So any plans to fix tank pop?

What’s gatekeeping you from making a tank?

If you’re going to come on the forums and cry that nobody’s willing to play tanks, I think the answer is staring you right in the face.

Basically ffxiv has tons of different content per tier of different group sizes that give equivalent stat loot with unique looks.

They start with small 4 man groups but have many more viable tanks and healers than wow, with classes being role-locked, then have 8 and 24 member raid/battlefield content.

The thing is 8 is actually their “full party” size with 24 their “alliance” aka raid size.

Other things of note is ffxiv has a “one hero all classes” setup where you can switch between them, making it so people can just swap classes, assuming theyve leveled them, in order to more quickly farm the equivalent of crests there.

If the recent changes are 100% the problem, then why has there been a tank shortage for the entire 20 year lifespan of WoW? You know, long before these changes were even dreamed of.

I’d love to hear the logic behind that.


A lot of people make good points. I love tanking. Been a main tank since BC. (Resto druid in vanilla). Been KSH/KSM, Heroic raid tank.

But now a days you just cant tell anymore.

I personally start slow, when i see the group takin care of business ill speed it up. But some groups want slow and controlled, some groups want you pulling boss to boss. Some want somewhere in the middle. Can’t make everyone happy, sometimes can’t make anyone happy.

Don’t die. Protect the group. Got it.

The other half is that tanks are out there. Just cant get an invite to shi…

I’m well overgeared to run Heroic raid, prot or holy. Still no AOTC. Heck, i could only really even roll on 2 slots in heroic. Nope.

M+? Lol. In DF I puggd it to KSH. Never had an issue getting invited or getting it done. This season? Can’t get an invite to a +2…

We are out there and want to play. Or at least i am.

Players make their decision what role to play based on decisions made by developers.

Players are under no obligation to play unpopular roles because Blizzard has gone out of their way to make them even more unpopular.



Lateral progression.

Make it so there are several viable end game builds. Not one meta that you have to run or youre not wanted.

I disagree with “one hero, all specs” . Maybe if i saw it done better but i could not stand the feel of ESO’s execution of it. I like having the designated roles and class/spec combos wow runs but that’s just imo i guess.

If that were the case, everyone I know that tanks and heals would have quit those roles over the years. None have.

They play because they like the role in all its forms.

So this is false. Not everyone is FotM.

Good thing I never claimed they were.

100% of the increase of the shortage can be attributed to changes to gameplay. It is entirely irrelevant that there has always been a shortage if changes have made that dramatically worse.

Like, wow. So no tank or healer you have ever known has ever quit the game, and therefore not a single tank or healer out of the many millions who have played the game has every quit or changed to DPS. You really ought to read what you write before hitting post, because that is clueless.

“No!” she says. “I personally know every player who has ever played the game, and not one has ever stopped healing, tanking, or quit altogether because of changes made to the game. I asked every one of them, too.” LOLOLOL.

Except for the guy you were saying should be tanking rather than complaining about how long it takes to find a tank.

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Another disingenuous comment.

  1. I never said a word about quitting the game.
  2. I never claimed no one does this. I said no one I knew. And then said the following:

Don’t cherry pick, misconstrue and try to condescend to further a poor narrative.

Again, I never claimed they had to do anything. I asked a question if they had thought about the possibility of doing something. Literally nowhere does that say anything that you tried to claim.

Your reading comprehension is terrible. I am not engaging further with such bad faith arguments.


As a tank player who does keys, but doesn’t even go to 10s, I feel I don’t really have the motivation to keep going.

People keep parroting and spamming and screaming until their teeth fall out to revert the changes or whatever, but that’s not what I want as a tank.

What I want as a tank, playing a tank is damage. I know it’s hard to believe, but we do other stuff in the game other than run keys 24/7 all day, every single day, 365 days a year, we might like to do outdoor stuff or maybe, shocker, PVP AS THE TANK SPEC, whoa, breathe, I know, difficult concept, but what people want is what people want, I feel like this is just being ignored and people are going, “revert tank changes.” How about ask tanks what they want and just give it to them lol.

Just give tanks way more burst, way more damage, let them have fun in the game somehow. They understood this when Vengeance was in the game, I don’t understand how they can’t understand this anymore, complete brain rot or what? It’s probably deliberate because they can’t balance.

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Tank yourself?

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Play harder content
Get better gear
Pull bigger
Do better damage
Or play a role designed to deal damage instead of take damage

Not a hard concept

To add on to this, what’s stopping OP from just rolling a tank?

Back in my day… lol

Seruoisly though, WotLK and before, there was a clear difference but also even. Tanks on average had 3x the HP of all other classes but they in turn could do 3x the damage of a tank.

Now many can disagree with me but it felt balanced. Defensives meant something, CC and distance closers held water. Frost mages were extremely annoying but you could get away if yoi couldnt catch them.

This is of course my keyhole perspective as a prot pally. Who has been taking since BC and used to prot-pvp.

Post LK Blizz increased all HP at mear a flat %. Closing the gap in HP pools while not changing tank damage or defensive capability effectively killing prot pvp. (Again from a pally pov).

Warriors got extra cc and several ways to close the gap. Druids got love. Monks have a lot of movement and stagger.

There are ways to get back to it. I just dont think its a focus for Bliz

So basically the precise opposite of PVP in every sense.:crazy_face:

There are enough people that want to tank. Blizzard is just unable to figure out a way to make it fun. It is, always had been, and always will be their problem.

Forget about WoW for a moment. Consider the trinity. What would make someone want to play the defender? What makes someone step towards the charging enemy instead of away? The kind of person who looks at that choice and doesn’t choose dps is the kind of person who craves control. They want to help their group by guiding them. The group Dad, if you will.

So give them the tools to realize that fantasy. Grab the mobs, and keep them locked down. Keep them off the squishies and slap them in the mouth when they try to yell back. An indomitable defender who controls the battlefield. Who comes, who goes.

How do you that in wow terms? Perfect tank play should mean nigh invincibility. Damage scaling with the incoming enemies, like breaking waves against a tidal cliff. And tools to control the battlefield. A short kick, aoe stops, displaces, that kind of thing. Enough to hold the mobs down so the dps can roast them.

That’s how you make tanking fun.


We have many tank specs. Most people just want to see big numbers tanking isn’t big numbers all the time it’s more than just dps. A dps only player won’t learn routes

Give tanks a discount on subscription


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I asked if they had thought about that and was told I’m trying to force someone to tank. :upside_down_face:

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