So any plans to fix tank pop?

No it’s a fun thing. The tank shortage is worse now than it was in DF. This is bad not just for tanks but for everybody. Blizz should do everything in their power to make the game more fun for tanks, and they can start by listening to our feedback.


Then the level of the key shouldn’t matter. Drop it 2-3 key levels and go about your day. It’s truly that simple.

Yet there were more keys being ran on a daily average, now, compared to DF.

Group content should require a group. If you wanna be a one man power house: Delves

Key levels affect fun. Having to downgrade keys on purpose to try to make up for the tank tuning is still compromising the fun of doing keys.

Are you saying TWW has reversed the tank shortage? If not, this is irrelevant.

This was true in DF and does not refute the point that Blizz needs to listen to the current tank feedback.

You want an idea to fix tank pop? give tanks the ability to kick fools without a vote, and them doing so means the one can’t queue for dungeons till the next reset.

Seriously, I was on my DH (another tank toon) had a resto shaman in a ZF group that was running ahead as if he was the only one in the instance, he ran to witch doctor, I, and the group, went to Antu’sul, I told them to get back to the group, they responded with “why we killing that boss”, we downed both, though the witch doctor had a lot of adds because the shaman pulled it without the group.

I continued the instance as normal, even doing Bly, shaman said “so many boomer , tanks”. I whispered him afterwards stating that if the group had followed hi and not me, I would have let it slide but he was the fool that went ahead and acted like he was the only one that mattered. He then said I was irrrelivant and shold uninstall/kys, and threw in uptime for my demon spikes, something might not have had up due to not needing them.

So, in the eyes of many, tanking might fill up more if people like this were put in their place.

It doesn’t. If you’re above reward cap, but below title level play, then your level of fun is unaffected by key level

It’s not irrelevant, it’s disproving your claim that TWW has a greater tank shortage than DF

It wasn’t, as by the many complaints of tanks solo’ing the last 40% of bosses. And healers not feeling needed because there was nothing to heal. Any damage that went through were one shots (supposedly)

And in DF they were running 20+ full DK groups. So no outside healing from Rets and Spriests and Shamans. Straight DK’ing it

So you agree that my statement is true for the keys below reward cap. I’ll take that W. That’s more than enough reason for Blizz to revert the tank tuning.

So you think TWW has improved the tank shortage, not made it worse. Delusional.

No, because for keys below reward cap, you’ve got the power of overgearing like always. Being 636+ in a 10 is childs play (yet many 10s fail lol)

I’m saying there isn’t a tank shortage, DF or TWW.

Lol terrible argument. The game should be fun for tanks from the get-go. Telling tanks to just overgear the content is not fun. The solution is to listen to tank feedback.

Complete delusion.

It’s really not. Without having to sacrifice your key level, you just get more/better gear. And with the upgrade system and how fast gear falls (literally can fail upwards), it isn’t an issue.

Correct. And my feedback is that TWW > DF. Still self sustainable, just not indefinitely. Which is a good thing.

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As a long term tank, the biggest imbalance right now is in CC and utility.

I love playing multiple tanks, but it really hurts the motivation to gear/play another tank when it feels like Prot Paladin is just a strictly better choice (like DH was in DF) due to no other tank having half the tools for controlling stuff that they do.

You’re free to have that feedback, but I don’t think Blizz should take your feedback seriously compared to the resounding quantity of tank feedback saying the opposite.

And the majority of that “quantity” have no idea what they’re talking about. People claiming “tanks are weaker now. They’re squishier” - they’re literally not. Every tank gained a defensive via Hero Talents. “Took away tanks self sustain” - uhh no…can still self sustain if you know what you’re doing. Just can’t do it for 4 minutes straight.

If you want to be a solo wrecking ball that cannot die: Delves

I feel like every tank should have an interrupt integrated into an ability that’s part of their rotation, like Prot Pally does. I know interrupts should be a DPS job, but it feels too good to be able to do it myself as a Prot Pally, and I miss it when I play other tanks.

I don’t think you know what you’re talking about, either.

I feel this, but as a healer but only in Mythics. I’ve been blamed for people dying because they can’t get out of bad in time and get 1 shotted.

For all the DPS out there who are too stupid to run out of bad, if you died within 2 seconds after receiving damage, it’s generally your fault.


Basically there is nothing Blizz can do short of bribing tanks with glided crests for normal dungeons and LFR .

I wonder if Blizz can use AI companions for tanking Normal dungeons and LFR?

IMO the problem isn’t that Paladins have as many interrupts as they do, that used to come at the drawback of having less stops. It used to feel pretty rewarding chaining your stops as a tank to ensure that nasty casts wouldn’t go off.

But now? It just feels pointless because you’re not actually stopping that cast, you’re just delaying it.

Or giving tanks the ability to deal with problem DPS/healers on their own, no vote or whatevrer required.

Try being a Tauren protadin, AS, rebuke, warstomp and, if talinted, blinding light.

As someone who has played a prot pally for the better part of 15 years, I can tell you without a doubt, DPS players are mostly to blame for lack of tanks. There used to be structure to group dynamics but now it’s a lawless free for all with ridiculously toxic players. Personally, I’d rather spend my game time with people I enjoy playing with. Yes, there have always been toxic players but it’s so prevalent you can’t even ask a question in general chat without someone being rude.

In short, be a decent person that respects the roles in a dungeon and tanks will make a return.


Might not even have to respect the roles, just respect the group, I.E> no lone wolfs allowed, if you want to solo it, either do so or, if it is something you can’t., like TW, ask Blizzard to make a solo version for you.

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I mean compared to a DH with all their sigils, or a Warrior with a billion stuns? Yeah that felt fine in Dragonflight.