just unnerf tanks
I feel like that’s just asking for another healer problem.
having a tank that’s capable of soloing the dungeon by himself is not a good thing.
I mean it’s still a problem especially with time walking currently.
like I had one yesterday where The warrior tank was already a room ahead of everyone when we zoned in. dude just straight up sprinting not even grabbing aggro from anything.
DPS we’re getting trained at the entrance while this guy completed a dungeon by himself.
well thats blizzard’s problem to solve, not mine
Timewalking is such trivial content that it’s dubious you need a tank or even healer. Most of the horror stories in regards to tanks in timewalking mostly boils down to people not being in sync with whatever the tank was doing, that and dps using tank queue to bypass the queue time.
Losing aggro as a tank currently is VERY hard, unless they are either not in their tank spec. Or if someone with big burst damage pops everything before a second GCD from the tank.
However, if the DPS keep wailing on adds while the tank is trying to pull them into some later point, that isn’t a tank failure, it’s a DPS failure to be aware of their threat.
Yes, you did miss them.
fewer tank busters + relaxing of challengesrs peril should take pressure off tanks
maybe a bit but i think the actual issue is the ammount of stuff your required to know as a tank. quickest route, mob count %, mob/boss mechanics, as well as how to play your class. a dps can sit back not know any of these things and still complete a +10 on time. they actually need to just make tanking easier. oh and if they buff tank survivability again you will see more healers as well.
Do you want blizzard to randomly force change people into tanks?
You could also play a tank. I play a tank but I don’t pug much these days.
Unsure if you ever played in vanilla, but I don’t feel like this is worse.
no they need to incentivize it or make it more fun to do by IDK making tanks be able to chain cc and self sustain again.
There are incentives to play tanks. If you’re doing any group finder content you can often get satchels. There are shorter queue times and it’s much easier to find your way into most groups.
The problem is that people just don’t want to play tanks. Most people would rather just faceroll as dps.
And I mention this in every thread, but recent tank changes aren’t the problem. Sure, maybe some tanks swapped out, but the lack of tanks has been around since the start of the game. People just do not want to tank.
Back in vanilla, a fair number of groups would have to pay tanks to tank high end dungeons for them because there weren’t many tanks geared enough to do them. Unless your friend group had some, it was rough finding tanks willing to join you.
You can’t force people to tank who would rather just dps.
i agree with this in part, but I think there is a system issue very strongly at work in TWW.
DPS today have doubled or tripled or more the amount of DPS they were doing in DF.
are tanks two or three times more tanky than in DF?
Absolutlely not. we have been nerfed.
We are squishier, have less self sustain, fewer mob control tools. We lost the m0-9 key pathway that I think many of us used to learn the content (rather than simply repeating m0 with no reward).
all of these changes made tanking less enjoyable.
add to that the challengers peril, or whatever the death penalty is, and it simply more stressful and less rewarding to be a tank in TWW.
nobody is talking about group finder… were talking about the only dungeon mode that matters and why it takes so long to find a tank…
correct and people dont want to tank because
meaning they need to make it easier on tanks to get more people doing it…
they are 100% the problem
people paid tanks because they didnt need anything from the dungeon and wouldnt go unless they were getting gold
correct as i said
I get your point, but his is also valid too.
Mythic+ continues to be overinflated as far as importance in the gearing process - and it seems like based on the changes they announced yesterday, they are doubling down on this. Mythic+ will continue to get more accessable while Mythic Raiding still remains some pie-in-the-sky thing a near negligible percentage of the community will engage with.
The lack of tanks is not just a player problem: it’s also a Blizzard problem, because if a DPS player only can realistically progress through Mythic+ at a certain point, and it takes 20-30 minutes for him to get a group… unsubscribing and going to play another game really gets a lot more appealing to so many.
As for me, I am switching to Druid in Season 2 to try and be able to flex Heals/Tank… because I just can’t anymore with being a Warlock and trying to get Mythic+ groups - I got up to 2100ish, but after waiting for +7 and +8 keys for 20 minutes, I got sick of it and quit WoW for two months… so you can say the Tank problem cost Blizzard $30 of my money, at the very least.
Or increase the group size. So the amount of tanks needed is less.
-buff tank threat generation
-increase tank durability
-increase tank damage
Choose at least two of these
I’d buff health.
You could make tanks into immortal gods and there will still be a “shortage” because the responsibility and mindset you need for someone to play a tank and be good at it is rare to find.
Lol i play tanks of every class only one not 80 is my warrior
Im sorry… but i myself as a tank will flame a new tank if they come into anything but a 2 key saying they are “new”… why would anyone expect to come to a 10 and " learn" is beyond me
You say that as if you think you have first hand experience playing with me.
Bad tanks are bad, yes. It bothers me too and I always try to correct bad behavior when I see it. But being belligerent isn’t the way to do it.