So any plans to fix tank pop?

Thing is, when stops counted, I had my stops to fall back on if I needed to do an AoE one or my interrupts were on CD.

This is still nonsense.

If I login right now and look under raids and filter for either normal or heroic NP, how many groups (fresh or otherwise) do you think I’m going to find that need a tank and of those, how many are 1/2 and sitting on at least 1 610-615 or whatever applicant in hopes a 630+ signs up?

If I look at mythic guilds recruiting, how many are desperately looking for tanks? At best, it’s almost certainly a bench spot for a tank they expect to need but don’t expect to prog with outside a niche fight. Tanks are very often expected to run as DPS until the current raid tanks get bored or jump ship.

The only “tank shortage” is content anyone with a modicum of skill quickly outgears/skills. I’m not afraid in the least to queue into a heroic or pop into LFR…what stops me is because there is literally nothing but perhaps potential mogs I can get…and if it’s queue content, there is an almost guaranteed chance, especially in LFR, I’m going to be badgered to give up anything I do get because clearly I do not need it and people in LFR especially think geared people exist to carry and funnel gear to them.

And the notion that DPS/healers are somehow incapable of knowing dungeon mechanics is absurd. When I play a DPS toon, I don’t suddenly forget what mobs have nasty casts or tankbusters or things that scare a tank. I don’t forget if we’re pulling too much or too little to make percent just like when I tank I suddenly am not mystified at mechanics DPS have to know/do. In fact, I do my best to plan my pulls not only for what I know what I can handle but even if I know what my DPS may have cooldowns and stuff saved up for.

You’re talking about raids where tanks only take up 2 spots in the entire raid team.

I’m also talking about keys where sure there is a higher need for tanks, but trying to pretend raids aren’t a thing is asinine. Tanks are a glut. Plain and simple. Just because a tank isn’t signing up to tank your random heroic isn’t indicitive of the role but rather the fact the rewards aren’t worth the miniscule effort.

If a DPS wants to whisper me and offer me 5k gold to queue and run a heroic with them and pays upfront, they’ll find they aren’t waiting at all to get their run in. Heck for 5k I’ll even toss them any blues and greens I loot.

None of my tanks touch dungeons or LFR. Why would I when I get get 2 days of t8 delves and get 3 vault slots of 616 hero track items? 4 of those runs I’ll have keys for a champion track item. Some of those give me vet warbound gear for future alts. Siren isle throws lots of gear at you if you can stomach the boringness of it.

Edit - And at 620, I often get declined on my tank alts for +8 keys. Anyone with RIO can see my main has the experience and at 620 is “overgeared” for what an 8 demands…yet they would rather decline and hope this late in a season a more geared toon signs up and as annoying as frick as that is, it’s their key and prerogative.

But that doesn’t mean there is a tank shortage…just tanks that meet absurd pug requirements or tanks that just settle and are content with less gear but guarantee since Brann isn’t declining to run Fungal Folly with me. Plus if I really wanted, I could just zip around whatever zone has the azeroth memories and do the stupid but also consistent crest upgrade for eventual 6/6 heroic (which I’m not too keen to do because it is boring).

You’re not talking about keys. In M+ keys, tanks are by far the hardest role to fill. That’s existed in the past, but it’s gotten worse, and will continue to get worse unless Blizz listens to the majority of tank feedback on the topic.

When it comes to filling raids spots, tank spots will take like 1/10th of the team. So raids are much less impacted if the tank pool is smaller because there’s less tank demand.

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If a 620 tank signs up to tank a mists 8 and gets declined, which happened to me as recently as last week, that isn’t a tank shortage. Expecting a tank to grossly overgear and experience a key is your or any group leader’s prerogative, but that comes with the expectation it’ll likely be longer to get someone “acceptable” to sign up.

And if you’re declining my 620 alts who I make sure gets linked via RIO, you aren’t getting my geared to the teeth main. Especially when he’s sitting on something like 600 something gilded crests with nothing to spend them on.

