So any plans to fix tank pop?

I literally couldn’t react fast enough

Some issue is that raids/guilds only really need 2 tanks, and one benched tank. Even mythic with 20 players only takes 2

I dunno man. I do 10s with bear tanks with no issue.

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Which means YOU screwed up by not having your defensives in place before the damage came in. Tanks are proactive, not reactive

Even BDKs whos biggest form of mitigation is healing after damage comes in, has to be set up defensively before going ham

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Was never like this until now

Its always been like that


Having mitigation up before taking hits has like…always been a thing.

Its the entire tanking gameplay.

Heck. This is even something all roles should be aware of. Even as dps you dont throw up your defensive after you take damage.


I meant you usually could tell after you did a pull whether or not you’ll need to pop a defensive especially if the healer is struggling.

Popping CD’s before you even pull would be something tanks would get laughed at for

Your standard active mitigation is not a “cool down”.


To be fair, I’d say the druid screwed up. It’s going to be hard for him to prevent the tank getting one-shot in a +7. Not getting one-shot is the tanks job to handle.

This was true for DF (specially lower keys) when tanks were immortal gods that couldn’t die unless they tried. As you ventured into higher keys you of course had to start playing proactively as a tank even then though, since it’s an infinitely scaling systems and all that.

In TWW, even lower keys require some minimal amount of skill to handle though. You can’t just walk into a pack, have some coffee, and check in after a while to see if you’re taking damage or not.

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He is the druid lol

No I play guardian druid but in this case I was the healer

My apologies then. I read that as you were the druid tank

In that case the tank didnt push his buttons**

I read this:

“Some other druid that were in his key”. Maybe I’m mistaken.

Edit: I see that’s all cleared up now.

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Started in MoP with Brewmaster. For WoD every tank was changed to have active mitigation… so its over 10 years ago now.

Most tanks are mostly proactive. Exceptions for BDK and Brew which have a mix of both.

Nah, even then, if you dont have resources for your activie mitigation going into a pull, you pop a CD.

No rage for Iron Fur: Barkskin or RoTS until youve got Iron Furs rolling

Even they have to have Bone Shield active before running in and getting smacked around. And Brew is built in with 100% uptime on their active mitigation with Stagger

It’s a mix of proactive and reactive. The only real proactive specs were like disc priest or resto druid for prehotting or in disc’s case putting atonement on everyone before burst happens. Those two specs you have to be two steps ahead to succeed. Where as tanking you pop CD’s in the moment

Negative. Still popping CDs BEFORE the tank busters/damage come out

Again which expansion because pre popping defensives was never required for KSM in the past

And it still shouldn’t be?

(Granted, they raised it to 6-7s) for some reason.