So, any plans to remove/fix greater pyroblast?

thats not how it works

35 percent …, 3 of them will wipe you.

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prot war/paly have reflect so he’s not wrong. i usually bait the mage/lock into casting their garbage nukes then reflect it at the last second. im real good at it. some say a master of baiting.

Shimmer exists.

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Outside the middle area in Silvershard, where would you suggest people line of sight casts?

Just interrupt it instead of enemy heals or CC’s, of course. :crazy_face:

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Had a nice break from Abomb the chimp while it lasted

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He isn’t wrong about Gpie , though I know he is only saying that because he is a tank

I guess I’ve been rounding down to try to cope with the devs leaving it as is for the whole expansion.

Yea it’s hard to deny that Gpie is terrible design for the game. Hoping it become irrelevant in SL and we have really fun builds. Then when they do remove % abilities it doesn’t seem so bad if they are never taken in SL.

There is one thing the OP got wrong Gpie does zero damage to Prot Pal and can be mitigated by any % mitigation or absorb. Doesn’t change that it’s still bad design and creates balance issues. Especially against classes that rely on Health Pool increases as defensives. It’s just wrong against a warrior popping last stand or rallying cry. The defensive makes the damage bigger.

Also Health Pool increase procs on items if the mage cast during that then they wear off you get hit with a bigger Gpie. Some azerite traits increase HP and uncontrollably makes Fire do higher % of your Health.

In the mean time I will beat up on those Fire Mages for you guys and make them uninstall hopefully since Prot hard counters them. I will do my part till the Devs do.

Agreed that it should be nerfed.

Shamans counter them just fine, we have a lot of ways to prevent them from landing a GPie … still a terrible design though .

A player that plays objectives and plays to their class strengths is good.

A player that farms mid for HK’s and top damage while ignoring objectives is bad.

Oh I agree they have some counters and I agree it’s terrible design. Greater heal, Gpie etc all needs removed in SL.

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Pretty sure I didn’t argue the post, just the part where OP said it can’t be mitigated.

Good reading though.

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Yea I just wanted to drive home the fact that some people make excuses for bad design and say oh well you just need to do X. Which doesn’t change the fact that % abilities need to be removed from the game due to their design and it ruins the core aspect of the game.

Fire mage and Gpie has hard counters but it has plagued this games gameplay for long enough. Lets have better class design :slight_smile:

I can’t wait for expedient 3 to roll around again. Only a few more hours to go before I can buy it! Time to have some fun before corruption is removed forever. :heart_eyes:

Also, hi Xenshu, I /booped you in a twin peaks a few days ago :kissing_smiling_eyes:

How about people just learn how to CC correctly?

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Well CC has a CD. Gpie does not . So…

Luckily, there are other people on the team that can CC again right after you.