So any plans to fix tank pop?

Horrible train of thought which makes for an even less engaging argument.
EVERY game, EVERY SINGLE ONE, has the aspect of dying/losing.

Trying to make it so tanks have next to zero losing conditions is stupid for the game and even more so for balance. This is why solo content is built to be no fail, and group content is built to have a group

No, but it will remove the responsibility for living with abilities.

That’s unfortunate, I was really hoping for an engaging argument.

I’ll entertain the idea then.

Tanks are now invincible, thus defensives are redundant. What makes them engaging since they can’t die?
I’m guessing we’re considering some major tweaks to a tanks “responsibilities” whilst in group content, so I’d love to hear what you have in mind.

same, Tanks are gods to dps /healers. They can do it all tank/dps/heal almost the same amount to the other roles. ON TOP having cc and utility

You’re really going to have to develop that response some more. Right now it’s incomprehensible gibberish, I can’t for the life of me figure out what you’re saying or responding to.

The tank shortage only really happens in lower end content.

Tanks don’t need design help in lower end content.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’ve just been doing patron orders (still need 2 slots filled for free repairs the rest of the expac) and piddling with world events for mounts, toys, etc. There’s no reason for me to push IO (this season anyway) or engage with the GV loot pinata for possible 3 ilevel upgrades. I’d assume a lot of tanks are in the same boat atm.

Being gatekept by lack of tanks posted by a druid is hilarious :joy:

Its always the tanking classes that are the ones complaining. Lol


Please explain for the group how one gets expansion long free repairs…

People legit gonna keep acting like tanks didn’t drop off extra hard after Blizzard nerfed them into not being fun anymore. There’s always been a shortage, but it’s gotten way worse.

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Weird, such a tank shortage that they’re having to bribe DPS and healers into playing.
“tank shortage”

Blacksmithing for plate wearers. Fill out all the armor points and your weapon. Each slot you fill in, get free repairs with master’s? hammer. Have to repair each piece individually, but free is free.

Well good to know. I was hoping it be something available to all.

But the shortage only seems to exist in lower end content.

This here I’ve tanked multiple expansions honestly was all I would do but God forbid a wipe a bad pull and it’s all downhill. Not to mention mythic+ now I’m forced to pull how everyone else wants id rather make my own path as I go and still get the job done every time. The community expects to much now and it just not worth it anymore. I’ll only do it if a guilty asks and we have a full group.


Thats why I stopped tanking. Bear has literally no DPS and takes ages to kill stuff. Its just not fun.

I don’t think that would help. Even if tanks were a little stronger individually, they still wouldn’t have any control over dungeons. That’s the real problem, imho. If I can pull 1 mob or 30 should depend on me as the tank. With the exception of prot Paladin, every tank is cursed to watch their group get decimated by chain casting mobs while they wait for their 15s kick to come back.

As long as someone else’s performance is the limiting factor in how big pulls can be, tanks will not come back. Doesn’t matter if they could tank the entire pull indefinitely while everyone runs back 1000 times. Tanks need to be able to control the pulls.

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This is kinda what I alluded to when I mentioned DH in DF. In DF, Tanks felt like they were far closer together in strength because they all had pretty decent control, it was just in different ways.

Prot had a million interrupts, but DK’s could chain grip stuff, Warriors had tons of stuns, Druids had a couple of different AoE CC’s, Brew had Sweep+ROP, DH’s had their sigils.

DH’s were head and shoulders above everyone else (at least til they removed double sigil), but it didn’t feel as bad to play a non-DH tank in DF as it does playing a non-Paladin tank now.