So any plans to fix tank pop?

You have grossly misunderstood everything you’ve responded to the last week or so, at least. Is your problem medical, psychological, or behavioral?

Does this happen alot? I’ve had the occasional twing run where people pull everything possible but for the most part people are fine to keep pace with me or will tell me to slow down a bit.

I don’t tank pugs anymore so I don’t know. It used to be that when you slow down to let an undergeared player catch up or god forbid let the healer drink, someone charges ahead and starts pulling.

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Are you a tank? If not, why not? You now have both the answer and solution you seek.

Yea and if you say anything you’re on the chopping block. I feel the unfair treatment of tanks really is amplified because groups can just kick the tank and get a new one almost instantly

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I’m generally pretty chatty in lfd groups as any role and i cannot think of a single time me being chatty has resulted in me being kicked. Hell the last time i got kicked was 6+ yrs ago and that was my irl friend trolling me.

It’s hilarious that this thread has plenty of “stop treating tanks like crap when they’re learning” posts, but is drowned out by “tanks wanna go fast give back their damage” posts.

Meanwhile, on the same page of General forum, is a thread titled something like “if you don’t tank or heal currently, what would make you try it out” and it’s pages full of “stop pulling for us when we’re still learning, stop crapping all over us if we’re not experts at the route, stop treating normal/heroics as if it were a +20 MDI instance”.

The answers are right there, deeps. If you have a queue problem, it’s your own fault.


If your DPS are being annoying, get through half of the dungeon and then say “brb bio” and then watch them mald.


I’m stubborn about that. I always say hello at the beginning, and thank you at the end. I think it’s the bare minimum for being a human.

i honestly didnt know people grouped for delves lol. i tried once and it didnt feel too good, but then again, they were terrible. yeah, what they did to tanks and healers is just ridiculous. i wouldnt even care if tanking and healing were more demanding roles, its just the avalanche effect of every misstep by the rest of the group cascading down one or two people is a problem other games just dont have, and their answer was to nerf them lol

Not at all.

You want to be able to pull to your abilities.
Which you can. But you refuse to adapt the classes abilities and want to be able to pull like you were able to in DF - you claim one while wanting the other.

Your inability to understand and adapt is why you feel like you can’t do it any more. It’s simple really. And I’ll slow it down again for you since you grossly fail to understand:

Learn to adapt

Or do you mean you want to be able to pull full rooms and still survive regardless of your skill?

lol ok. Whatever man. That’s one way to live your life I guess. Have fun beating that dead strawman.

I don’t usually put people on ignore, but you’re either unable or unwilling to have any kind of real conversation

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Typical, gets called out and has nothing to refute it with so ignore is the only option.

Talking about yourself in the third person is a little “meta” for you, isn’t it?

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We have adapted to TWW and have concluded that it is less fun than DF, so we would like to adapt back to DF tuning.

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Stop being a toxic whining jerk and tanks will start pugging again.

Otherwise, maybe roll a tank.

It’s not a matter of understanding with Grizzle, that fool always twists what people say just to have an argument. They’re not worth your time.

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That’s easy. Play at about 2 or 3 keys below the level and you’ve got it. It’s infinite scaling, it’s not hard to find the level you want to steamroll content. You werent in title level play in DF, so you don’t need to worry about trying to be title level in TWW.

Pick the easy content and go steam roll it.

I didn’t twist anything, I stayed right on topic with the things he said.

He said he wanted to control the pulls based off of what he (the tank) can handle. That’s exactly how it’s done now. You pull based on what you’re capable of because a healer can’t heal someone who’s dead.

But that’s not what he really wants. He wants to pull whatever he can and survive regardless of the size of the pull and whether he should be able to handle it or not. He doesn’t want to have to rely on a group in group content. He wants to be able to pretty much solo things, and only have DPS there to make things die faster.

And there’s content that caters to that mindset: Delves

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Playing 2 or 3 keys below is less fun. DF tuning would make it more fun without needing to compromise key levels.

If they returned to DF tuning, you can adapt to it too. Win-win.

But they don’t have to, to give you exactly what you want. Why do extra work when the solution is already there.

So it really comes down to an ego thing. Some arbitrary number on a key to make you feel good about yourself because it doesn’t matter if a the 12 you’re doing now feels like a 24 you did in DF, the fact that 24 is a bigger number is all you care about lol