It’s late in the season. Very late even in fact. You should be taking what you get at this point (or maybe not you personally unless you meet the criteria of person in my post).

Or, you know, ping and pay me. Enough gold goes into that trade window and I can be persuaded to stop hunting down ore to do pug group content that otherwise has nothing of value for me.

Edit - Know what? For kicks and giggles I just logged into check. Looking at all the 7-9 keys had 12 groups needing a tank and 18 that was waiting for someone who wasn’t a tank.

Signed up to a +8GB (a dungeon I despise) and got declined by a 2200 IO MAIN at about 5 seconds (or at least RIO doesn’t show any other toon for them). That after I was done counting I scrolled back up and they picked up a prot paladin tank…color me le shocked.

They had a tank signup but chose to wait out for what they deemed someone better…system working as intended. Doesn’t mean there is a tanking shortage though. If anything, a shortage of people thinking 621 is too low for their oh so hard +8.

Could I slum it and run something that doesn’t give me gilded crests? Sure…not gonna though. Sucks to be them or maybe it won’t. Onus is on Blizzard to make doing lesser content worth my time and if I cared about said alt enough, doing runed dungeons to convert into gilded is a choice I suppose.

But nah he’ll do his patron orders and that’ll be that. 1 tank willing to do something down the drain for pugland for whatever that is worth.

This is my Blood DK. He’s currently 610 and I get accepted to random 8’s (solo) easily.

I’m sorry you were declined for an 8 mists, but it’s not refuting the tank shortage.

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see, i’d probably help fix the problem, but pandaren demon-hunters are’nt a thing so… nothing i can do to help this.

It was an 8GB (pretty sure it was mists last week) and I was a 621 monk. Almost certainly would’ve been the same thing if I did my bear at similar gear and no worries I’m not gonna lose sleep over it nor do I super care. If/when I pug my keys for 10’s, I’m usually not taking anything that isn’t 630+ because, quite frankly, I don’t have to. Pretty telling though that at 7-9, which for all intents and purposes 8+ is all that matters since gilded crests are the gatekeeper here, more than half the groups on a Saturday night at like 2:15 or whatever EST had more groups needing a non tank than tank is proof enough to my point that I care since that is what I base my point on.

Plus if there is any key this season I absolutely am fine never doing again it is GB. Eff those nonstop tankbusters. Eff that absurd timer. Super duper eff those red ogres. Super duper quadruple eff that 3rd boss and groups who think moving away from elementals is optional. Honestly last boss is cool. I like his revamp.

Delves don’t need tanks, and can be soloed. Why group?

Some classes/specs might have issues soloing, but a 2 man group will get them through. To me delves fall into that vision/torghast area, can be soloed, can be grouped, and sometimes it is better to solo as if you group you get the dingbat that blows all your lives by by being stupid.

Every issue with tanking/healing ultimately boils down to responsibility, and most of us don’t want it, especially when it comes with a large learning curve.

I know Veng fairly well, I could play it for an evening or two and get a feel for muscle memory of binds, etc. But relearning every dungeon this season from a tank’s perspective, and finding new and interesting ways to die every few levels of dungeon when things go from ‘you can ignore it,’ to ‘why did I die?’

That’s a lot of work. Easier to just vomit fel on packs of enemies and toss out an interrupt here or there.

Have you tried being nice to tanks or do you treat them like every other dps does?

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The tanking aspect of tanking, kinda requires dying to be engaging.

This. It’s a stressful situation especially for someone who solo plays and doesn’t really involve himself in guilds or spends any time in instances

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

I don’t see this as a problem and might not be fixable.

If you look at any game with damage dealers, healers and tanks. You will always see that the damage dealing characters, specs, classes, etc will out number the healers and tanks.

You’re not engaging anything while dead.

Then we might as well get rid of all active mitigation, and all defensive cooldowns.

Think it’s more that the other tanks aren’t given strengths that prot pal doesn’t have. Really brewmaster needs to have something added to its kit or maybe even a reduction on CD of ring of peace. Something that makes people want to bring a brewmaster

Will that allow people to engage things while dead?