So, any plans to remove/fix greater pyroblast?

my % atttacks and abilities feel very good. i suggest you try getting good instead of hiding your poor pvp skill behind gear and then using the fake excuse of what an MMO or RPG is supposed to be like to justify gear mattering more than skill (there is no hard definition btw)

the only reason you want %HP abilities gone is because you dont like the idea of someone with less gear beating you.


What is considered “good” are you “good” :rofl:

The reason we play this game is because it is in fact an MMORPG. If it wasn’t then we wouldn’t play. I don’t like FPS or MOBA’s because they aren’t RPG’s or MMORPGs.

Gear mattering is the core aspect of the game and the only way for the game to be good is if gear matters. That is why we play an RPG game and I would suggest to stop trying to make this game into something that it is not.

The reason any person that love RPGs would want them gone is because they don’t belong in RPG games. I already said that in my fast food analogy here.

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Lasso is no more percentage based . Scales of spell power as of 8.2. A real pity considering they left GPie in while they nerfed the shamans . Or I guess par for course in WoW.


Great change now everything else needs to follow so the game can be better like it used to be.

Yea we can only hope the odd ball talents that don’t belong in the game get addressed in SL. The Devs been listening lately so fingers crossed.

Anyone who thinks Gpie type abilities belong in the game are factually wrong.

i look at two things:

on an average day in an average bg, i can and will defeat 99% of players i encounter regardless of gear.

while i don’t have it continuous, my reflex data going back to legion since i found the addon has shown about a 10:1 w/l ratio.

I play this game because it is fun. i couldn’t care less about the genre, i dont even play other mmos, mostly music games like DDR, Amplitude, and Audiosurf.

fun fact, I R1’d both Frequency and Amplitude back in the day. my Freq had both the Skull and the Halo.

gear can matter in more ways than just ilvl. building a good build is not somethign i have an issue with, that is the core aspect of role playing, building your own character.

what has no place in role play however is continuous power growth curves. everyone should be at relatively the same ilvl.

but you are basing it all on the idea that %HP abilities dont belong in MMOs or RPGs or MMORPGs. something that isn’t fact, but you have declared it as such and are arguing as such like the rest of us are arguing the sky is not blue.

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We all play this game for fun but if it doesn’t maintain it’s RPG nature then there is no point in playing because it then isn’t fun. Then you go play other games that scratch that itch. Again stop trying to make the game into something that it is not. This is how we ended up in this mess.

i’m sure you think your 2k 2s rating will make the demo shots go around you. GL with that.

%HP spells do not destroy its RPG nature, so what are you crying about?

I didn’t but at least I didn’t say

Sounds to me like you are obsessed with average and not actually being “good” You don’t even step foot in competitive PvP yet say for some reason I am not “good” which is laughable. I never said I was a great player but can easily outgear and global anyone in a BG as well and also win 99% of the time. That isn’t an accomplishment that makes you “good”

The fact is you shouldn’t criticize anyone. When you are an average player at best. Now lets stay on topic and actually fix the badly designed abilities still in the game that need to be removed.

Of course they do.

all pvp is competitive, and why play rated?

the difference is i dont want to global someone, and i dont need to outgear people to beat them.

you play the easiest class in the game to pvp with, being carried by a cheese build that has never been possible in wow before.

and you want to brag about that?

i’m better than you and i dont need to step foot in arena to know it.

no, you’re bad at pvp and need gear to carry you, since %HP abilities bypass gear advantages, this scares you so you want them gone.

that is your agenda laid out for all to see, anything you say is just to support that.

It would be cool if some people took this thread seriously. I am just gonna stop feeding him so it isn’t derailed. :rofl:

The points are clearly illustrated in this thread that % abilities ruin game balance and the core aspect of the game. They just don’t belong.

I would like to add that random BGs aren’t competitive and aren’t supposed to be competitive. So at no point will a random BG ever be “competitive”

you are the one who needs gear to carry you and have admitted to this already

typical HMP

They really need to fix the heal amount of greater heal on npc’s. Greater heal will hit a boss for about 2 million healing. It’s really a cheap move and should be nerfed on bosses. I can get into the boss room and free cast greater heal in spirit of redemption for about 12-15 million in heals. It doesn’t always affect the game outcome but in a tied dps race it can win the game.

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Well they just need to remove it obviously. It creates unneeded balance issues because it doesn’t fit into the game.

you are competing with the other team for the win. i don’t know how this logic eludes you.

if you want non-competitive activities, try raiding, oh wait, DPS compete for top spot in the damage chart. try M+, no, they compete for fastest time.

so ya know what, competition is what you make of it. so in that sense, you are still wrong.

but again, why play rated?

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For fun and my last response only because you are so misguided and have no idea what COMPETITIVE actually means.

Two teams going against each other isn’t competition. Do the Harlem Globetrotters compete against the Washington Generals? No… That is why they created Rated Battle Grounds so it is a better place where people could compete in BGs. You can form a team that has a required Item level or gear as well as makeup and EXPERIENCE in order to COMPETE against another team doing the same.

Sorry but raiding and the MDI is competing. Where random BGs are not.

In raiding you have progression and mechanics that…are you ready…make it competitive.

In random BGs you have random teams and random specs in random gear with random experience. That isn’t competition and no one would consider random BGs competitive because that is what RBGs are for.

The only way to make random BGs competitive is “IF” you put a level requirement to enter and made gear brackets. As well as some form of experience so they have an MMR. However if we did that…you would cry because then people would make Twinks again and dominate you in level brackets. :rofl: Not to mention we already have a Rated BGs.

Seriously BGs will never be competitive and they aren’t supposed to be. They are there for players to have some fun and either get stomped or do the stomping. They are there for players to global some noobs until they get gear and then they start doing the globaling. Just enjoy them for what they are. “Random Fun”

PS- Remove % abilities that don’t fit in the game. Since that is the topic and they most certainly don’t fit in competitive gameplay. Since it creates balancing issues.

i’m just going to quote this for posterity.

please dont tell me contouring is required, i suck at contouring

it’s not competition how? you are just whining because there isn’t brackets or MMR, that just sounds like an unlimited class.

so in that sense you are trying to distance yourself from the fact that you can’t handle an unlimited class by moving to a separate class with limitations and regulations, then trying to tell the rest of us that only your class counts. grow up dude.

I think unholy DKs also have necrotic strike.

In a balanced PvP game, I think all spells could be percentage based. For example, frost bolt could hit for 5%, ice lance could hit for 2.5%, etc.

The main problem with gpyro is that it hits for 30%. There wouldn’t be as many complaints if it hit for 20% or lower.

There wouldn’t be as many complaints but it would still be terrible design. We need to step away from ALL % abilities to create better class design synergy.

i bet that if paladins had even 1 %HP ability the qq would be that it doesn’t scale with gear, not that its bad for the game.

They are fixing this by putting a cd on it in SL.