just cooler because it increases your damage by throwing spells and you dont have to stand near it.

Yeah this is an unfortunate side effect of arcanes popularity compared to the other 2 specs as designing the arcane side of it was probably secondary. That being said most the abilities do completely different things as fire and as arcane and i have yet to see it from an arcane POV to see how the visuals and spells line up. Tho there is definately some arcane in there as the people using it as fire keep running out of mana XD tho i imagine this is unintended.

In the Bulwark of the Night we had contact with the Magilâmina Aluriel. Her description states that she was a student of the mages at the University of Suramar, mastering the schools of fire, ice and arcane and imbuing her weapons and armor with these magics, becoming the first Magilamina.

Players have been asking for a battlemage for a long time and Blizzard had all this content in hand.

The battlemage could have been a hero class of the three specializations, with weapon enchantments similar to the shaman enhancement and which could have a rotation during combat similar to Aluriel in her fight.

This is just one example of the enormous creative potential that the mage possesses. It is a class that controls all reality, controls space and time and even controls other magic, which is why we have the fire and ice specializations.

I wouldn’t play battlemage, because I like the arcane, but it would be a very creative path to take with these hero talents.

Which is the phoenix’s color?

Red/orange. I’ve only seen footage of Sunfury Fire, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the same for Arcane.

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