So any plans to fix tank pop?

No, remove the timer and I would, the current state of it, no I do not enjoy M+ at all.

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Then run normal Mythic dungeons

Yea I don’t think this kind of mindset should be required until like 20’s back in the day. Pre defensives for like a 5 or 6 key is crazy

5 = 15, 6 =16.

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Which is equivalent to a 15-16. So it checks out

Right KSM should require all 5’s then but that’s not how it is.

They bumped that up for some reason, Idk.

Before it was 15s, then lowered to 14-15s, then raised to 6-7s? lol.

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And tank and healer players are a minority.

Broadly speaking, across all games, for twenty years or more, gamers have been very clear that they don’t generally enjoy support roles.

I enjoy tanking and healing.

Quite literally have one of every tank spec at 80 and doing M+.

One game failing at the paradigm doesn’t mean the paradigm itself is a failure. Lost Ark does both PvE and PvP highly successfully (design-wise, at least) without true tanks or healers.

We have multiple decades of proof that the trinity system is a failure. If it didn’t already exist and you proposed it (with all its benefits and drawbacks) it would be a laughable non-starter. The only reason its deficits have been tolerated is because it was assumed that they were a fixable design problem. At this point it would be foolish to continue believing that.

I will say healing a 7 did feel like an old 17 so it checks out. I think next season 7’s will be easier so maybe a 7 will feel like a 5 idk

Every successive season gets easier.

It’s a continuous, fairly reliable, trend.

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There is zero reason to believe that this would bleed off sufficiently more DPS players than tanks or healers. When delves started up there was plenty of chatter by players of those roles about their balance in this solo content. By the nature of the roles I will grant you that one would expect some imbalance in which roles leave group content for solo content, but I do not at all think it would sufficiently change the composition of the M+ playerbase.

This is absolutely false. The game would remain fundamentally the same. The specific responsibilities of tanks and healers would diffuse into the 5 DPS of each group, but the experience would be 99% of the same overall. It’s only tanks and healers who would suffer a significant upset, but the entire point is that they are too extreme a minority for the current system to acceptably function. You would sadly lose those roles, but would gain perfect and everlasting fluency for the DD experience.

Probably due to the removal of needing separate fort/tyr weeks since theyre combined.

Inflated score per key instead of requiring 2x keys for the same dungeon for full score

I liked the old system although tyrannical weeks always made me hate everything

This isn’t how group content works.

Sure it is. Everyone has a job to play. Setting the pace has always been the tanks job until now.

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You think other people can dictate what you pull successfully? (Only to a very minor degree.)

Tanks still do set the pace. They just aren’t a one-man show that essentially exists as a separate party from the healer and DPS, which is never how they should have been in the first place.

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Well yeah, obviously. They never were.

Part of the issue is gearing.

You level through timewalking dungeons and you get 1~3 levels a run, which increases enemy stats.

But much of your own stats come from gear, and you only get a new piece of gear maybe twice in a dungeon.

By the time you’ve run 3 dungeons you’re 10~ish levels above where you started, but you’ve only gotten 6~ish new pieces of equipment, several of which are in the same slot.

This isn’t purely a tank problem, but since there’s only one tank in a dungeon a tank being undergeared hurts more than a DPS.

Combine that with the fact that the tank failing is more noticable than the healer, and you get an environment where tanks take the brunt of a problem that effects everyone using dungeons to level.

This leads to tanks who quit tanking around the time their gear falls behind, and longer queues for everyone else as a result.

Yep, I just don’t do it anymore.

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